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the mic

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All's Well That Ends Well?

In The News...

Oct 21, 2024 - 15 DAYS!

The simple truth is: our greater responsibilities do not alleviate our lessor responsibilities. They order our priorities.

(i.e. Matt 23:23 "These ought ye to have done and not to leave the other undone." Matt 22:21 “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's...")

Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Love your neighbor as yourself... As we have opportunity, let us do good unto all...

It's really not so hard to understand. And there is no conflict here. There has never been a time in my lifetime that the clear choice between the opportunity to do good unto all, and to allow evil and lawlessness to flourish (even by default) was so clear.

TRUMP 2024

Oct 20, 2024 - 16 DAYS!

BREAKING: Trump now has a 93.2% chance of winning the Electoral College, according to RCP and Silver Bulletin polling. Also puts the popular vote at 49.2% Harris; 48.3% Trump.

The Dems only have one chance -- CHEAT! CHEAT! CHEAT! and I don't think that is even going to help them this time. TOO BIG TO RIG. As a matter of fact, they are already starting the narrative that WE are cheating and that Russia is helping us. Dems -- the coalition of liars, cheaters, and crooks (and people who can't define what a woman is, and men who think they are women.)

The only problem with this poll is -- I think Trump is going to win the popular vote this time too, which craps right on the Dems "eliminate the 'unfair' electoral college" narrative. So their cheating this time will be to try and win the popular vote so they can cling to that narrative, which fits right into the D.C./media bubble-think -- "there's more of us libs than those America First deplorables."

TRUMP 2024

Oct 17, 2024

The only reasons Kamala did the Fox News interview was:

1) it was a desperate Hail Mary for her failing campaign.

2) for an "End of democracy" sound bite for her buddies at MS-DNC, ABC, etc.

3) to sound "tough" in her filibusters.

4) To play the underdog victim of mean, unfair/unbalanced Fox.

TRUMP 2024

Oct 15, 2024

Everyone was caught off guard by the 2016 election, including the Dems. But the deep state was smart enough to have an insurance policy (as Peter Strzok put it) -- Russia, Russia, Russia.

After the 2020 election, only about 50% of Republicans thought cheating had flipped the election to Biden. That 50% was those of us who had seen the testimonies of election workers and poll watchers (some of them Dems). But since 2020, more and more has come out, and now, more like 90% of Republicans know what happened.

This time around they are not going to be able to hide things like Hunter's laptop, thanks to Elon Musk. AND, we are also ahead of the game on the election integrity issue to some extent this time around. But they are still going to cheat in every way they can. It's who they are -- a coalition of crooks, liars, freeloaders, and cheaters.

The 2024 election is less than 3 weeks away. Make it too big to rig.

Are Bill Clinton, Obama, and Joe, really out stumping for Kamala, or are they trying to destroy her in order to salvage what is left of the Democrat party, so that they might have a future in it?

Old Dem leaders thought they could ride the woke wave to power and victory. Now I think they are trying to jump the wave before it crashes and destroys the future of the party.

TRUMP 2024

Oct 13, 2024

The main reason the left chose Russia, Russia, Russia, was to deflect from China. Because China is their $upplier. Now they've driven Russia into the arms of China.

Their win-win is: Iran, Russia, China, and Dems all hate Trump, and Dems can keep blaming Russia and Iran for everything to "exonerate" China and themselves, while still keeping all their allies against Trump.

It's now good verses evil, folks. And all the evil is coalescing. Rinos still remaining in the Republican party are either:

a) trying to keep their seats in purple areas,
b) naive enough to think all is biz as usual, and don't see how corrupt the Dem part has become, or what is at stake,
c) are actually spies and saboteurs for the enemy (china/dems).

All the things Trump has done, and is currently proposing -- especially the types of tax cuts -- are going to help the middle-class tremendously.

But remember -- the Dems don't want to help the middle class. They want the rich ($ for themselves and for their donors -- FOR POWER) and the poor (for their dependency and votes -- FOR POWER).

TRUMP 2024

Oct 12, 2024

Give me your criminals, your insane,
Your Soros funded masses yearning to be free to rob, rape, and murder
The wretched refuse of your corrupt shores.
Send these, the lawless, contemptuous to me,
I lift my dress like a shameless whore!

The blatant racism of the Democrat party has always been to offer more free stuff to blacks to keep their vote. Is that who they think blacks are? Lazy people who want free stuff?

Obama is going complete fail to tell black men they should vote for Kamala because she is a black woman.

Black men don't want to be told to vote for someone. Black men don't want to be shamed into it because of their moms or grandmas, cause as much as they may loved them, they don't want to be back in the situation of being told what to do by them.

Unlike you, Barrack, they aren't going to vote the way your Marxist father did.

TRUMP 2024

Oct 11, 2024

Half-black brother out beggin for the half-black be-otch.

Pathetic. So much for the Obama legacy.

Bet Dems are now wishing they'd had a real primary. (Hint: Kami would NOT have won it.)

TRUMP 2024

Oct 10, 2024

Seems to me that the best way to become and remain a dictator is to tax people to death.

No tax on tips
No tax on overtime
No tax on social security
No inheritance tax
Corp tax rate of 15%! for companies who build in America and employ American workers.
No tax on car loan interest (announced today)

Oh, and if Trump is going to become and remain a dictator, why is he not taking our guns? Hum?

Trump is really failing... as a dictator.

TRUMP 2024

Oct 9, 2024

The fake media is no longer reporting. They are SELLING.

The key to selling is to emphasize the positives of the product you are pushing, while de-emphasizing or ignoring its weaknesses.

If you are selling a used car, and the tires are shot, you try to ignore the condition of the tires, and instead talk about how great the car runs, how nice the interior is, or how nice the paint job is.

The problem the media is having is: we've driven the OBiden/OKamala car for 4 years. And Kamala is saying she can't think of anything she'd change about it.

So now the media will ignore how bad the Kami kar sucks altogether, and just go back to dissing the other car you are looking to buy: "Well, his car is orange, and has mean tweets."

Yeah. But we've all driven the Trump car, and it was a damn nice ride. And no matter how hard they tried to run us off the road, we keep right on cruising.

So, yeah. I'm gonna buy the Trump car. It comes standard with low inflation and no WW3.

♫ ♪♫ I love it when we're cruzin together ♫ ♪♫

TRUMP 2024

Oct 5, 2024

TOO BIG TO RIG does more than just give us a chance to out-vote the cheat. It forces Dems to cheat beyond limits. It makes them extremely venerable to getting caught. It EXPOSES them.

I'm not praying they won't cheat. I'm praying they WILL DO what they do NATURALLY -- so that all can see who they really are and what they are really doing.

I'm not praying for the legacy media to be fair. I'm praying for them to be forced into COMPLETELY exposing themselves; for them to run down the streets naked pretending and shouting that they are clothed.

Let's do this Americans. Let's do this for the "the men who died, to give that right to me."

This is our chance to "gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today," so that our children's blood isn't traded to pump up the Cheney's stock portfolios.

If there ain't no doubt that you love this land and cherish the freedom we are losing, we must turn with all our hearts to the Lord our God, so that He can bless the USA.

TRUMP 2024 (and if Vance passes the apprenticeship, VANCE 2028 & 2032)

P.S. The deep-state will be cueing Tricky Nikki for 2028. I don't want her within a thousand miles of the presidency. The Deep-State tried to take Trump out days before he chose his VP, so that Nikki could be the nominee, and so that whoever won -- Nikki or OKamala -- they would have a person in place. I'm serious. I do not want Nikki Haley within a thousand miles of government power.

Oct 4, 2024

It's not a question of party labels, but do you support a limited government with elected officials who work within the constraints of our Constitution; OR do you support unelected bureaucrats making tyrannical decisions while making it look like we still have elected officials running the show.

The only way we can keep this from happening is if elections are honest. And the question should never be DID someone cheat, but CAN someone cheat.

It should be easy to get your money out of the bank when you need it. But it should be very difficult for anyone who is not you to get your money out of the bank. Same with elections.

If your bank president opposes audits, it's highly likely that there is cheating going on. Anyone who does not support obvious and redundant safety features in banks or in elections has an agenda. And that agenda is not to make it easy to get your money or to make voting easy.

TRUMP 2024

Sep 27, 2024

Polls show:

Most Democrats support limits.

Most Republicans support exceptions.

I don't believe in playing to the extremes of the party bases -- the 60 year old Republican who told me if she was raped by an illegal alien, she'd have the baby (like she could even get pregnant), or the lib women who wear their "I've had 27 abortions" t-shirts.

Sane Americans are NOT going to play your game.

Sane Americans do not want our Federal government to get more power. They want them to have LESS.

Those 81 million votes (my ass) for Joe in 2020 are creating a problem. Dems have painted themselves into a corner, cause now they are going to have to do at least that many for OKamala to "beat" Trump. 82 Mil?

And how many is Trump going to get this time? They are unsure.

See what they've done? Where are they gonna get more votes than registered voters?

Of course, they only need to do it in swing states. But what about downballot? They need the House and Senate. They are in a pickle.

And another pickle -- OKamala HAS to have Pennsylvania or she is done. But Trump has other ways to get there if he loses PA.

The media isn't even doing "influence polls" anymore. They are doing "face-saving" polls. Or "prepare for the cheat" polls. In fact, their initial polls showed Trump winning so strong, that they (living in their Trump-hating bubbles) thought their own polls were wrong, and changed their sampling method.

We must make it WAY too big to... hide.

Trump chose Pence because he thought he was a good man and could help with the evangelical vote. Pence did help with the evangelical vote, and he may have been a good man before he went Judas.

BUT, just imagine if Trump would have been assassinated during his first term. We'd be stuck with a white-haired male Liz Cheney, and probably for two terms. And we would have thought everything was just copacetic while the uniparty spread its tentacles even deeper.

Trump choose very wisely when he choose J.D. Vance as VP. If anything were to happen to Trump, this movement will not die.

Just think. Pence looked great, but betrayed the MAGA movement. J.D. Vance trashed Trump, but has become one of the strongest MAGA/Trump supporters ever. Reminds me so much of the records of Judas and of the Apostle Paul.

TRUMP 2024

Sep 26, 2024

Our constitution is amazing, but not holy. It was designed and implemented by relatively sane and moral human beings to protect human beings from GOVERNMENT!

Our constitution is an agreement based on an honor system that only works when honest and moral people honor it.

Our society has basically become: honest and ethical humans verses crooked and hedonistic human beings (that have flocked themselves together under the banner of the Democrat party). They are not sane or moral.

The Dem party is in total "breach of contract" of our constitution, and is in a full-on kinetic war (assassinations, lawfare, fraud, by any means) against WE THE PEOPLE.

We are endeavoring to honor our constitution and use it to root out the forces of evil from within our government. Winning this election is only the beginning of that process. But losing it could very well be the end of it.

Better make sure you have a full tank of gas. And if you are old, better be teaching young people what you know.

The idea behind a secure system is not necessarily to make it unbreakable. Because all systems can be eventually broken. The idea is to eliminate stealth -- to force people to make a shit load of noise and mess to try to penetrate it. It must also be audited on a regular basis, at key process points, to detect breaches.

The crooks have all flocked to the Dem party, and they are aided by foreign governments. (That's why they always accuse foreign governments of aiding their political enemies. Think: Hillary). They are NEVER going to stop trying to rob our political bank vault. So we must be constantly vigilant. But if we just lay our money and votes on the table and claim "it's the most safe and secure vault in the history of banks" don't be surprised if we get robbed again, and again, and again -- till everything that was ours is GONE. For good.

TRUMP 2024

Sep 20, 2024

Conservatives in Blue states have just gotten used to losing, so they don't even vote anymore. But by doing that, they kill momentum for conservative votes. Rome wasn't built in a day.

Rush Limbaugh used to say that polls this far out are just "influence" poll, designed to move the voter one way or the other, and that the pollsters would give more accurate polls as they got closer to the election so they wouldn't lose their credibility as pollsters.

But something is different this year. As seen from the recent Trump/Harris debate, the media doesn't care about their credibility anymore. They are going to play the influence polls all the way through, and even after, the elections. They are playing ALL their chips.

The media and their uniprty HATES Trump/US. So I don't trust their influence polls, no matter what they say.

If they say Trump is ahead, they are trying to get us to stay home thinking we have it in the bag.

If they say we are behind, they are trying to get us to stay home thinking there is no use.

If they say Kamala is ahead, they are setting up their cover for cheating.

Biggest game of a lifetime on Nov. 5th -- The Patriots v. The Stealers. SHOW UP, PATRIOTS.

TRUMP 2024

Sep 19, 2024

The elites are highly invested in the 50/50 narrative -- that we are a highly polarized society and that Trump and his 50% deplorables are the dangerous ones to "democracy," even though the Left are the ones committing acts of violence and installing their candidates without the consent of the voters.

The perfect example of this is a local ABC report I heard on the radio this morning. They were making a big deal out of the unions in the west breaking from the national union and endorsing Kamala, while down-playing the national unions' refusal to endorse anyone because the rank and file membership supported Trump by (wait for it) "over 50%."

This is SO DAMNED DISHONEST. Sixty-six (over 2/3rds!) is not a little over 50%. It is FILIBUSTER material. See how they lie by omission to polarize us!

I believe they do the same thing in their election fraud. I think this, in and of itself, is evidence of MASSIVE voter fraud. They surf the razor's edge while installing a massive base of voters through illegal immigration.

We have a massive civil war going on right now, and it is not between Dems and Republicans. It is between the elites and WE THE PEOPLE. But as long as they can convince us we are 50/50, THEY WIN!

TRUMP 2024

Sep 14, 2024

In-person Voting.
Paper Ballots.
Same Night Results.

It worked this way FOR YEARS! I've heard some (who want to cheat) offer the argument, "Well, we have a lot more votes to process now."


Last election there were 59 D.C. House races called DAYS after the election:

2 Race(s) called on day 16
1 Race(s) called on day 15
1 Race(s) called on day 14
1 Race(s) called on day 12
2 Race(s) called on day 10
5 Race(s) called on day 8
2 Race(s) called on day 7
7 Race(s) called on day 6
4 Race(s) called on day 5
7 Race(s) called on day 4
17 Race(s) called on day 3
10 Race(s) called on day 2

Does this look normal to you? And, of course, ALL the late races were in Blue States except for two - IA-03, where Repubs barely flipped the seat by .7%, and in AK where dems flipped the seat (which had been held by Repubs for years) by implementing ranked-choice voting.

AK 1
AZ 5
CA 27
CO 2
CT 1
IA 1
IL 1
MD 1
ME 1
MI 1
MT 1
NJ 1
NM 1
NV 3
NY 4
OR 3
PA 2
WA 3

We all know what is going on.

TRUMP 2024

Sep 11, 2024

Sept 11, 2001 -- and the NYT headline, "Why do they hate us?"

Jan 6, 2021 -- and the ongoing unconstitutional, cruel and unusual punishment for misdemeanor, trespasser protestors and selfies-takers, who were waved into the Capitol by police (many who never even entered the Capitol) for the express purpose of creating a "right-wing insurrection" narrative and to condemn any talk of auditing the results of an election as TABOO and "undemocratic."

July 13, 2024 at 6:11:33 PM EDT -- the attempted (and thwarted by El Shaddai) assassination of the leading Presidential candidate by the uniparty deep-state.

Anyone who has been in debate club, etc., know the moderators don't "fact check." The debaters are supposed to do that to each other.

BUT, if you are going to fact-check Trump 7 times, fact check OKamala's b.s. (which were at LEAST 7 fold).

I still say the legacy media is suicidal. But the problem is, they are like the "religion of peace" and the angel of light -- they are insistent on taking as many with them as they can.

As far as I'm concerned -- I've done everything I know how to do with the lifeboats. They are drowning, and refuse to get in the boat because it is ORANGE. And they don't like orange.

Speaking of orange... REMEMBER LOT'S WIFE. She was a suburban woman too.

Trump just gets up and tells the truth. He is just himself. What he says and believes, he was saying 20-30 years ago, and there are plenty of CNN Larry King interviews, and Oprah interviews, and David Letterman interviews to prove it.

What Kamamelion believes has also been very well documented on many, many videos. And it is NOT the same as she is saying now. Truth is, there IS no REAL Kamala.

OKamala's owners are running a very scripted, rehearsed psyops. I wonder how many psychologists were involved in the way she did her makeup (very different this time, did you notice?), the way she dressed, and the over-rehearsed, scripted answers and gestures). But I think they drilled her just a little too hard. But, then, I would imagine she's used to that.

TRUMP 2024

Sep 10, 2024

If OKama-la gets no salad dressing from the moderators for her word salad in tonight's debate, and it becomes obvious that Trump is the clear victor, Kamala and her team (or should I say, The Team and their Kamala) will be onto their October surprise -- her assuming the presidency via the 25 amendment, and World War 3.

Even CNN seems to be waking up to the fact that if OKamala wins, they'll be working for her instead of her working for them.

Is that what's going on? Are the lefty networks realizing they are losing control of what they thought was theirs?

Let's send a few Haitians refugees to their neighborhoods, just to make sure.

Ever wonder why the uniparty (think Dems, Cheney, Kinzinger) hang on so tightly to the Jan 6 "insurrection" narrative? Congress was in the middle of a vote to either certify, or to hold certification for an investigation into fraud. The "insurrection" interrupted that process, and the fraudulent election was certified.

Now they can cheat even bigger, and if we object, they just scream "insurrection" again, and put anyone in jail (except for Dems) who even suggest there was cheating.

See how it works?

TRUMP 2024

Aug 31, 2024

For the last 8 years, the press has been ever so happy to publish/present anything even slightly scandalous on Trump, but when he was exonerated ON EVERYTHING, at best, they had a side note on page 17 on the exoneration. And their side note was always something along the lines of, "Well, we really don't know for sure," instead of "We were dead wrong!"

The legacy media has been happy to coast on the journalistic reputations of Walter Cronkite, Mike Wallace, etc.

Do you really believe anyone should trust you PoS?

TRUMP 2024

Aug 30, 2024

Never forget -- it's NEVER really about the issue with Leftists, no matter what that issue is (abortion, green new deal, etc.). It's ALWAYS about centralized power -- having one control center where one person or group of elitists can control everyone and everything.

People who crave power want centralized government. Only ignorant and weak people -- people who have been convinced they can't control their own circumstances - want to be controlled by others.

Kamala voters (who want gov to run everything) seem to have only one unifying factor: ORANGE MAN BAD! And the strategic implementation of this indoctrination by those in the D.C. Club, began the minute Trump walked down the escalator; when a person whom the left previously loved, suddenly became a racist, "Putin loving," misogynistic, xenophobe, homophobe.

The sole purpose of this brainwashing campaign was to protect those in the control room of centralized power, and to keep that power from WE THE PEOPLE.

Their success among impressionable young people is not surprising. But the effortless manipulation of white, suburban women is very disappointing. Women have been conned into thinking they have no power, and through the con, have been convinced to use their power (by default) to destroy America.

We need MORE, true women heroes -- like Esther, Rehab, Deborah -- to rise up again, or the Trump-Haters are going to follow Jezebel right over the cliff this November. And the results will be catastrophic for our children, our country, and our world.

TRUMP 2024

Aug 26, 2024

The decision to make tampon Tim the VP was not political. It was a well researched psychological decision. It was specifically to keep this critical demographic for Dems -- women who hate alpha males like Trump.

I told everyone long before Kamala chose her VP running mate that it would not be a woman, a black, or a gay/lesbian; that she would choose a white, hetero, beta male as a symbol of revenge for "strong" alpha, man-hating women; someone to wipe her boots on for being "forced" to sleep her way to the top.

This was a wise decision on Dem's part. And the truth is: this demographic is not Trump's fault, and there is probably very little he can do that is honest and truthful to win this demographic. It is a fault of culture, and the bill of goods that has been sold to woman in the form of "feminism." They have swallowed the Kool-Aid. And I doubt there is anything that can be done to win them. We'll need to use our resources to make up the difference in other demographics.

Many of these women don't have children, so they don't know what it's like to care about someone more than themselves. Some of these women who do have children, want their children to be like themselves, and not like their fathers (unless their fathers are beta).

To these women, the word patriotic is too connected to the word patriarchy.

It is a sad situation. But it is not new. REMEMBER LOT'S WIFE.

TRUMP 2024

Aug 25, 2024

The media and intel agencies are being eerily silent about the attempted assassination of President Trump; much like the Dem candidate for president is being silent about her policies, or anything else for that matter.

They've been obscuring things that don't need to be hidden, because they're not sure what their final narrative will need to be -- that is, they don't yet know how much we already know and can prove.

Because there is so much cell phone data out there now, and because we have an army or former intel agency/law enforcement people who are honest and want to know what the hell is really going on, we are having to play cat and mouse with our own agencies.

The same thing is happening with election integrity.

If our elections can be nullified by a single virus, a single "resignation," or even by a single bullet, WE DO NOT HAVE A "DEMOCRACY."

TRUMP 2024

Aug 24, 2024

It is funny to see Oprah pull a 180 on Trump. The most enlightening thing is: If you go back and listen to the policies Trump has voiced on camera for the last 30-35 years, he is still saying the exact same things as when they all loved him.

I used to like Oprah. But I stopped listening to Oprah when she did a show on "being gay," and made the statement that, "God made gay people gay."

That is an absolute lie. And of course, she had on the show an inarticulate, emotional Christian teenager try to defend the Biblical position that "homosexuality is a sin," who cried all the way through her speech of, "I don't know why. It's just wrong." It was a total setup.

The Bible says homosexuality is a sin. And, like any sin -- stealing, adultery, etc., -- God doesn't MAKE you sin. The girl was right when she said, "It's just wrong." God's command of, "This is the way; walk ye in it," should be sufficient, since it is not in the person doing the walking to direct their own steps. They need an accurate MAP.

However, God does give (many) arguments about why it's a sin, and also specifically associates homosexuality with the self-destructive violation of the first and great commandment -- having no other gods before Him -- worshiping someone or something that God created as God - forsaking the fountain of living waters. And as with the sin of idolatry, there is a religious fervor and blindness associated with homosexuality -- namely: you are passionately convinced you are right, even though dead wrong. Thus, Oprah substituting the truth of God with a lie -- "God made me gay."

What I just said (speaking God's Word) will get you jail time in England.

All that being said (it's the truth), I have no problem making a political alliance with anyone to take this country back from the commies, anymore than Abraham had a problem of allying with the King of Sodom to take back their people and stuff from an invading army.

TRUMP 2024

Aug 19, 2024

Planned UnParenthood has announced they will be offering free abortions and vasectomies at the Democrat Convention this week.

The left wants to create a Hedonistic army of people who don't care about anything but themselves.

They don't want people to know the feelings that overwhelm one when they hold their baby in their arms and know that they would, without reservation, die for that child.

Nope. They want people who are willing to die for hate. Hate of Christians. Hate of Trump. Hate and resentment for even being born. An army of hate and resentment and revenge.

Most of the world had already abolished slavery by 1804 when the Northern states abolished it. The South would have caved eventually from international pressure and industrialization.

Almost 700,000 lives lost to "free" the slaves? And where did the slaves run to? To the slavery of the Dem party -- many to big government jobs.

WTF did we accomplish? Further proof that war seldom accomplishes anything.

TRUMP 2024

Aug 17, 2024

For the most part, people are a result of the love they've been shown (or not shown) and their fears.

Most on the left are fueled by hate, resentment, revenge, and fear. Most on the right are fueled by love and confidence, and the desire to build something for themselves, their families, and others.

But the only lasting, mitigating factor for anyone of any persuation in life is the Love of God in Christ Jesus.

Isaiah 53:4-5:
Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.


Aug 12, 2024

Congressman Jamie Raskin (D) has suggested that should Trump win this November, that he should be denied the presidency via the 14th and 20th amendment.

So much for free and fair elections. So much for the peaceful transfer of power. So much for "democracy."

He is also suggesting all involved in this coup should have their security details beefed up to protect themselves. Is he talking about private security, or does he trust the incompetence of the Secret Service that was on display in Butler PA on July 13th? OR does he know something about the SS and Butler that we don't know?

TRUMP 2024

Aug 11, 2024

New article up.

TRUMP 2024

Aug 10, 2024

Muslim nations consider the USA the Great Satan. Meanwhile, the Democrat party is actually embracing perverted, satanic polices, that MAKE the USA satanic and that are contrary to every world religion, including Islam.

And here's the real kicker: American Muslims overwhelmingly vote Democrat. Possible reasons why:

1) Free stuff is more important than upholding the principles of Islam.

2) They are allying with the Dem party so that when America is destroyed, it will become a Muslim nation.

I would lean toward #2. And keep in mind Lefties, if that happens, not one LGBTQ+ will be left alive. Or Jew. Or Christian. Or even Muslim, if they are of a peaceful sect.

The hateful cannibalize each other when all other objects have been eaten.

TRUMP 2024

Aug 9, 2024

They don't care if the stock market crashes, as long as they are in power. If they aren't yet in power, or their hold on power seems shaky, then they'll pump up the market to make it look like things are great. But once they are in power, they would prefer the market crashes, to give themselves even MORE power.

The money we send to Washington is what gives them power. That's why they want to raise and raise taxes and spending and debt, and why they will never let it go.

If we ever say, "No more. We are DEFUNDING you," they will just confiscate businesses.

We are already a totalitarian country - a two-sided coin of Left-Communism and Right-Fascism back to back. The political scale is not linear. It is circular. Communism and Fascism is just the hairline difference in the circle where the two meet.

TRUMP 2024

Aug 5, 2024

Quote of the day: "Unburdened by the BJs I gave to Willie Brown for political promotions, and seeing what can be by giving BJs to America for.. political promotions."

We have nearly half of the American electoral (who didn't even VOTE from Kamala) who are ok with an incompetent political class (who has accomplished NOTHING in the private sector and who continue to show themselves incompetent on a daily basis) running more and more of their lives.

And remember -- they are perfectly ok denying the actual pain they are experiencing in their own lives, because a gas-lighting media is showing them charts and graphs that say, "Relax. You're doing just great!"

Rom 11:18: (According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear;) unto this day.

Sleep on, oh "woke" ones.

Most of us have tremendous daily pressure on us to accomplish the job of caring for our families. But in those tasks, we don't have the additional pressure of knowing someone is trying to kill us to keep us from accomplishing those tasks, or know that those responsible for protecting us are either incompetent or are trying to accommodate that bullet taking us out.

Eight years of hoaxes, lies, concocted felonies/concocted felon, and gas-lighting.

Four years of "incompetence" on display by Biden from Afghanistan to a wide open border, and you have people that still don't get it?

And then you have people suddenly pretending in a election year that they are doing something about it? or would do something about it if only those evil Republicans would just let them?

How blind can you be? How blind has Orange-man hatred made you? (And remember -- EVERYONE including Hollywood and Dems -- loved Orange man before he can down the escalator.)

How much of a threat WE THE PEOPLE must be to the RULING CASTE.

TRUMP 2024

Jul 22, 2024

The American left is playing with a very dangerous and delicate balance. Some on the left would take it over the cliff today if they could, while the smart ones on the left realize they don't yet have the control they need to pull the trigger (no pun intended?), especially after last Saturday.

For the most part, the smart ones know they either need to quietly subdue us (with things like voter fraud) or to turn public opinion against us (Jan 6th). But NOTHING they've tried is making that happen. No "Concocted Felon." No nothing.

They obviously knew they couldn't win with Joe. But Kamala? Now they are really getting desperate, and desperate people can be very dangerous. They'll either pull the trigger, or do everything they can to provoke us into doing it. Imagine what our enemies would do if that were to happen.

As of Sunday night, the social media narrative they are pushing is, how brave Joe was to step down (when the leaders in their own party FORCED him to) and how excited they are about Kamala (even knowing she polls HORRIBLY among democrats). She's suddenly become "Trump's worst nightmare" according to them.

She's receiving many endorsement from her party. But endorsements don't equal delegates and the nomination. And Dems have super-delegates, which can upset the whole apple cart.

But the real elephant in the room is Barrack and Nancy. [crickets]

Truth is, Kamala sucks (no pun intended) and they have no one to replace her. Hillary would do it in a heartbeat, and even though she has endorsed Kamala, would have no problem stabbing Kamala in the back for even the smallest chance to have her revenge against Trump (and the rest of her party).

The party is in disarray, no matter how much they pretend. Unless Barrack has something up his sleeve, the presidency is gone, and the shift will be to keeping the Senate, and recovering the House so they can resume the impeachments (and playing with fire) once Trump is back in office.

By the grace of Almighty God, I believe they will fail, and that we will Make America Greater Than Ever Before - MAGTEB!

TRUMP 2024

Jul 21, 2024

DJ and JD vs. JB and BJ?

♫ They say a politician is flesh and blood
Deceive THE PEOPLE and your name is mud
If you use your office to empower yourself
Then WE THE PEOPLE will put you on a shelf

[chorus] A load of Jan 6 shii, and soon you will feel
A blindfolded lady and her sword of steel
One system of justice, one standard for all
Pervert that standard and she'll bust your balls

You were formed one morning where the sun didn't shine
You pushed Jim Jordon and Banks out of line
You chose a warmonger, and a rino who cries
An unselect group who told nothing but lies


Here come THE PEOPLE and we know that you lied
We'll find the evidence that you tried to hide
Justice means a prison where you'll pay your debt
If you ask when you'll get out, we'll just say, "Not yet."

[chorus] ♫

TRUMP 2024

Jul 20, 2024

Burn down the church of a Trump supporting pastor? Seriously? Twenty million Evangelicals didn't vote in the 2020 election, and you think this won't get out the vote?

I realize Trump isn't Jesus by any stretch, but the Trump hatred we see is eerily similar to the hatred the powerful had for Jesus.

What happened to Donald Trump last Saturday was miraculous. Those in power don't like "miracles." It scares them and threatens their domain.

Remember after Lazarus was raised from the dead? Luke 11:53: "Then from that day forth they took counsel together for to put him to death."

Last Saturday wasn't the end of the madness. It was the beginning.

There is much more at stake here than politics. PRAY WITHOUT CEASING. DON'T BE WEARY OR FAINT. HARVEST IS COMING.

Some Christians don't seem to understand the difference between a political party and a church. So let me explain:

One is an alliance similar to the one Abraham formed with the king of Sodom to get their people and stuff back.

One is (should be) a place you can go to get healing if you want it and are willing to accept it.

Keep the horse before the cart and you'll be just fine.

TRUMP 2024

Jul 19, 2024

Seems like the RNC is morphing into a welcoming and loving family, while the DNC is being consumed by a hateful mob.

The new RNC motto: If you bite and devour one another, take heed that you be not consumed of one another.

The new DNC motto: Orange Hitler man BAD! (This includes some uniparty "Republicans" who don't get the limelight and perk$ anymore.)

It's important to understand that Trump has inspired courage in some rinos to actually step up to become patriots. He believes in people and inspires their better selves. But remember his courage and his challenges also expose the weak.

He is one tough S.O.B., and he is also one very hard worker. So weak crybabies and mentally lazy grifters do not do so well in his company, and I can understand why they might not like him.

Watching the Gold Star families of the botched Afghanistan withdrawal on stage just emphasized how horribly wrong things can go when incompetent and uncaring people are in charge. And right now Americans are getting sick and tired of ideologues that are incompetent and/or deliberately destructive.

Ideology cannot be exalted above competence. If you can't tie your own shoes, it doesn't matter how "caring" and virtuous you may consider yourself.

TRUMP 2024

Jul 18, 2024


TRUMP 2024

Jul 17, 2024


Those Democrats who are "Never-Biden" have no personal dislike of Joe. They love his lack of morals and his policies. They just don't think he can win.

The never-Trumpers say, "Sure Trump instituted some conservative policies, but he has the morals of a Democrat.”

Their solution? Vote for the guy who has the morals AND policies of a Democrat.

But I don't buy their disingenuous premise, anyway. They are just a bunch of D.C. uniparty clubbers, pissed that they can't make a living anymore fleecing uniparty candidates with consulting fees.

TRUMP 2024

Jul 16, 2024

My dad worked most of his life as a flour miller. Before that he worked as a taxi driver (in a town barely big enough to need a taxi), and then as a truck driver, to take care of a wife and two small children, before he landed his job at the flour mill and I was born.

My dad told me the day he got his job at the mill went like this: He went into the mill office, and there were two men waiting ahead of him. The person in charged asked how he could help the men, and they said, "Were looking for a job."

The man told them, "I don't have anything."

They left, and he looked at my dad and said, "I suppose you are looking for a job too."

My dad said, "No, sir. I'm looking for work."

The man hired my dad on the spot.

My dad was a company man, and he hated the unions. He said the union men were lazy and entitled. And yet, he was a Democrat (up until Reagan). He said the Dem party "fought for the little man."

I'm not a big union fan myself. They destroyed the auto industry in the 70s. They seem like the model for organized crime that we now see in our government, as they became too powerful. Their very nature lends itself to big business and corruption.

But at one time in our history, they were a force for good. Let's hope they can be that again.

TRUMP 2024

Jul 15, 2024

After Saturday, Trump has become unbeatable. He probably was already unbeatable before that, but the risk of an "encouraged" or direct assassination attempt (more on that later) completely backfired on them - thanks to God, and God alone.

So what is the possible Dems' battle path forward (outside of another assassination attempt)?

1) Shift all resources to Senate and House races to try and block Trump's/WE THE PEOPLE'S agenda.

If that doesn't work, and it may not,

2) they have to blatantly cheat, and then try to law fare their way out of it (which I don't think will work either).

Re: The shooting:

How many of these mentally unstable shooters are being given tactical advice and encouragement to do their deeds by "anonymous friends" (agents, domestic or foreign) on the internet.

Why can't they get into the shooter's phone? If it were a Jan 6th trespasser, they'd be in already.

Where did the ladder come from? Did someone promise the shooter it would be there?

The people who were in the building that the shooter used said NO SECURITY talked to them prior to the event. Why?

Why were warnings -- given a full 5 minutes before the shooting from MULTIPLE people in the crowd about "a man with a gun crawling on top of the building" -- ignored by police and SS?

So many questions. Wray's FBI will cover them up.

The most iconic thing about this photo is, Trump had just yelled to the audience, "Fight! Fight! Fight!" not knowing if those words would be the last words he ever spoke to us.

Then on top of that, the humanity of Melania's words in her public letter... so moving.

Contrasting all this with grifters Joe and Jill, just makes them seem so petty and so small.

It is a miracle that Trump is alive. And I keep thinking about when Lazarus was raised from the dead, how the people's heart began to turn en masse. However, this just made the leadership in Jerusalem double-down on getting rid of Jesus.

No, I'm not comparing Trump to Jesus. I'm comparing the deep state to the Scribes and Pharisees. They have the same devils. Maybe the EXACT same ones.

TRUMP 2024

Jul 10, 2024

George Clooney just dumped Biden after raising $30 million for him last week.

Sounds like Biden will not only be removed from being the candidate, but from the presidency as well, via the 25th. Kamala will become president and the incumbent candidate for 2024. She is the only person who can legally use Joe's $200 million war chest.

Sounds like Barrack gave the green light on dumping Joe. He probably got pissed when Joe threatened him with the "gay" dirt that Hillary gave to Joe. Hillary was thinking she would step in as Joe's VP, and as president once Joe became incapacitated in office.

Now Barrack is pissed at Joe AND Hillary.

TRUMP 2024

Jul 9, 2024


1. Seal the border, and stop the migrant invasion

2. Carry out the largest deportation operation in American history

3. End inflation, and make America affordable again

4. Make America the dominant energy producer in the world, by far!

5. Stop outsourcing, and turn the United States into a manufacturing superpower

6. Large tax cuts for workers, and no tax on tips!

7. Defend our constitution, our bill of rights, and our fundamental freedoms, including freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to keep and bear Arms

8. Prevent world war three, restore peace in Europe and in the middle east, and build a great iron dome missile defense shield over our entire country — all made in America

9. End the weaponization of government against the American people

10. Stop the migrant crime epidemic, demolish the foreign drug cartels, crush gang violence, and lock up violent offenders

11. Rebuild our cities, including Washington dc, making them safe, clean, and beautiful again.

12. Strengthen and modernize our military, making it, without question, the strongest and most powerful in the world

13. Keep the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency

14. Fight for and protect Social Security and Medicare with no cuts, including no changes to the retirement age

15. Cancel the electric vehicle mandate and cut costly and burdensome regulations

16. Cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, radical gender ideology, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children

17. Keep men out of women’s sports

18. Deport pro-Hamas radicals and make our college campuses safe and patriotic again

19. Secure our elections, including same day voting, voter identification, paper ballots, and proof of citizenship

20. Unite our country by bringing it to new and record levels of success

TRUMP 2024

Jul 8, 2024

There are two things that really are striking me in light of our current situation and culture:

1) Battle hardened Soviets could not make communism work. Why do soft, spoiled liberals think they can?

2) When we fought WW2 (on 2 fronts!), it was not a slam-dunk by any means. But our country was filled with tough patriots who were dedicated to God Almighty and the principles of freedom. This was our edge.

Who do our spoiled, college-educated, rich brats, who suddenly are in favor of war, think is going to rescue them if we get into a world war? And especially so, seeing as their pansy ilk seem to have taken over all the institutions necessary to win wars? Is it the men marching down the street in woman's clothing/no clothing, that are going to come to the rescue?

Our spoiled, entitled generation is in for some real surprises. Liberal idolatry, even patriotic idolatry, will not save them/us.

TRUMP 2024 - for such a time as this.

Jul 7, 2024

There is no question that dirty and vengeful Hillary would love to be Joe's replacement -- not only get back at Trump, but also to get back at her own party and establish herself again as head of the party.

I'm sure she has enough dirt on everyone in her party to bring them all down. But she also makes a lot of money off of her party via her so-called global initiatives. And there's the matter of the Clinton legacy. So I don't think she'd sink her own ship. But then again...

Michelle keeps saying she doesn't want it. So, if the plan is to replace Joe with Michelle, then it will be done as late in the game as possible (while the process of destroying Joe continues) to create a hero-rescue "high," hoping that will encourage turn-out and carry the party across the finish line.

But then there's the matter of Obama's legacy. Michelle LOSING, would not only destroy Democrat morale, but also Barrack's legacy. And they might not be willing to risk that.

Gavin is campaigning for Biden, meaning for himself. The fact that it's in Michigan may involve Gretchen Witch-mer in some way.

Whatever their plans, they are in a real mess.

TRUMP 2024

Jul 6, 2024

Unless Democrats can pull off another cheat, they've lost the presidency. They should just let Joe go to the slaughter, and put ALL their money into holding the Senate and minimizing their losses in the House.

And cheating? They seem REALLY nervous this time. Of course they are going to try, but I think they are doubtful about being able to pull it off this time. This will be quite evident when they lose this November, and start yelling "the election was stolen."

TRUMP 2024

Jul 5, 2024

When you move power away from the federal government, you move it back to the states, back to the localities, and back to the people - WHERE IT'S BELONGS!

This is what has allowed us to live together as THESE United State of America, while using the Federal government for what it is best at -- national defense (NOT subsidizing liberal failures).

"Oh, what about protecting rights?" Ha! The federal government has already abandoned protecting our individual bill of rights, and is taking them away from us by creating protected "classes."

The civil war could have been settled without the deaths of over a half-a-million Americans. Most of the world had already ended slavery. The North had ended slavery by 1804, and had began to industrialize. Economic and political pressures from the North and the rest of the world would have eventually caved the confederacy.

The recorded 618,222 deaths (360,222 Union deaths, 258,000 Confederate deaths) accomplished what?

Peaceful processes, in which freedom of speech is key, take longer than war and censorship. But the damage and deep resentments war and censorship create are too costly and only perpetuate conflicts.

TRUMP 2024

Jul 4, 2024

I'm trying to figure out what really unites these lefties besides, money, power, and politics. Because it's not things like racial justice and climate change -- those are just the tool$ of their trade.

Yeah. I've figured it out. It's money and power, via politics.

Figuring out what unites MAGA isn't hard. And it isn't Trump. It's families. It's children. It's jobs. It's safety and sanity. It's making America great again. And on that, we are united with Trump.

We will be here long after Trump is gone. So get used to it, libs.

P.S. For now, does anyone really think these loonies/patients are just going to go back into their padded cells when we win? We need a lot of Orderlies. And a lot of ICE.

TRUMP 2024

Jul 3, 2024

Ask you doctor if OTrumpic is right for you.

Black Job: any job needed or wanted by a black person that was instead taken by an illegal alien.

All you rich actors, and rich black professionals, don't seem to get it. Liberal run education system created this problem. Instead of educating black youth, they decided to pass them when they couldn't read or write, because to do otherwise would be "racism."

So many "little people" look up to Hollywood. Yet Hollywood has ALWAYS been worse than/behind us on every issue - racism, sexism, perversion, pedophilia, hypocrisy, income "inequality." And they are always the first to preach.

Why would anyone look up to that?

TRUMP 2024

Jul 2, 2024

For over 200 years, presidents have had immunity for official acts; no immunity for non-official acts.

But now the Supreme Court changed all that and decided that: presidents have immunity for official acts; no immunity for non-official acts.

How Radical!

As we move further and further away from that "document written by a bunch of old, white, racist, Christian men," any attempt to get BACK to the constitution is viewed by liberals as (Adam Schift puts it), "dangerous, anti-democratic, and unprecedented."

The left has reached a critical point on censorship -- damned if they do; damned if they don't.

People are finally realizing they ARE censoring and are pissed and wondering what else have they been hiding. But on the other hand, it's too late NOT to censor, because they can't afford for the light of truth to come out and expose their darkness.

They've "decided" (as in, they have no choice) to go out by fire.

These are very dark times, but I think we are very close to sunrise. And that should scare those who are "of the night."

TRUMP 2024

Jul 1, 2024

The purpose of our Constitution is to protect EVERY individual and their rights from government.

It is NOT to empower government to go after individuals and their rights.

Three justices always seem to protect government over the constitutional rights of WE THE PEOPLE.

When liberals start losing again, then they will start yelling INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, like they used to 50-60 years ago.

It's OUR job and the job of our elected officials to MAKE THEM LOSE.

TRUMP 2024

Jun 30, 2024

Trump is around people all day long who LOVE LIFE and love sharing life with people. They love the things life has to offer. They love building things. They appreciate things done in excellence, no matter who does those things. They love family. They love CHILDREN.

On the other hand, Democrats are around others like themselves, who hate life, and blame others as the reason why they don't enjoy life. Among themselves, they've been able to relabeled that very hate, blame, and resentment as "love for people." That's how they can think of themselves as "caring."

But the truth is, they don't care about the little guy. Instead of actually helping a confused kid who thinks he's a girl, they are the ones that promote the confusion to begin with, and then say that anyone who doesn't support mutilation madness is evil. (They actually make $ off of it too.)

It doesn't surprise me that many liberals today are spoiled, rich white kids, who are just clones of millionaire, Bernie Sanders, mimicking, "It's the billionaires and the millionaires fault! - for EVERYTHING!"

Liberals don't enjoy life. They don't even enjoy sex, which they talk so much about, but have less ACTUAL SEX than conservatives -- which kind of makes me wonder if the "abortion as contraception" issue is as phony and as purely political as climate change.

When you move power away from the federal government, you move it back to the states, back to the localities, and back to the people - WHERE IT'S BELONGS!

This is what has allowed us to live together as THESE United State of America, while using the Federal government for what it is best at -- National defense.

"Oh, what about protecting rights?" Ha! The federal government has already abandoned protecting our individual bill of rights, to taking them away from us by creating protected "classes."

I believe the civil war could have been settled without the North/Republicans sacrificing themselves and killing all those South/Democrats who were trying to hang onto their slaves. The North had already ended slavery by 1804, and had began to industrialize, but the South decided on secession and slavery as their economic solution.

We should not have intervened. The recorded 618,222 deaths (360,222 Union deaths, 258,000 Confederate deaths) accomplished what? Most of the world had ended slavery by this point, and economic and industrial pressures would have caved the confederacy.

Peaceful processes, in which freedom of speech are key, take much longer than war and censorship. But the damage and deep resentments war and censorship create are too costly and only perpetuate conflicts.

TRUMP 2024

Jun 29, 2024

♫ Where was the passion you needed the most?
You faked the whole gig, looked like you were lost
Of course your white hair's here to stay
But now your mind has gone away
And there won't be no carryin' on

You got on the stage and hit a new low
You faked all the smiles and the anger also
Faking has been your way of life
But now your nursemaid is your wife
And there won't' be no carryin' on

Yeah, ya had a "bad night," you're headed on down
It was worse than just "bad" and it won't turn around
You think we don't know, you say you don't lie
Then you flash a weird smile and take us for a ride
You had a sad day, the camera don't lie
You've gone way downhill and you don't have a mind
Your night was a fright
You had a "bad night"

Well, you need a permanent holiday
Cause we ain't laughin at what we see
And we don't need no World War 3

You had a "bad night"...
Had a bad night (permanent holiday)
Had a bad night (Ah) ♫

TRUMP 2024

Jun 28, 2024

Last night, all of America and her enemies and allies saw we have no sitting president -- only a group of people willing to use an elderly man as a "Weekend at Bernie's" placeholder so they can hold on to power. What ELSE are they willing to do to hold on to power?

I suspect world leaders feel like we do -- a combination of fear and bewilderment. As much as they hate us, a strong U.S. president made the whole world more stable.

While Trump was in office, Putin saw little advantage of going into Ukraine, and little risk by not going into Ukraine. Same with China and Taiwan.

For all those people who say/said just move on from the 2020 election...

NOW would be the perfect time for a documentary or website featuring ALL the testimony we heard from poll workers and observers (some of them democrats) regarding what went on, on election night and after, PLUS all the things that have been uncovered since.

Maybe NOW people can receive it.

(And Kemp and Rat-burger should be in jail)

See my January 10, 2021 article - Cheating By The Numbers - http://www.givemethemic.com/2021-01-10.html

TRUMP 2024

Jun 27, 2024

by The Cutting Screw

♫ Oh I, I just died on the stage tonight
It must have been something I took
I just died on the stage tonight

I keep lookin' for somethin' I can't get
Broken lives lie all around me
And Jill won't let the big boys take me out of this
Ashley's diary sits by the bedside table
The shower curtains closed, the cats in the cradle
Who would've thought an old geezer like me could come to this

Oh I, I just died on the stage tonight
It must have been something I took
Oh I, I just died on the stage tonight
And everyone got a good look
I should've walked away
I should've walked away

Is Barrack Obama why I'm feelin' like this?
On the surface, I'm a D on a list
I try to look like I'm sane, but then blow it again
I'm lost and it showed, it was my final mistake
Obama's ruling by proxy, no give and all take
'Cause I've been thrilled to hair-sniff, one too many times

Oh I, I just died on the stage tonight...

It was a long tough night
CNN didn't make it easy, didn't make it look right
But now it's over, the moment has gone
I followed my wife not my head, I know I was.. ah, think I was.. ah... well, anyway... you know the thing.

Oh I, I just died on the stage tonight...
I should've walked away ♫

TRUMP 2024

Jun 8, 2024

If the truth doesn’t get buried in history, I think the amount of things that Hillary Clinton is responsible for will be shocking. And that’s not just things to get rid of Trump, but the things she did in 2008 to try and get rid of Obama (the birther movement, releasing the pics of Obama in Muslim garb), and the things she did to get rid of Bernie in 2016. They are both lucky she didn’t Arkincide them.

She may be old, but she “ain’t in no ways tired.” There was a lot more on her private server than Classified Docs. There was lots and lots of dirt on lots of lots of people. And the only ones who could fight back were ones who had “determinative” dirt on her as well. (Obama did, cause the agencies gave it too him). "Someone" still has that content.

Dick Morris wrote several years ago she’ll be the 2024 candidate. I still agree with him.

TRUMP 2024

Jun 7, 2024

by Elton Joe

♫ ♪♫ It's a little bit funny, This feeling inside
Don't have any hookers, Or crack I can hide
Don't have any money, honey, Bidenomic's a bitch
Think I'll go to D.C. where, I can get rich

If I were a Senator, heh, but then again, no
A Democrat Rep or a, Dem-groomed rino
They don't get a big salary, Joey, but this I know
My payoff is my defense stock, portfolio

And you can tell everybody, it's a war song
I'm sure you'll have started World War 3, before you are done
I hope you realize, I hope you realize, you've set precedent
How dangerous life is while you're Resident

I sat on the roof and counted the cost
Of insider trading verses the big payoff
But the deal's been quite kind for both, Nancy and Mitch
It's people like you all, that make life a bitch


So excuse me forgetting, got a lot on my brain
I just can't remember, Russia or Ukraine
Anyway, the thing is, what I really mean
Yours are the biggest lies, I've ever seen


I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind that I say it aloud
How f'd up our country is while you're in the house. ♫ ♪♫

TRUMP 2024

Jun 4, 2024

War is deception. Many times it's "look over here," while the enemy slips in where you AREN'T looking. The unelected agency masters and their sElected slaves concocted many criminal, even treasonous, hoaxes to try and take Trump out. But the one thing they could have legitimately gone after Trump on that might have been effective -- the vaccines -- they won't touch with a 10 foot pole. And you have to ask yourself WHY?

My guess is this:

1) It gave them SO much power over people (and still does over some) that they don't want to give up this weapon in their arsenal. (It would be like Ukraine giving up their nukes.)

2) They must be getting a LOT of money from big-Pharmacy.

Trump went into office in 2017 thinking D.C. was just a bunch of "killers" -- tough businesspeople who just wanted to make a deal. He has since learned they are EVIL and will do ANYTHING to stop him and keep power.

They know WE know. So don't be surprised if they shift on the vaccines as a last resort. (I'm pretty sure this is RFKs purpose.) And if that doesn't work, then... well, you know. The unspeakable.

Are we watching God turn Nimrod's "tower to utopia" coalition into confusion?

Joe's "diverse" coalition seems to be falling apart. Jews because of Muslims. Muslims because of gays. Blacks because of illegals. And blue collar workers because Joe is trying to keep his coalition together by destroying the economy, and then giving away free stuff to illegals, and to rich, college-educated white kids.

And here is another kicker I've been thinking about lately: How many conflicts are there in the liberal D.C. power struggle. Do Joe, Obama, rinos, and the unelected agencies all have the same agenda, or are their agendas starting to conflict as well?

God's enemies eventually eat each other. We can win in November, IF we make it TOO BIG TO RIG.

I'm not sure if we need to waste any more money on rallies. I think we need a more focused -- BASE-OF-THE-FLAME -- strategy. The rallies had their place and time.

Meanwhile, we look at Dems/Joes tiny rallies, and we think, "We are winning." But trust me -- Dems are out there, right now, STARTING fires where they matter. Maybe we need to do some of the same?

I'm starting to see that there are multiple crime families fighting for power in Washington. Am I the only one that sees Hunter's "suicide" coming?

1) Hunter expressed his deep resentment for having to be the bag man for the Biden family, and having to take care of the whole family.

2) Rush said it was possible that Hunter WANTED the laptop to be found, to get back at his father out of that resentment.

3) Hunter is a crack head burnout. How do you motivate him to stay in line? What does he love? His kids? His freedom? Hookers?

Thus we turn to the scripture:

Joe 3:16: "For Joe so hated Trump, that he gave his 2nd son, that whosoever was a convicted (or concocted) felon, might not be pardoned, but have everlasting prison."

If Joe needs to sacrifice Hunter, he'll do it in a heartbeat (and Hunter knows it. Remember The Godfather). And if Obama needs to sacrifice the whole damned Biden family to stay in power, he'll do it. And does Obama have yet another agenda besides the deep-state(s)? And who would they be willing to sacrifice?

Legislature makes the laws, has oversight of the Judiciary, and can impeach the President.

Supreme court judges the constitutionality of those laws.

President enforces the laws, has veto power, and appoints the judiciary. (But Biden doesn't enforce immigration laws made by Dems during their 31 year control of both the house and the Senate, nor does he comply with SCOTUS. Guess someone IS above the law, hey Joe?).

Checks and balances, Joe. Over 40 years in D.C. and you still don't get it. Or you don't want to.

TRUMP 2024

Jun 3, 2024

This isn't so much about Trump, as it is about us smelly Wal-Mart shoppers who woke up one day and realized we no longer had a representative form of government, but rather, a D.C., elite, uniparty club, with their own list of who was up next in the bullpen. Make your choice, America: PoS A, or PoS B.

The Repub Club was playing faux tug-o-war with the Dems, because, as Rush said, "The Republican party has always hated their conservative base." In other words, the Republicans only pretended to be conservative because they needed conservative votes.

Rush was also flabbergasted at how, when Trump started implementing conservative policies, people like Bill Kristol and other pundits were vehemently opposed to Trump. (Wonder what they were REALLY doing on those "cruises.")

So it was all a ruse. All of Washington was just creating a Crippled America so they could gain power, money, and prestige off of her disabilities.

Should we be surprised? This is so Biblical. And SO devilish. This isn't even about left and right any more, but good and evil.

I would love to know which of Trump's POLICIES Adam Swalwell... whoops, Kinzinger (I get them mixed up) disagrees with.

I would also like to know which of Biden's policies Eric.. Adam agrees with.

(This should be enlightening.)

Oh, and Adam, do you have a NDA with the DNC?

(P.S. Do you think Adam Kinzinger, Eric Swalwell, and Peter Strzok are friends? Yes, but there's just something about them. Something around the eyes, I don't know, reminds me of... brothers.)

TRUMP 2024

Jun 2, 2024

Trump is now officially a Concocted Felon.

Bank President: “It is reckless, dangerous, and irresponsible to say our bank isn't secure!”

Bank Auditor: "Then you support a bank audit?"

Bank President: “Audits are reckless, dangerous, and irresponsible."

Yeah, Joe. We get it.

I have an idea. When Biden gets charged with influence peddling, let's do the following:

1) Select a prosecutor that ran their campaign on "getting" Biden on crimes that Feds had said had no merit, or unspecified crime(s).

2) Use whatever trickery possible to side step any statute of limitations and to elevate misdemeanors to felonies, by using state laws, and then elevate those crimes to Federal crimes.

3) Sidestep the judge roster and hand-select a Red-hat wearing judge that donates to Trump and whose daughter raises millions for MAGA candidates.

4) Try him in a county that votes 95% Trump. (Wadeer to your heart's content, defense).

5) Gag Biden.

6) Constantly violate courtroom procedures, not let Biden's defense produce expert witnesses, and let the prosecutors present closing arguments last.

7) Tell jurors they don't have to agree on the crime. Just that one was committed.

8) Once convicted, go around and say, "Lookie here boys. Joe is a convicted felon."

9) And then, like the Jan 6th committee, maybe destroy all exculpatory evidence?

Nah. Not the kind of country I want. Not even for liberals -- who ARE criminals.

As stupid as the left considers Trump supporters (uneducated, smelly, Wal-Mart shoppers) they seem to have a philosophy in practice paralleling Dostoevsky, Pasternak, and Tolstoy.

And as smart as college educated leftists consider themselves, they seem to have more of a "boys on the street corner throwing rocks," Bolshevik mentality.

I guess "Concocted Felon" has got me thinking about the Bolshevik Revolution.

TRUMP 2024

Jun 1, 2024

I grew up a Democrat, and I can tell you: it's been many, many years since the label on the jar actually matched the contents of the jar.

It used to be ok to be a Christian Dem. Even a Bible believing one. Right, Jimmy Carter? But those days are gone.

The left told us they were done honoring the agreement "made over 200 years ago by a bunch of old, Christian, white-guys." We should have believed them.

Like Rush said, he "knew we were in trouble when the phrase 'Make America Great Again' was considered controversial."

If Trump wanted to destroy America, he would just get out of Joe's way and let him finish the job.

But we want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, and we came before Trump. So we don't just magically "disappear" should you commies manage to disappear Trump. In fact, we'll be even more pissed than we are now. And that's pretty damned pissed.

You f'd up yesterday, Lefties. Big mistake. HUGE mistake.

See you in November.

♫ ♪♫ We won't forget what you did today
You'll soon be gone, so please stay away

Bye-bye, so long, farewell
Bye-bye, so long

See you in November
See you when the summer's through
Here we are (bye, baby, goodbye)
Saying goodbye to dementia (bye, baby, goodbye)
Fake prosecutions (bye, baby bye, baby)
They're gonna to make you pay (bye, baby, goodbye)

Have a good time but remember
There's a serious pissed-off grassroots shove
We will won't see you past November
We'll ditch you to save this land we love ♫ ♪♫

TRUMP 2024

May 31, 2024

Trump isn't Jesus. But the same "entities" that crucified Jesus are the same ones that drove Nero to burn Christians as night-lights (Christian Derangement Syndrome) which wouldn't have happened had Rome remained a Republic.

But just like in Rome, the transformation from a Republic to an Empire is in progress.

We had a Republic... if we can get it back.

There's not a question in my mind, that if the left had a way to make everyone on the right (especially Bible-believing Christians) die, they'd do it in a heartbeat.

We don't wish that on them, and we don't want Muslims tossing gays from rooftops.

John 3:16-17: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

2 Peter 3:9: The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

The clock is ticking.

And if it makes you unbelievers happy: Christians will be disappearing from this world soon enough. You can have it.

(But just remember: God REALLY wants you to go, too. If His Son's suffering and death wasn't proof enough for you, neither will you be persuaded though one rose from the dead.)

May 30, 2024

I still remember Trump talking about looking out over the crowds back in 2016, and telling Mike Pence, "Mike, this is a movement." Trump realized even back then that this was bigger than him.

Mike Pence, "The Christian" couldn't even see what God Almighty was doing to save lives and to save a nation. In fact, he became Judas Pence, to try and stop it. So typical of the pious -- "having a form of godliness, but denying the power... from such turn away."

The sad thing is, I think he knew what he was doing. Judas has a lot of blood on his hands. But as the song says, "You take what the enemy meant for evil, And You turn it for good." The enemy can be anyone. The label doesn't matter. What's REALLY in the jar does.

When standing at the Red Sea, with Pharaoh's army at their back...

The Children of Israel said, "Let us go BACK to Egypt."

Moses said, "Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord."

But GOD said, "Speak unto the children of Israel that they MOVE FORWARD."

TRUMP 2024

May 29, 2024

Fe-fe, fi-fi, fo-fo, fum
I smell b.s. in the courtroom

Juan Merchan, Juan Merchan
He's a clown, that Juan Merchan
He's gonna get caught, just you wait and see
(He'll yell, "Why's everybody always pickin' on me?")

That's him on his knees, I know that's him
Yellin' "seven-come-eleven" down in the devils den

Juan Merchan, Juan Merchan
He's a clown, that Juan Merchan
He's gonna get caught, just you wait and see
(He'll yell, "Why's everybody always pickin' on me?")

Who's always writing his own laws?
Workin with the Dems to bust Trump's balls.
Who's raising money for the cause?
Guess who (who, me?)
Yeah, you, and Loren too

She rakes in the Dem cash, and we all know,
I'll bet she shares the kickbacks with her Daddy-O

Juan Merchan, Juan Merchan
He's a clown, that Juan Merchan
He's gonna get caught, just you wait and see
(He'll yell, "Why's everybody always pickin' on me?")

TRUMP 2024

May 28, 2024

The truth is, most MAGA Republicans (including Donald Trump) have never committed a crime, outside of a parking ticket. They are just family people, working hard, trying to make an honest living.

On the other hand, many Dem and rino politicians, and the Dem constituency, are committing crimes as we speak. Criminality is what unites them. Creating and participating in the perpetual victim-class is their justification for picking your pockets, robbing you, and worse.

One doesn't even have to go through their trash to find their crimes. Yet, we don't go in search of their crimes, while they search every nook and cranny of our lives to find something they can weaponize against us. And if they can't find anything, they'll make something up. It's what commie-criminal-tyrants do. SOP.

"Show me the man, and I'll find you the crime," (Lavrentiy Beria, head of Stalin's Secret Police), is probably the worst crime that can be committed. And anyone who adopts this philosophy is an enemy of freedom, and mankind. Yes, they even oppose themselves.

TRUMP 2024

May 27, 2024

CNN is facing the real possibility of Trump being acquitted in Alvin Bragg's "hush money" trial, and that this will not only be a real victory for Trump, but devastating for Biden (who I doubt will be the nominee, anyway). Of course, the judge could just set aside the not-guilty verdict, and push it through. But this would just make the kangaroo court even more evident, and boost Trump even more.

In the Mar-A-Lago documents case, Jack Smith's team is melting down. Judge Cannon has the authority and responsibility to oversee the integrity of the process, and she is doing her job. This requires more discovery and more un-redacting and transparency -- something Smith's team wasn't expecting.

I would be willing to bet that the "recordings/videos" of depositions and interviews that Smith's team says don't exist, DO exist. And that they will implode their own case by refusing to produce them -- BECAUSE, producing them would not only sink their case, but expose their misconduct; even criminality.

D.C. insiders like Jack Smith and others are used to getting their way, and have been using the law as their own personal "railroad" for years. Prosecutorial misconduct is SOP to them. They aren't used to using the law to actually seek justice. This is completely foreign to them. (Much in the way that Pelosi and Hillary think that getting rich in D.C. off the people is normal.) They are very angry at Judge Cannon's "obstruction of injustice."

TRUMP 2024

May 26, 2024

Trump was talking this past week about "momentum," and it got me thinking...

The Libertarian party has never really been a movement. Maybe at first, around the time I voted for it. But it had little momentum, and lost whatever momentum it had early on, gleaning their ~3% every election.

I don't even think the Left has much momentum left, either. They've tried to create it with the Alphabet/St. George Floyd/Abortion/Palestine stuff, but that was bought and paid for -- not really a movement -- and now, even that has lost momentum.

I honestly believe that MAGA is the only grassroots MOVEMENT happening now, and that Libertarians would be wise to get on board the momentum of the Trump train -- if they really believe what they say they believe.

But from the way they acted the other night (and from the Trump haters that are still among them), I suspect that those still voting libertarian after Trump's speech are just a bunch of ideological babies -- just some good ole boys, making noise -- and that the Libertarian religion will go from their 3% of the vote, down to <1%.

TRUMP 2024

May 21, 2024

I grew up in a Democrat family. My dad was a blue-collar worker. He said the Democrat party represented the little guy.

My family was Democrat right up until Ronald Reagan. Like Reagan, they felt the same as he did when he said, "I didn't leave the Democrat party. The Democrat party left me."

I don't think there are any Democrats left that are truly "afraid" that Republicans are going to "take their rights away." Nor do I think there are any Dems left that really care about "getting along" with Republicans echoing the will of the people. They are completely in KEEP POWER AT ANY COST AND BY ANY MEANS mode. And because of that, the fact that we keep trying to "get along with them" allows them to take advantage of us.

The Dem party no longer represents the "little guy" or the working class, or even the disadvantaged. They are purely a skimming organization, and establishment Republicans (rinos) are right there with them.

TRUMP 2024

Apr 26, 2024

A constitutional republic can only be maintained by moral and sound-minded people. This is why Ben Franklin said, "You have a republic, if you can keep it." Otherwise, it slips through your fingers, no matter how many documents you enshrine; no matter how many laws you make.

There is no system of government that can guarantee freedom, only one that can attempt to provide a framework to exercise creator-endowed rights.

There is no earthly system that can indefinitely guarantee "rights" that are NOT God-endowed, because there is no power that can protect that which is contrary to God's perfection. So, even if a government says, "You have the right to do such and such," the land ITSELF will eventually "vomit you out."

Yes, you have the right to choose. No, you are not protected from immoral or unsound choices and their consequences. Wrong choices will eventually end up with no choices. And Trump, or no Trump, this is where we find ourselves as a nation.

Apr 25, 2024

Like the slave owners of 160 years ago, the slave owners of today WANT blood, and they are doing every thing they can to provoke it -- to turn brother against brother in order to keep their slaves.

Like all who provoke violence, they have no idea of the consequences that they are facilitating. All they care about is that they are in power once the bodies are buried and the conflict is over.

Utter shame on all who keep moving away from our constitution, and towards lawlessness.

TRUMP 2024

Apr 24, 2024

Romney and Ryan are out attacking prez Trump today, and it got me thinking...

Mitt/Ryan was my first -- donation and rallies.

They both came off so insincere at their rallies. Zero energy -- like they didn't even want to be among us "smelly Walmart shoppers". But even more than that, they came off like they really didn't want to win -- like they were the pre-designated losers to Obama.

I'm not kidding on this. Looking back, it was very strange.

TRUMP 2024

Apr 21, 2024

One of the greatest elements of the 2nd amendment is that it gives the people hope, that if their government becomes totally corrupt and predatory, they still have a shot at recovering it.

Ukrainians and Russians don't have that hope. (Corrupt UA politicians even "sold" their countries nukes. The USA, GB, and Russia were the "buyers.")

This is why the Ukrainian people aren't that political (and why their gov has been sold back and forth between the west and Russia), because they have no choice or hope. Russians are pseudo political, meaning, they think they have a choice, but don't. (Russian gun laws are insane.)

For the first time in decades, the American people actually have a choice that wasn't pre selected for them. This opportunity isn't coming back again.

TRUMP 2024

Apr 20, 2024

Mike Huckabee put it this way:

"Trump supporters are not dumb, jealous, resentful, racist cult followers. Far from it. They voted for Trump because he actually listened to their concerns and had enough money that he couldn’t be bought. Trump was the message they sent to Washington. Trying to silence or destroy him only tells Americans that, apparently, the message wasn’t loud enough."

TRUMP 2024

Apr 19, 2024

It was totally unnecessary for Trump to debate the Keebler Elves. He'd done the job. They hadn't. We all knew his policies, his intent, his follow through, and his stamina. We also knew their intents -- ranging from personal ambitions to deep-state, never-Trump hatred.

But there were two things we knew for damned sure:

1) No one had subjected the elves to what they had subjected Trump to (which spoke VERY loudly to all of us).

2) None of the elves could have taken it without folding.

and a third reason is:

3) He already knew he was the nominee. So did we. So did the elves.

Debating Joe Biden was/is the only debate necessary. And Joe won't do it. Not a chance in hell. It would destroy any chance Joe has left to even cheat his way back into the Whitehouse.

TRUMP 2024

Apr 19, 2024

I wish I was being considered for this jury.

Judge: Do you have strong feelings one way or the other about Donald Trump?

Me: Well, I think the whole county is polarized on Trump. They either hate him or they love him. So, I can't image anyone on this jury not being bias.

Judge: Are you bias?

Me: Well, I grew up in a family of Democrats. And I've made campaign contributions to Democrats, just like you have, your Honor, but I've also made contributions to Trump. So...

Judge: This juror is excused.

Apr 18, 2024

Dems and AZ Republicans are trying to kill two birds with one stone. Trump and Kari Lake need Arizona to win the Presidency/Senate. Republicans in AZ know that. That's why they've dug up this civil war era abortion ban (even though AZ already has a 16 week ban).

As Rush said, "Republicans have always hated their conservative base." AZ Republicans aren't using this situation to save lives, but to appear really conservative to preserve the UNIPARTY. It's a real slick trick.

If you want this to be the "hill to die on," then don't be surprised when you die on it, along with your cause and everyone you're trying to save.

There are "floods of ungodly men" in our government. One side of the aisle is obvious about it. The other side is slicker than Teflon, and stabs you in the back.

(Note: "St. Mike" Johnson was sent to Mar-A-Lago to threaten Trump that they will sacrifice the House if he doesn't "play ball" with the uniparty.)

Only God can deliver us from this shii. PRAY WITHOUT CEASING.

Apr 15, 2024

Obama eases sanctions on Iran, and sends them pallets of cash.

Then, in one of the largest arms deals in history (much bigger than Fast and Furious), Biden gives another "Religion of Peace" country ~$95 billion in arms -- FOR FREE.

Yeah, this is no accident.

A reading from the 45th Psalm of Joe:

Obama is my Shepard, I shall not think.

He maketh me lie down most of the day: he leadeth me beside the podium and off of the stage (sort of). And picketh me back upeth when I falleth.

He restoreth Iran's cash: he leadeth me in the paths of war for Islam's sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Trump, I will fear no election: for the deep state is with me; thy mules and dirty voter rolls comfort me.

Thou preparest a Jihad for me in the presence of Jews and Christians: thou anointest my head with green energy; my strategic oil reserves run dry.

Surely dementia and Depends shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of Hunter for ever.

Apr 13, 2024

Dems want power. Initially, they need votes -- real or fake -- to get that power. But once they get the power, they won't need the votes anymore.

History has shown the atrocities that those who want power are willing to commit to get that power. History has shown the atrocities these people DO commit once they have power.

Dems and Hamas have the same spirit. Don't doubt me on this.

Apr 11, 2024

There seems to be a turning point in history when the mind and imagination of mankind stopped being used to solve actual problems, and started to be used to create pure fantasy -- imagination for imagination's sake.

A very sophisticate form of idolatry, but the results are the same -- desolation.

The idea of social "equity" is like someone else stealing your home title and using YOUR home's equity for what they want. Problem is, IT'S NOT THEIRS! They didn't build it. They won't have to pay off the asset. It is stealing! Something the Dem party advocates, while saying those who worked to build stuff are stealing.

Where did they get justification for this? Barrack gave it to them: "You didn't build that," says the guy who worked a summer at a Baskin Robbins, and a summer with a moving company. (Now with a net worth of >$70 million)

And then there's Joe Biden -- a life guard, law school, and two years at a law firm. (Now with a net worth of >$10 million. Guess his white-privilege wasn't as good as Barrack's half-black privilege.)

Apr 10, 2024

I think Republicans will fix the AZ SCOTUS very soon. If Hobbs tries to slow walk so they can use it as an issue in November, everyone will see what she is doing.

Like Trump said, To the states is the WILL OF THE PEOPLE. The will of the people is NOT dragging out a 150 year old abortion law.

Apr 9, 2024

Some on our side have their happy shoes on because we are going to get one more electoral vote in Nebraska with winner-take-all, while many don't seem to notice that the Arizona Supreme Court was bribed or threatened by the cartels to drag out a 150 year old law that virtually bans all abortions (when AZ already has a 15 week ban) in order to give AZ to Biden.

This isn't about life. This is about giving AZ to Biden, and for NO other reason.

You think these people really care one way or another about abortion. All they care about is power.

Like Rush said, If they ever find a gay gene, just watch how fast Dems become anti-abortion.

Apr 8, 2024

STOP giving the Federal government power that doesn't belong to it.

Libs are going to keep sending reps to D.C. that want the Feds to have TOTAL control (and that want for the Fed to subsidize their failures as a result of their incompetency). We on the right need to send reps that oppose that (and it is more than obvious that we do not have that in Speaker Mike Johnson and quite a few other rinos).

STOP letting a far right minority who oppose abortion under any circumstances, and the far left who favor it up to the moment of birth (and after), define the abortion issue. Polls show that most on the right favor exceptions, and that most on the left support limits. Don't let the left (this includes rino, Lindsay Graham) make this an issue to destroy the MAGA movement.


Red states have few abortions compared to blues, so the number of individuals affected by abortion limits in red states are few. Vice versa in blue states.

And for those of you complaining about Trump's stance on abortion: I recently heard a Biden campaign ad that says Biden will protect your right to get an abortion. I immediately thought, "Yep, even conservatives will need one after getting raped by an illegal alien."

Mar 31, 2024

(to the tune of My Favorite Things)

Sky-high inflation, a "Prez" that's a traitor
He'll bring us World War 3 sooner or later
Bridges that fall and airplane doors that fail
Trains that poison whole towns when they derail

Girls dressed as boys with an AK 4-7
Sending the children they've killed off to heaven
Dangerous illegals are breeching our door
These are a few of the reasons I'm sore

(Hum. How can I change my attitude?)

$2 gas and low black unemployment
No new wars started and no new deployments
No sons and daughter brought back in black bags
Falling war stocks for Nikki/Liz the hags

When the Dems bite
When inflation stings
When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite Prez
And then I don't feel so bad

Mar 26, 2024

They know Peter Navarro is a good guy. They know Gen. Flynn is a good guy. And they WANT you to know they know it, too. Because their message is, "Good guy or bad guy, we don't care. You go along to get along, or we will end you. If the sky is blue, and we say it's red, we will end you if you say any other color than red."

You CANNOT play their game, not for any amount, not for any threat, not for even a second. It will never end if we do.

Mar 24, 2024

America is OUR house. Think of the reasons you would tell someone to "Get the f out of my house" and then apply that to immigration. If you do, 99.999% of these people would never be allowed into our houses OR our country.

This is why we have a legal immigration system:
1) to make sure people knock before entering.
2) to make sure we are able to answer so we can evaluate before we allow people to enter.
3) to make sure it is in OUR interests to let them in.
4) to make sure we can send them away if we find it isn't.

P.S. the way things are going, make sure you bring your weapon with you to the door and look through the peep hole before answering. If we can decide not to answer our door when those who simply annoy us (i.e. Jehovah's Witnesses ) come to our door, then certainly we can do the same with other groups.

Mar 22, 2024

Chamber of Commerce Republicans want cheap labor from illegal immigration. But what is the main thing Democrats want?

To import lots of violence from illegals + Lots of honest citizens having to defend themselves = NO GUNS.

Biden is importing violence to get rid of our guns. And we all know why he wants to get rid of guns.

The "end of democracy" comes when the government no longer fears WE THE PEOPLE.

Joe Biden said, "Government is the one thing we all belong to."


Dems are juggling too many groups with opposing views to one another: Liberal Jews. Michigan Muslims. LGBT+. Illegal immigrants. Blacks. Latinos. Atheists.

Dems keep complaining about Trump's voters being non-college-educated working-class voters, while importing millions of non-college-educated immigrants.

Biden is defying SCOTUS rulings by making the working-class pay for other's student loans. There is no "forgiveness" involved. We borrow the money from China. Taxpayers will be liable for it.

To even get close to winning, Dems will need to implement some of Trump's policies (while not calling them that). Of course, they'll discontinue those policies once they have won.

Their strategy is not sustainable. At some point they have to go full-blown totalitarian to keep power. Most likely, this November while they (think they) still have the military. They aren't letting go of the government if they lose.

Vote like your life depends on it. But don't be surprised at what they do if/when Trump/we win. Be ready. If will make Jan 6 look like what it was - a selfie tour.

Mar 21, 2024

"While the president can name his son 'Barron' he can't make him a baron."

When the Stanford Law professor Pamela Karlan said this during her impeachment testimony, I realized these people were more than just Trump haters, but that they had serious psychological and associative disorders.

Mar 20, 2024

Even though Trump has already won Arizona's primary by 81%, AZ is still slow-walking the count in last night's primary with 80% of the vote in, while everyone else is 99% in.

Why is that??? We know why. So in November they can say, "It always takes a long time for us to count."

Incompetence, crooks, or both?

Mar 19, 2024

Dems know Biden will lose. I think they are going to pull a Hail-Mary -- replace Harris with someone else (Gavin?) to try and get a boost for their campaign, and to have someone to replace Biden when he passes out after taking office if he were to win.

Stop playing the lib game on abortion. Most Dems support limits. Most Republicans support exceptions.

Why would ANYONE vote 3rd party. The 3rd party voters KNOW they aren't going to win. The 3rd party candidates KNOW they aren't going to win. (Goes for RFK, too.)


If they think they are costing Trump votes by doing this, they can just vote for Biden. If they think they are costing Biden votes, they can just vote for Trump.

The 3rd party candidates may have an angle. But 3rd party voters? They are just stupid, "morally superior, conscience voters" who are virtue signaling to their self-righteous selves.

Well, thank God they didn't heal anyone on the Sabbath.

Mar 14, 2024

The most (despicable) ironic thing about the Trump lawfare is: they are using OUR (the taxpayers) money to go after Trump to take all of HIS money away. And they are doing it not only to interfere with an election, but to send the message to EVERYONE that, NO ONE had ever try giving the government back to WE THE PEOPLE ever again.

The problem is: when you tell FREE people they can't be free, you are gonna have a fight on your hands. We LIVE for this shit.

Oh, and since it's our money, maybe we will just stop giving it to you to use against us. Or was that the reason for the 87,000 IRS agents?

Respectfully -- FU insurrectionists.

Mar 12, 2024

Not only do the warmongers make money on war through defense stock portfolios, but they make money in the rebuilding process of the nations they've destroyed. And guess who pays for the bombs AND the rebuilding? The taxpayer.

Now we pay for it through extracted taxes. Those dollars represent our labor. When they have finally reduced our nation to socialism, the extraction will continue, but it won't be paid for by the representation of our labor, but directly by the labor itself -- slave labor.

So the redistribution of wealth is already taking place. Only from the middle-class up AND down. Once it is complete, there will be no middle-class. Only the poor worker with their crumbs, and the leader-class with their champagne and caviar, and their trophies. "The demon who makes trophies of man."

Mar 6, 2024

How many of you still have child locks on drawers, but your children are past the age of you needing them?

What happened to the years of Dems saying they were giving people a hand-up, and not a hand-out?

"Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ."

The Greek word for "bear" in this verse is the word we get our English word "borrow" from. When you borrow something, at some point you need to give it back. But the left has created a permanent dependant class for the express purpose of control, and for giving that control to a handful of elite criminals who get rich off of it.

The left has created a "Neverending Story"

Mar 6, 2024

The left probably could have kept us in the dark for a few more years; maybe even achieve dominance had they not overplayed their hand (as they frequently do). But they couldn't control their TDS and hatred (think: Hillary's "deplorables;" Lovebirds, Peter and Lisa's "smelly Wal-Mart" Trump supporters).

Now they can't control their fear, as they go full-nuclear on the working class, in defense of their "college educated" and dependant-class, Biden voters.

Mar 4, 2024

Stopping by Swamp on a Swampy Evening
by Nikkki Frost

Whose race is this I surely I know.
His house is there at Mar-Lar-Go;
He may not see me winning here
Or watch this swamp give me their votes.

The MAGA crowd doesn't think it queer
My first primary of the year
Between the crooks and donor cash
The darkest place in my career.

We all watch D.C. place its stake
We all know it was no mistake.
The only other sound’s the crash
Of table deals and campaign cash.

The swamp is lovely, dark and deep,
And I have promises to keep,
As inch by inch I slowly creep,
With miles to go before I sleep.

Feb 13, 2024

Everyone is beginning to shift to Trump's return to the Presidency, including Dems. I think they have finally accepted there is nothing they can do about it, will just let Joe take the Nov fall (rather than embarrassing their only "assets": Michelle, Gavin, or Hillary), and have started to try and put in place policies that will hinder Trump and his admin.

I think this is true of Nikkki as well. She knows she can't win. She is just part of the hinder/harassment process.

Feb 2, 2024

They are torn on sending Trump to jail and/or assassinating him. They are wondering, "What lengths would the American people go to, to support him and to punish a weaponized government."

They are torn as to what would be the outcome of the people rising up en masse. They could paint it as an insurrection, and declare martial law; actually use the nukes and F-15s against WE THE PEOPLE, the way Eric Swallow-well and Joe O'Biden have threatened to do. But what if the people actually succeeded, recovered their government, and hung those who actually DID commit insurrection and treason (by weaponizing our government)?

The Romans wanted to kill the Jews so bad they could taste it. But they didn't want an uprising. The Jewish leaders wanted to kill John the Baptist so bad they could taste it. But the people all believed John to be a prophet, and the Jewish leaders knew the people would have their heads.

Interesting dilemma.

Jan 29, 2024

It's really easy to vote, since "81" million voters (my ass) voted for Joe. Those dependent on government managed to vote. Even the lazy voters who wanted to sit at home on their couch and watch TV voted. In fact, voting is so easy, someone votes for you when you don't vote, or even when you are dead or don't even exist.

Jan 28, 2024

Biden could stop the invasion at our border IN ONE DAY if he wanted to. The laws are already in place, put there by Dems during their 31 year control of both the House and the Senate. He has the executive authority to stop the invasion.

HOWEVER, he does NOT have the constitutional authority to stop states from defending themselves.

The game being played is to blame the Republican controlled congress for not funding his game, so he can blame THEM for the border in this election year.

Don't fall for it, Republicans. Don't touch it. The laws are in place. The President is not enforcing them. The states have the constitutional authority to defend themselves.

The supreme court acknowledged the executive branch has authority to enforce immigration law (not to ignore it). This will work in Trump's favor when HE is back in the HOUSE.

It is not hard to figure out Obama's calculations. His assessment is just to keep inviting/letting people come across the border, and he's COUNTING on young "progressive" guilt and virtue-signaling to support it/vote for those who support it TILL IT IS TOO LATE TO STOP IT.

Same thing with the trans stuff. Just keep tipping the boat till it is too late to right it, and it tips over. Then the tyrannical "smart" people with be in charge, and all us peons fall in line -- or else.

Not gonna let it happen
Not gonna watch it happen
Not gonna wonder what happened.

Jan 27, 2024

For years I never joined twitter, but joined a few month ago because I thought Elon had cleaned things up. Man was I wrong. I can't believe the nasty, unbelievably hateful comments on there, that are pushed to the top.

I don't want to live in a bubble, but do want to converse with people who aren't vile and hateful. I am just shocked what TDS does to people who claim to be "caring" -- many of whom LOVED Trump before he came down the escalator.

I was very young when I saw Gregory Peck in "To Kill a Mockingbird." I was so saddened and outraged, even at such a young age. It wasn't that a "Black" man was falsely accused (my best friend was black) but that ANY person would be falsely accused -- FOR ANY REASON.

Injustice only strengthens those who seek justice, and eventually, weakens the unjust.

Anyone who is ok with lying and persecution and injustice, just because it gets them what they want, has reveled their true colors.

Growing up a Democrat, I'm shocked at what I see on X. So sad.

Jan 26, 2024

Russia, Russia, Russia

Ukraine Phone call

Impeachment 1

Impeachment 2


Mar-a-Lago raid

E. Jean Carroll Case

Biz Loans Case


Election Fraud Case

Nikki Haley

What do they all have in common? All bought and paid for by the D.C. Club to GET RID OF TRUMP.

Why are they so afraid of him?


Trump didn't bring ANY of this on himself. The left BOUGHT it on him to GET RID OF US.

You STILL haven't gotten rid of us.


Jan 25, 2024

Whatever Nikki McCain-Romney's motives are (genuine, delusional, or nefarious) she will stay in this race as long as powerful people (not WE the people) continue to finance her campaign. FACT.

And just think: The same people who are paying Nikki to stay in, are the same people who tried to pay Kari Lake to drop out.

The Ukrainian AND the Russian people are suffering because they have corrupt leaders. The American people are suffering because we have corrupt leaders. Replacing Biden with someone else who can be bought by the donor class will not fix America's problems.

Jan 24, 2024

Nikki: When even Ronna says, "Get out," you KNOW you are f'd. Just because you refuse to drop out, Neoconiki, doesn't mean you haven't already lost. And you are out there saying today that Trump should debate you?

Should he debate DeSantis? who did better (and would have continued to do better) than you in the primaries?

And think of this: Trump would still have won last night, but just think of how much more you would have LOST by last night if DeSantis would have stayed in.

The fat lady has already sung. Yes, Dems voted for you last night. But they will still be voting for Biden.

Might want to check out the CNN exit interviews if you don't believe me. Even Fox gets that.


Jan 22, 2024

Ron DeSantis severely damaged his political career. But Nikki Haley has obliterated hers. I'd bet $50 she won't drop out even when she is getting stomped in the primary, which is a dead give-away as to her real objective.

She is the uniparty's last best hope. And she isn't even that good of one. She is playing the race card, woman card, basically playing a Democrat, even though she got the lowest number of votes from people of color at CPAC. Another dead give-away.

She can't beat Trump and she can't beat Biden, and everyone knows this. So it is clear that her objective is not to beat Trump or Biden (or his replacement), but to drain Trump and get Biden or his replacement elected. And my guess is, she is being paid well to do this.

When she fails, she'll be of no value to anyone. Not even Boeing.

Jan 21, 2024

On the abortion issue, we keep on letting the left frame us as the extremists "who won't allow exceptions." instead of framing them as the extremists by not wanting ANY limits

We must emphasize the truth -- that MOST AMERICAN (including a large percentage of Dems) support limits!!!

Poll: Americans Support Abortion Limits, Pregnancy Resource Centers Ahead of March for Life


Jan 19, 2024

The word Democracy is not found in the Constitution of The United States Of America, nor are any of its word forms. The word Republican (and forms) is only found once. Read it and weep, Dems.

Article IV, Section 4
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

Colorado was red until Obama

Obama beat McCain by 9 pts in 2008

Obama beat Romney by 4 in 2012

Clinton beat Trump by 6 in 2016

Biden "beat" Trump by 14 in 2020 (probably more like 4, if even that much)

Without the Covid-cover-cheat, it is possible Trump that could win CO this time around, and I think that is what they are afraid of. That would be a serious blow to their narrative and momentum.

These states that are trying to take Trump of the ballot are blue, and maybe gone anyway, and are not going to affect the 2024 election. But the precedent that is being set is unconstitutional and dangerous, as radicals will eventually try to law-fare us to death in red states as well.

Jan 18, 2024

Dems made almost all of the immigration laws we have on the books during their 31 year control of the House and Senate. NONE of those laws are being enforced. Why would making a new law make any difference. It will just give them new laws to ignore.


Stop funding the government, or WE THE PEOPLE will. (Oh, so that's why you wanted 87,000 new IRS agents.)

Jan 17, 2024

The left loves to politicize power when they have it, yet scream bloody hell when others have power.

This is why our founders made impeachment the solution of dealing with the high crimes and misdemeanors of presidents.

Nixon resigned with simply the threat of impeachment, because Republicans told him privately they would support impeachment. (But it is ok for Dems to wiretap Trump Tower.)

Republicans impeached Bill Clinton by creating a process crime out of the Lewinsky deal. (The people may not like presidents banging interns in the ovary orifice, but that can be decided at the ballot box.) Bill Clinton was acquitted (depending on what your definition of the word "was" was) and set the new standard for legitimate behavior in public office -- which by the way, is a complete contradiction of the #metoo premise.

Dems and rinos impeached Trump TWICE, first over Russia, Russia, Russia, and then over the Ukraine phone call. And they failed.

Impeachment is the legitimate political process for presidents accused of high crimes and misdemeanors, and they failed to convict President Trump TWICE. Thus, the endless prosecutions we see now, NONE OF WHICH HAVE ANY LEGITIMACY.

Jan 16, 2024

The elites spent $258 million on DeeSanctus and Haley in IA. Trump spent $11 million -- just four percent of that! And that doesn't even include the money spent by Rama, Christie, etc.

They have to stop us. It is do or die for them -- and for us. But they know Birdbrain and DeeSanctus are not going to win. So what is their strategy?

Their strategy is not to win. Their strategy is to just wear Trump out financially, mentally, physically -- to make him look like Joe Biden; to make him lose to Biden at best, or to incapacitate him in office at worst.

And the bonus? Should they win, they have a globalist warmonger -- Nimarata Nikki Randhawa Haley -- waiting in the wings should Trump be taken out. They'd prefer Haley, but they'd rather have DeeSanctus than Trump. But they are taking a real chance with DeeSanctus. They think they can continue to control him. But if he wakes up to what they have done and how they have used him and his personal ambitions (even how his wife has used him as well), he might be a formidable enemy to them.

But I'm sure they have some dirt they can dig up or make up on Ron to take him out should they not be able to control him. And even at Trump's weakest, Trump is still stronger than DeeSanctus at his strongest.

Jan 15, 2024

I remember when Joe was VP and he said, "Government is the one thing we all belong to."

We should have realized then that he didn't believe government belonged to US --THE PEOPLE.

When you realize that a bunch of unelected officials falsified your election so THEY could stay in power, then in that same moment, you realize that it is no longer YOUR government -- the one of, for, and by THE PEOPLE.

Seems like freedom is something we must constantly strive for, while slavery seems to be the natural state we all fall back into. I think it is because tyranny never sleeps. It lusts for power, and is always playing on the weak, making promises to take care of them, if they just give IT/THEM control.

Jan 14, 2024

Deductive reasoning seems to be privileged, because these pukes in the media seem to identify as un-privileged (while making millions per year).

Jan 13, 2024

OBAMA - Wins House seats, Wins FL OH IA, 18/19 bellwethers, 873 counties, 69 Mil votes
TRUMP - Wins House seats, Wins FL OH IA, 18/19 bellwethers, 2497 counties, 74 Mil votes
BIDEN - Loses House seats, Loses FL OH IA, 1/19 bellwethers, 477 counties, 81 Mil votes????

Ok, so just how many votes DID Joe get? Look at the total votes in the last 4 elections.

Hillary (D) got 66,361,435 in 2016
Obama (D) got 66,618,909 in 2012
Obama (D) got 69,498,516 in 2008

Were there really that many more motivated voters in 2020? We knew Trump voters were motivated. But were there really so many more motivated Trump-haters (as the media has suggested) that were not voting FOR Joe Biden, but AGAINST Trump?

And here's the real kicker:

2020 U.S. POPULATION: 330,598,493
65% ARE REGISTERED VOTERS: 213,799,467
66.2% OF THEM VOTED: 141,535,247


Hum? 155,515,139 total votes minus 141,535,247 total voters = 13,969,892. So, where did these 13,969,892 votes come from?

No one has even suggested that Trump received fraudulent votes in the "most free and fair election in history." So subtracting the over-votes from Biden:

Biden (D) got 67,299,032 in 2020

This would be perfectly in line with previous year Dem votes.

BUT, we don't win elections by the popular vote, but by the appropriation of electoral votes in the respective states, which almost always go to the popular vote in that respective state. And Biden "won" by just a handful of votes in the swing states. So, even if you buy that Biden did get as many votes as "recorded" in 2020:

1) In 2020, Biden got a lesser percentage of votes in the liberal stronghold states -- D.C., HI, CA, NY, IL, and NV -- than Hillary did in 2016; while,

2) In 2020, Trump got a higher percentage of votes than he did in 2016 in EVERY SINGLE STATE THAT DEMS WON in 2020, except for ME, and the swing states NV, MI, PA, WI, AZ, and GA.


Jan 12, 2024

I think Reagan was the last president before Trump to actually not destroy the country for their own agenda. I realized he did some things covertly that he felt were good for our country and for the promotion of Democracy around the world. But he never screwed America for globalism or is own pocket. He was a true patriot.

And I've always wondered why CIA director, G.H.W. Bush, was "selected" (for him) as his VP. I think he was there to spy on Reagan, to make sure he didn't do any permanent damage to the status-quo. And I also think he said "read my lips, no new taxes" then broke that promise deliberately, to help usher in Clinton to destroy the Reagan economy, and to cover for Republican deep-state participation.

They hated Reagan almost as much as they hate Trump. But they fear Trump more.

Seems Jimmy Carter was a good man, in spite of being a very crappy president. He bought that the Dem party was "compassionate," which fit with his Christian world view. How wrong one can be.

Jan 11, 2024

Most of the globalist movement is led by people with a lust for power and money, pandering and manipulating followers who want revenge on people who never did anything to them.

The revenge seems to stem from a desire to make others feel what it's like to be a minority. So it was never about equality. It was always about the base emotion of revenge.

The underlying issue seems to be inheritance -- or what the left likes to characterize as "privilege."

People who build something, who make something out of their life, tend to want to leave it to their children; even do it FOR their children -- children that they love more than themselves and want life to be better for (though sometimes it backfires on spoiled children).

The resentful feel (consciously or unconsciously) that they were abandoned parentally -- literally or figuratively -- that their parents DIDN'T build anything or leave them anything useful, not even principle. This inner parental resentment and blame gets shifted to a resentment of society -- even a resentment of God. It seems to be more about, "If I don't have it, neither will you!" And the left FEEDS this envy and jealousy to manipulate their base -- a base that really believes that the reason they don't have is because others do.

Reckoning? Yes. Justice? Yes. But revenge? No. Equality and justice will never result from revenge. Only more inequality and injustice and conflict.

Jan 10, 2024

Remember how Dems and Hillary and the rest of the D.C. scumbags loved Trump when he used to write them checks?

But then he came down the escalator, and SUDDENLY, he was a homophobic, xenophobic racist.

See who they REALLY are?

The more time goes on, the more I see that this civil war that is raging is once again about slavery. Cheap labor. The powerful (on both sides) getting richer and more powerful by importing poor people.

There are ways to enrich a culture through fair exchange. You can even help other, poorer cultures and countries to improve their standard of living through trade. But when you flood a country to enrich a few, while impoverishing the citizens of that land, it helps no one. Eventually it will destroy our nation and the world.

Jan 6, 2024

I hope President Trump makes Jan 6th a national patriotic holiday, with a flag that says "PEACEFULLY AND PATRIOTICALLY" and a picture of the "Carl Winslow" cop (from Family Matters, Die Hard) waving everyone into the capital.

It was a total deep state setup. We should celebrate it as, "THE DAY WE SAW WHO THE DEEP STATE REALLY IS AND JUST HOW FAR THEY WILL GO."

There is not a doubt in my mind that our government [not the government of, by, and for the people, but the hyper-constitution administrative state) wants WE THE PEOPLE to give up our guns.

And it is SO obvious that you have to ask yourself why (or not). But it isn't that they care about people, because they don't care about people. (At best, they care about the "collective.") It has to be fear and resentment that they will never have the absolute power they lust for as long as we the people have a 2nd amendment. And Swallow-well brags that the government has nukes. And Joe brags that they have F-15s. But don't those nukes and F-15s belong to WE THE PEOPLE?

Free people refuse to have a government they fear. Free people want a government that fears the people, because only then can we remain a free people.

Tyranny has been working in the shadows for years. Under Obama it arrogantly reared its ugly head. Because of Trump, it has no place to go back into hiding.

NOW it is DO or DIE -- both for WE THE PEOPLE, and for tyranny.

Jan 5, 2024

MAGA, for the sake of the future of our country, we need to put this primary shii to bed early, and get on with fighting Joe Biden and the deep state. Let's crush them in IA.

Then let's crush them in NH too, where Dems will be crossing over to vote for bird-brain warmonger, Nikki, in their open primary.

Then let's crush her in her own state of SC.

Then let's get on with the real battle of SAVING AMERICA.

Jan 2, 2024

I think we need to realize that it isn't Democrats/Liberals that are trying to destroy our country. This is a foreign government(s) that has entirely taken over and controls what we call the "opposing party" and is currently controlling our government.

Democrats are no longer in control. Democrats are no longer Democrats. They are Chinese. And I mean this literally.

If we don't recognize this, I don't see how we can save our republic.

The first Republican primary is only 13 days away. Let's put this to sleep early, and get to focusing on defeating Joe O'Xi-den.

2023-12-31 - COMMENTS FROM OCT 31 TO DEC 31, 2023
Trump Rising

2023-10-31 - COMMENTS FROM JAN 1 TO OCT 31, 2023
Must Be the Season of the Witch-hunt.

2022-12-31 - COMMENTS FROM AUG 8 TO DEC 31, 2022
Sure We Cheated. What Ya Gonna Do About It?

2022-08-07 - COMMENTS FROM JAN 1 TO AUG 7, 2022
New File for a New "Banana" Republic!

2021-12-31 - COMMENTS FROM 2021
Charades, Anyone?

2020-12-31 - COMMENTS FROM 2020
The Year of Covid, Fraud, and Fauci-god.

2019-12-31 - COMMENTS FROM 2019
Flavor of the Year -- Peach-Mint!

2018-12-31 - COMMENTS FROM 2018
What A Year!

2017-12-31 - COMMENTS FROM 2017
The Fake News Cruise.

Pop Goes the Media.

The Media Horse Race.


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