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In The News...
Election Day 2016 to New Year's Eve

December 31, 2016

20 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

New article up! 2016-12-30 - GO AWAY LITTLE PREZ

December 30, 2016

21 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

Could liberals create a self-fulfilling prophecy? Think about it: A sizeable portion of our prosperity is based on the tech bubble. And the tech bubble is fueled to a great degree by media content. A good portion of this media content – whether it be entertainment or news – is produced by liberal celebrities, media types, actors, and musicians. And these types are so convinced that everyone who disagrees with them "hates" them, so they act like uncivil children, rioting and/or lecturing. And this behavior puts people off – at least half of us.

I’m not boycotting them, but their behavior has caused me to lose interest in what they produce. I don’t listen to the news anymore. I won’t go see Hamilton in a million years. I find I am far less interested in movies lately. Maybe a good portion of the population feels this same way.

If this is true, then there will be a drastic reduction in demand, which will affect everyone down the employment chain. And if this prosperity bubble burst, won’t they just blame Trump, even though it was their own behavior that alienated their audience and started the chain reaction?

I hope and pray that Trump can get things so moving again, and that these people will shut up long enough to stop cutting off their nose to spite their face, so we can actually have a chance to enjoy what they do and they can prosper too. That we all can prosper.

Here’s to a Happy and Prosperous 2017.

December 29, 2016

22 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

Barack doing his best to go out in a flame of glory, start WWIII, and take everyone with him. Just because Dems lost an election? Or maybe he's just doing the works he's seen with his father.

December 28, 2016

23 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

I have never seen a clearer representation as to what just happened in this election and WHO WE ARE. Workerland v. Fantasy Islands.

December 27, 2016

24 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

December 26, 2016

25 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

Over the last couple of weeks, a lot of people I didn't know said Merry Christmas to me. I don't remember it being like this since I was a kid.

December 25, 2016

26 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

There is a Santa Claus (because I believe there is).

The New York Times is objective (because they say they are).

Liberals now love Ronald Reagan... well, at least Nancy Reagan (because they hate Trump even more).

December 24, 2016

27 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

Merry Christmas!

December 23, 2016

28 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

Liberals melting down. Just loving it.

December 22, 2016

29 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

Please, please, please, liberals – keep on doing what you are doing. It got Trump elected in 2016, and will get him elected again in 2020.

Bet they are using a lot of BleachBit at the White House, DoJ, IRS, and any other Obama controlled agency right now. I think we will be learning things in the next few years about the Obama Administration that will curl our ears.

December 21, 2016

30 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

Donald Trump doesn't think like a Democrat, or even like a Republican. He thinks like a pragmatist: HOW CAN I GET THE JOB DONE? This is the situation. This is the task. Now how can I do the very best job, with the resources and time I have available, and bring it in under-budget and ahead-of-schedule?

You'd think Democrats would love the fact that he's not going to Washington to specifically try and shrink government. But Democrats don't want government to run efficiently either. The plethora of rules and regulations and bureaucracies is the best atmosphere to continue to grow government. Efficiency is a necessary element to shrink it.

One thing for sure: Donald Trump knows the difference between people who really want to work and get the job done right, and those people who just want to protect their phony baloney jobs.

December 20, 2016

31 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

Democrats complaining about the popular vote v. electoral college are acting like no one told them about the electoral college. News Flash: We've had the electoral college for over 200 years.

You lost because you didn't get out the vote in the INDIVIDUAL STATES!!! and you didn't get out the vote in the individual states because you believed your own media propaganda telling everyone Hillary would win by a landslide. (94 million eligible voters didn't vote this year!)

Another News Flash: Hillary’s 2.5 million popular vote win ALL came from California, where she won by nearly 5 million votes! which incidentally is the same vote margin Democrats have had in California for the last 3 presidential elections.

Could it be that this election was really about “f” California?

December 19, 2016

32 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

What Russia hacked, if Russia hacked, is irrelevant to this election. Julian Assange (who you libs used to worship) said the info didn't come from Russia. WikiLeaks has never issued false info in their years in existence, and has never been partisan. They are about transparency.

You Dems damned yourselves and your election by letting party elites pick a flawed candidate, and by undermining the candidate (Bernie) the PEOPLE picked.

Loretta Lynch, Donna Brazil, John Podesta, Debbie Was-a-man Shitz, and Hillary herself are all crooks, and WikiLeaks blew the whistle on them. But that was only ONE of the reasons you lost.

Point is: YOU LOST. Get over it and get ready for 2020. But you'd better stop making excuses and playing the victim and get to work, because I have a feeling Trump and Company are going to do such a good job for ALL Americans that your slave voters aren't coming back to your party. And I suspect that is your real fear: Not that Trump will FAIL, but that he will SUCCEED. Can't have that, right Dems?

December 18, 2016

33 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.


What about diversity of skills? The greatest diversity is the right set of skills for the right job at the right time. This is Trump's time, and he is using his skills and the skills of others to benefit ALL Americans.

The Left wants to block this, because once people see the benefit to themselves, they will abandon their Leftist "slave owners" en massse.

Guess the slave owner community organizers will have to find REAL jobs. Just like the slave owners of the Old South learned to function with paid labor after the civil war. Talk about leveling the playing field.

December 17, 2016

34 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and others of their ilk have humiliated themselves and our country with their incompetence and deceit, and now they've decided to go out in a flame of "glory."

The sooner the better. Thirty-four days seems too long, especially if Obama behaves himself with Russia like he did with Syria and Libya in the next 34 days.

Michelle Obama told the Oprah, "We are feeling what not having hope feels like." Michelle, you'd be surprised just how much hope a person can feel when they have a JOB!

Guess your husband's stints as an ice cream scooper at Baskin Robbins, and a summer at a moving company, didn't really help him much in the job creation category. (Well except for Baristas). Guess protecting your legacy and your ideology is more important than really helping the people of this county.

In 34 days you can get out of the way, and let President Trump show you how it's done.

December 16, 2016

35 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.


I’d rather have a box of chocolates that all the pieces are the same color on the outside, but taste different, than one’s that are all different colors on the outside, but taste the same. Though liberals pretend otherwise, they are all about surface stuff.


Racism = to discriminate on the basis of skin color.

The “New” Racism = criticism of a person of "color" by a non-color (white) person or another person of color of a different political percussion.

The Left’s redefining of words cannot be ignored, else their erroneous definitions work their way into culture, destroying freedom and reason for persons of every color and persuasion.

December 15, 2016

36 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

LET 'EM BLOW! (to the tune of Let It Snow)

Well the Democrats are acting frightening
Cause they've just been hit by lightning
We have 36 days to go, so
Let 'em blow, Let 'em blow, Let 'em blow!

And the media hacks are crying
Cause we all know they've been lying
Guess the Wikileaks were a bore
Just ignore, just ignore, just ignore.

When Trump finally takes office
What a fun party that will be
No Beyonce or hub Jay Z
But bet that Kanye will emcee

Well the people just didn't love her
So now Putin is Hill's new cover
And the media has to crow, so
Let 'em blow, Let 'em blow, Let 'em blow!
And since it's downhill they'll go
Let 'em blow... Let 'em blow... Let 'em blow!

December 14, 2016

37 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

December 13, 2016

38 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

Everyone knows what this "Russia" hacking crap is all about. It's about the Hillary/Podesta camp trying to hide the fact that the DNC had their own internal leaks – Bernie supporters who were sick and tired of being screwed by the establishment wing of their own party.

Establishment Democrats didn't want Bernie in, and now establishment Dems and Republicans once again are trying to get rid of Trump.


December 12, 2016

39 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

December 11, 2016

40 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

Turned on the TV this morning for the first time in a few weeks. You'd think the election was still going on. Democrats on the media still trying to promote and take advantage of dysfunction in order to gain money and power. The media right there in bed with them. Not even worth watching anymore.

Under a Trump presidency and functional government, Democrats will not be able to exist using the same old playbook. If they try to do so, they'll only have 2 sources of voters left: illegal immigrants and brainwashed university snowflakes. And if Trump does what he's promised, and parents do what they should, they won't even have those voters.

December 10, 2016

41 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

The Democrat party is out making excuses for Hillary Clinton’s loss, and making plans to counteract Trump’s presidency. But Hillary, Demo-rats, and establishment Republicans all lost for the same reason: AMERICA IS SICK OF IDEOLOGY!

As both Rush Limbaugh and Barack Obama have said, “Trump is not ideological, he is pragmatic.”

Trump is trying to fix REAL problems, not advance causes or agendas.

Of course, Hillary isn't ideological either. She is simply playing to the ideology of her supporters to gain power and to get money, as she has always done.

But the majority of Americans (ones not living in their parent’s basements, living on the system, or living in California) are hurting bad, and they need REAL help, not more phony baloney causes!

Democrats will always win the popular vote as long as there is a subset leaching off of the rest of us. But the leached are starting to run out of stuff to give. Lets hope the coming prosperity under Trump doesn’t lull us back to sleep as a nation.

December 9, 2016

42 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

It is amazing how disinterested one can be in politics when they are confident in the person that will soon be in the White House. (But I feel like I need to watch my back because Obama still has 41 days left.)

December 8, 2016

43 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

December 7, 2016

44 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration (and the end of President 44).

December 6, 2016

45 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

December 5, 2016

46 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

December 4, 2016

47 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

December 3, 2016

48 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

December 2, 2016

49 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

December 1, 2016

50 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

November 30, 2016

51 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

November 29, 2016

52 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

November 28, 2016

53 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

November 27, 2016

54 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

November 26, 2016

55 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

November 25, 2016

56 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

November 24, 2016

57 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

Happy Thanksgiving!

November 23, 2016

58 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

The media makes its money by making itself important. No story is interesting without conflict, so the media must create conflict to keep the the story going and the revenue flowing. In many ways, the media has made itself the story.

A GREAT America isn't as interesting as a conflicted America. So expect outrage over everything Trump does for the next 8 years – outrage that we should have seen over the last 8 years.

November 22, 2016

59 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

Democrats are faced with a real dichotomy. Should they move center in the hopes of recapturing the Trump Democrats but risk losing the radicals, or should they continue to try to appeal to the more radical elements like they did in this past election?

Hopefully, they will go with the radical. I'd like to see even more states go Red in 2020.

November 21, 2016

60 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

It is interesting to me that the snowflake social justice warriors label everyone else as phobic, yet they are the ones with deep seated clinical phobias. They say they are deeply afraid their rights won’t be protected under our new president, yet they were willing to vote for a president that wouldn’t have protected their right to stay alive! (Think Orlando shooting.)

November 20, 2016

61 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.


Only 10 tens days after Donald Trump promised to be president for ALL Americans, liberals actors are already resisting his agenda of creating jobs for all Americans, by making it more difficult for American actors to find paying gigs. (As if it wasn't hard enough to begin with.)

In an act of Drama Queenery at its finest, actors in the Broadway play Hamilton had an encore "look-at-me" moment, by insulting Vice President elect Mike Pence. Can you imagine if the truly "forgotten" people (you know, the ones who voted for Trump/Pence) ever did this to Obama?

Well, nothing like a 50% drop in ticket sales to piss a producer off, and nothing like waiting tables again to teach an actor to respect others the way they say they want to be respected. Hope you listened to your parents when they told you not to give up your day job.

It's looking more and more like TRUMP 2020

November 19, 2016

62 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

New article up! 2016-11-19 - A DR. SPOCKWORK ORANGE

November 18, 2016

63 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

Dear President Trump,

I’m a 3rd grade student at Crestwood Elementary School. I’m writing to you about the really mean things you said during the campaign. And I was thinking, it was probably a really good thing you did. Because Democrats always say really nasty things about Republicans, and Republicans never fight back. Plus, during the primaries, you weeded out the Republican candidates that wouldn’t have defended themselves and would have lost to Hillary. Especially low-energy Jeb!

My mom told me that you have never drunk alcohol or smoked cigarettes, and that you get up every morning at 5am and work very hard. And your kids are really good examples, too. So I forgive you for the mean things you said. Now put together your team, and go bust some balls for our country!


Little Johnnie

P.S. My teacher said she hopes you fail. But she is a progressive, socialist, anarchist, who is just bitter because Hillary (and Obama) lost.

November 17, 2016

64 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

Some Democrats continue to complain they lost the election because of the “unfair” electoral college. Their complaint is that because the electoral college puts state sovereignty ahead of the popular vote, that they are being subjected to the will of Midwest America.

It is no surprise Democrats won the big liberal population states of California and New York. They’ve won them for years, and probably will for years to come. But just when has California and New York not done as they fool please anyway? But controlling 99% of culture isn't enough for them. They aren't happy unless everyone is subjugated to their will.

But Democrats could have just as easily won the electoral vote this year, like they did in 2008 and 2012. So why didn’t they?

Because they didn’t get out the vote in the states they had easily won in years before. Not only was Democrat turn-out down in the states they lost, but key constituencies that did show up, showed up for Trump! The black vote was up 8% for Trump over Romney. Hispanic vote up 7%. He also out-performed Romney among Asians, women, and gays.

This means key groups are jumping the Democrat slave ship, and that they are fighting for their own rights, and that they don’t need the little snowflakes to fight for them after all.

Guess they finally realized they’re "STRONGER WITHOUT" the people who promise, but never DO anything for them.

The fact is, do-nothing “social justice warriors” like Black Lives Matter and Soros’ snowflake protestors are killing the Democrat Party. (More than one-third of the "Not My President" protestors arrested didn't even vote!!!)

Democrats have been saying for years the Republican Party needed to change if they want to win the presidency. The tables have turned, and unless the Democrat Party makes some serious changes (and not just cosmetic), they may never win another election. And that is just alright with me.

November 16, 2016

65 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

Donald Trump was elected for one reason -- THE LAWLESSNESS OF OBAMA AND LIBERAL DEMOCRATS!

Obama's overreach in using executive actions to make, break, and circumvent the laws has severely alarmed every rational American.

We've seen this lawlessness in Obama, Hillary Clinton, BLM, the little snowflakes on the streets protesting, and the government officials in so-called "sanctuary" cities like San Francisco and LA, and in Chicago's Rahm Emanuel, who refuses to enforce the laws that duly elected representatives of the people have passed, and that government officials have sworn to uphold.

Civil people understand the importance of the process of law, and we see the danger for all Americans when this process is ignored for the sake of "fairness" or political correctness or for political advantage.

There are laws that provide for the lawless behavior of people in office, and those laws need to be exercised.

November 15, 2016

66 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

I counted 41 busses of protestors bussed-in for Chicago protests. Unless Soros and cohorts run out of money, this will be the new norm.

George Soros and tricksters comin
Paid protesters that he owns
This summer I hear the drummin
More dread in Ohio

November 14, 2016

67 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

Trump hasn't even taken the oath of office yet, and the critics are already saying he's backing off his promises. Holy crap. At least give the guy 167 days from now. (For those of you with weak math skills, that's 67 days till his inauguration + his first 100 days in office.)

Once there is an honest DoJ that won't burn files and obstruct its own "justice", it will be amazing just how quickly the swamp will get drained and the trash found there will be disposed of.

Trump doesn't need to be micro-managed. That's one of the many reasons I voted for him. If in 167 days, it starts looking like another Obama administration, or a Hillary administration, then every person that voted for Trump will turn up the fire. But I am quite confident that Trump will get 'er done.

November 13, 2016

68 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

These kids in the streets are incapable of letting go of the irrational idea that people who disagree with them "hate" them. Fact is: if these kids ever gave up their hate for people they think "hate" them, they would be totally empty. They would have nothing. No cause. No meaning in life. No goal or motivation. This is why they hold on to their irrational fears and hate so tightly.

November 12, 2016

69 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

Every time someone loses an election, but had the most popular votes nationwide, they complain about the electoral college. But the electoral college makes sure there is equal representation by state. This is why we say, “These” United States of America. Without this method, the states lose their individual power and sovereignty, and states with large populations (and large cities like CA, NY) subject all other states to their will. The map makes this pretty plain.

Obama won the popular vote by almost 8% in 2008, and 4% in 2012. Hillary barely won the popular vote. Only by .2% (and all the votes haven't been counted yet), mostly because of big, liberal cities. And if someone would actually take the time to remove ballots for dead people and illegal aliens, I’m sure Trump would have won the popular vote by probably the same margin as Obama, seeing as the stats show that Trump would have beaten Obama in 2012.

Every time liberals lose an election, they talk about seceding, like COW (California, Oregon, and Washington). But California is already at/near bankruptcy, and that is even with HUGE federal funding. And I wonder who will provide their national defense.

Oh, well. They’ll make a great buffer zone for the rest of the country from China, Russia, and North Korea, should there ever be a nuclear war.

November 11, 2016

Veterans Day, and 70 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

More War Whore behavior down on the streets, as self-destructive idiots take pleasure in destruction rather than building.

Our Veterans fought and died so we could peacefully protest!

November 10, 2016

71 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration.

Little Snowflakes, led by paid activists, protesting in the streets, doing more of what caused Hillary to lose, and Trump to be elected in the first place.

Celebrities, like the elitists we just voted down, promising and encouraging this crap.

Dear Celebs: we are tired of your self-important BS. You play "make believe" for a living, for God's sake! It's time you went back to actually doing something, like waiting tables. Deal with real life and see how much money you have or would be willing to donate to this crap. Let you have another chance to look at your paycheck each week, and crap your pants wondering how little is left after taxes.

This goes for you media people too.

November 9, 2016

72 Days till President Donald J. Trump's Inauguration. Election 2016

I'm listening to the media talk about how they never saw this coming. If Google algorithms hadn't had buried this website (and they wouldn't have buried their heads in the sand), they would have seen it coming since November 28th, 2012.

Congratulation President Elect Trump and VP Elect Mike Pence. Congratulations Republican House, Senate, and Governors. Congratulations America.

Hillary and I can finally get some sleep.

The Media Horse Race.


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