



give me

the mic

I'm sure you can understand why I thought this might be Emerson.

April 5, 2013

Our Future Is as Bright as Our Youth

I've long been a fan of Ralph Waldo Emerson's essays Self-reliance and The American Scholar. I don't agree with all he says; we rarely do agree completely with other human beings – even reasonable ones. But his reasoning is thought-provoking, and his ability to articulate himself is truly inspiring.

I'd pretty much given up hope on our current generation of young people, thinking they were just a bunch of vapid zombies, when I came across this beautiful poem on the Internet.

When you hear this in the club,
you gonna turn this shit up
you gonna turn this shit up
you gonna turn this shit up
When we up into the club,
all eyes on us
all eyes on us
all eyes on us
Drink it up and then drink some more
Light it up and let's let it blow
Blow blow, ay yo

I've only included the best parts, but I'm sure you can understand why I thought this might be by Emerson, or maybe even by William Shakespeare. But it's by a young contemporary with a similar name: Will.i.am B. Spears, or something like that. Well, who wrote it isn't the point. The point is, my hope is renewed for our next generation and the future of our country. I'm just so relieved to know that in upcoming elections, when they votin' at the polls, they gonna keep this shit up. They gonna keep this shit up.

To a bright future. God bless America. Blow blow, ay yo.


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