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The assassination attempt of Trump is being memory-holed by the media with the 2nd Coming of Okama-la.

August 11, 2024

The Radicalization of Thomas Matthew Crooks

As the saying goes, "All's well that ends well." But does that include the attempted assassination of a former president who is also the leading contender for president this November?

The only reason the assassination didn't succeed was because of a slight turn of the head at just the right moment. Some believe (I do as well) that it was a miracle of God that saved Trump's life. But one thing that cannot be argued: Donald Trump was not saved by those responsible to protect him.

For the most part, the assassination attempt of Trump is being memory-holed by the media with the 2nd Coming of Okama-la, and the (stolen) valor of her VP. But for those who are still following the details of what happened this past July 13th, we are utterly shocked at the information that is coming out (and what is NOT coming out). And while all the agencies involved are currently in CYA (cover your ass) mode, it is becoming abundantly clear that the attempt was almost successful because of one or a combination of the following reasons:

a. the incompetence of those responsible to protect him

b. a deliberate allowance (camouflaged as incompetence) by those responsible to protect him

c. a direct participation by those responsible to protect him

The simpler a conspiracy, and the less people involved in it, the less likely a leak, and the greater the possibility of success. One can only imagine how hard it would be to get a large number of people -- let's say, 51 current and former intelligence officials -- to conspire together to say (right before an election) that Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation...

Hum. Maybe that's not a good example. Let me think of another one. How about Russia, Russia, Russia, or 2 impeachments, or the Whitehouse and DOJ working together to bring multiple Federal and State indictments against...

Hum. Now that I think about it, it would be much more consistent historically that the attempt on Trump's life would be a government conspiracy. And, unless they have a rock-solid plan to cheat and win this November, they are going to try again to take his life.

But let's put all that aside for now. Let's not talk about how Crooks could be on the radar for over 90 minutes, or how people were yelling that he was on the roof, or yelling he's got a gun. Or the local cop saying on body cam, “I f**king told them that they needed to post guys f**king over here… I told them that f**king Tuesday. I talked to the Secret Service guys. They’re like, ‘Yeah, no problem. We’re going to post guys over here.’” Let's put aside the different acoustic signatures of shots 1 through 3 from shots 4 through 8, and shot 9 (the SS sniper shot) shot 9 (EMS - the real hero), and shot 10 (the USSS sniper shot). Let's put aside all the conflicting stories from law enforcement and federal officials, and violations of standard investigation protocols.

For now, let's just put all that aside, and let's talk about this: If Crooks was the shooter, how did he end up on that rooftop? How was DOUBTING-THOMAS, TAX-COLLECTING-MATTHEW, CROOKS radicalized?

The idea that Crooks was radicalized by the media alone is possible. After all, for the last 8 years, the media has been claiming Trump was Hitler and was going to destroy the world.

It is also possible that Crooks acted alone as well, and was simply assisted by the incompetence of the Keystone Cops. (To us older folks, Keystone Cops means "bumbling, incompetent cops." But to the younger folks, it means two things that should be defunded.)

But I think this would be the more likely scenario: Crooks was radicalized with assistance, and assisted (on the day of the shooting ) by deliberation. At this point in time, this theory that would be harder to disprove than to prove. So consider this:

1) Crooks was ENLISTED via encrypted app by an agent (domestic or foreign) posing as a young girl who became interested in him. He doesn't seem like the kind of guy a girl would be interested in, so this would be euphoric for T.M. Crooks. She would claim to BE in a foreign country, to make it impractical to meet in person; and even if the agency(s) involved had the girl-asset, meeting in person would be risky and unnecessary. (Today's youth prefer the "simplicity" of virtual over real anyway.)

[Note: No doubt, they would have had multiple "hooks" on the line, fishing for young men who would take the bait. Crooks took the bait. But they would have had (might still have) other young men in the cue that were responding to the bait in various degrees.]

2) The RELATIONSHIP was built via texting, progressing to nude pics, sex-ting, etc., to gain complete trust and emotional dependency.

3) "She" would then progress to the RADICALIZATION process by saying things like, "I hate politicians. Don't you? I hate Trump. Trump is Hitler. You can save the world. Be my hero and the hero of the world. Everyone will remember your name forever."

4) She would have provided TACTICAL "suggestions" and ideas to Crooks: weapon to use, which rally (key), location to shoot from, what to wear (or "What will you be wearing?"), etc.

Crooks would believe he was acting alone, aided only by his "girlfriend" and whatever assistance/assets she might have provided.

I think the above scenario is far more likely than Crooks cooked up this crap contemporaneously. (Say that 50 times.)

If there were a 2nd shooter, he could have been the primary shooter (which would have confused Crooks considerably if the 2nd shooter shot first), or his job could have been to kill Trump if Crooks failed; possibly even to take out Crooks if the SS didn't. (Dead men tell no tales.) The information that I am most interested in obtaining at this point is the actual trajectory of all the shots and the forensics of each.

Regardless of whether there were a second (or more) shooter(s), and how much collaboration with Crooks the agencies might have had, I think the consideration of Crooks' radicalization will become an important part of filling in the blanks as more data comes in and is analyzed. The problem is, the information coming out is bullshii, and the good hard evidence is being destroyed.

(Check out the citizen's investigation and analysis of data as it continues to come in by Dr. Chris Martenson at https://peakprosperity.com/)


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