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Most recent article:

Or It's One Nation under Liberals with Tyranny and Injustice for All.

In The News...

Dec 31, 2019

Libs won't believe that DNA is proof of intelligence, yet they'll believe a random pattern of static emanating from space is proof positive of intelligent life.

Dec 26, 2019

So, just who is urging Trump to "get tough" with North Korea? Ghosts of government/administrations past, who have never done a thing to solve the North Korea problem? The idiots who paid North Korea to build nukes, like Bill Clinton and G.W. and their so-called "advisors."?

Bah! Humbug. If anyone can solve the problem, Trump can. Not the pundits! Little Kim is a gnat in the scheme of things. And if he gets too annoying, he will disarm, or have be de-armed, de-legged, and de-headed.

Dec 25, 2019

Liberals don't mind freedom as long as you use your freedom to do what they want you to do. And if you don't do what they want you to do, you are not "liberated."

Dec 24, 2019

I believe if the American left prevails, they will erase every remembrance of America as founded, just the way they are trying to erase everything they deem unfair about it by tearing down southern state statues. Would not surprise me if this included changing the name of this country, as well as its history.

Dec 23, 2019

Democrats don't ask for help. In fact, they don't think they need any. They just ask for money and power to enable their destructive/self-destructive behavior.

Dec 22, 2019

We do use the popular vote, only it's the individual states' popular vote, and not the national popular vote. Many states have as law that their state's electors vote according to its popular vote. There were only 5 electors that voted contrary to their state's popular vote in 2016, and none of those went in favor of Trump. So, kaput goes the "Russian Interference" hoax.

Obama said, "Our election system can't be tampered with." Rosenstein said, "Not one single vote was changed."

The only way I see an election can actually be tampered with (to the end that it would actually affect the outcome) would be people voting who are not supposed to be voting (non-citizens), a significant number of electors changing their votes (which absolutely didn't happen in 2016), or for votes to show up in the trunk of some Democrats car on election night in a precinct they are clearly losing.

Regarding impeachment: Joe Biden must be the nominee in order for the impeachment scam to work. Else if he is not, the corruption investigation into Biden/Burisma will proceed full-scale (if it isn't already), nullifying the idea that Trump's motivation for investigating Biden was politically motivated, and thereby vindicating Trump.

Of course, Dems will still say it IS politically motivated anyway, because the real issue with them is, "Dems can't be investigated, because that would be a witch hunt."

In spite of all their hatefulness, many, many liberal commenters on websites, and protesters in the streets, are paid, staged, and financed to do it. Conservatives support Trump without being paid to do it. When you think about it, even illegal immigrants have to be paid/financed to come here.

Dec 21, 2019

Christianity Today, founded by evangelist Billy Graham, recently wrote that Trump should be removed from office on moral grounds. Billy Graham's son, Franklin Graham, spoke up for Trump revealing that his father had voted for Trump because his father believed that Trump was the "man of the hour."

And so, another liberal rag, disguised in conservative clothing ("Never-Trumpers"), bites the dust.

It was the best of times, it was the best of times.

Dec 20, 2019

It hit me like a ton of bricks tonight. I've even said it many times on this website, but it never quite hit me like it did tonight. That is:

Donald Trump is just one man. He never could have become president if it weren't for us "deplorables" who voted for him. Russia didn't vote for him. I voted for him. You voted for him. Sixty-three million Americans voted for him.


And this won't stop when Trump is gone!!! They won't stop until WE are gone. Until there are not enough of us to vote for a Trump or until there is not a Trump to vote for. Only then will they stop. When they get what they want, and when they have eliminated those who can oppose them politically.

Dec 19, 2019


(to the tune of the Beatles', Baby's in Black)

Oh dear, what can we do?
Nancy's in black cause she's feeling blue
Tell me, oh what can we do?

She thinks of him and so she dresses in black
But she will never come back, she's dressed in black

Oh dear, what can we do?
Nancy's in black cause she's feeling blue
Tell me, oh what can we do?

It's hurting her, but she thinks it's hurting him
Her stupid political whim, to impeach him

Oh how long will it take
Till she admits the mistake she has made?

Dear, what can we do?
Poor Demo-rats, they're feeling so blue
Tell me, oh what can we do?

Dec 14, 2019

Hollywood "mega-donors" wouldn't exist if conservatives would stop funding them.

Nov 23, 2019

The left doesn't just embrace new alphabet people, it spawns them. While aborting everything real and natural, it cherishes the artificial, the fake -- THE LIE! (It also despises normal, because it is a reminds them of what they are not.)

The left wants to spend our money to get them operations. We would be willing to spend money to get them psychiatric help. But the left doesn't want that. And the people wanting the operations don't think they need help.

Nov 22, 2019

Final day impeachment bombshells:

I am really, really, REALLY intelligent. I am really offended. And, well, Russia, Russia, Russia!

Nov 20, 2019

4th day impeachment bombshells:

I want nothing.

Nov 19, 2019

3rd day impeachment bombshells:

President Trump is unusual.

Tell us something we don't know, dumba**es. That's why we voted for him. Unusual<>unconstitutional. But then, you wouldn't care about the constitution, would you.

Nov 15, 2019

1st day impeachment bombshells:

Um, he's sick. My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night.

2nd day's impeachment bombshells:

And how did that make you feel?

It hert my feewings.

Nov 14, 2019

Media = Presstitutes

Media = Those who demand respect but refuse to give it to others. (It's why they'll end up with no respect.)

Media = Those who use their 1st amendment rights to deprive others of their 1st amendment rights (and all other amendment rights).


1) The liberal media, Democrats, and Hollywood worked in concert (knowingly or unknowingly) to create the perception that the majority of people think like them, for the express purpose of getting everyone TO think like them.

2) In this sea of conformity, in this bubble, they began to believe their own lie -- that everyone DID think like them.

3) They lost an election and couldn't fathom why, since they thought everyone thought like them. (Thus their susceptibility to Russian/Ukrainian/other hoaxes).

4) Many Democrats voted for Donald Trump (because of REAL necessities in life) but would never admit it, for fear of the liberal social crucifixion machine. Even more will vote for Trump in 2020, but again, most will do it silently.

5) And because of number 4, the liberal media, Democrats, and Hollywood will be confounded once again, because their polls will continue to show the majority thinks like them.

6) Libs are starting to figure out what failed, are mad as hell, and are going back to implementing #1 with even greater ferocity.

Such bombshells yesterday. The most compelling argument for impeachment was from witness, Simone. "Um, he's sick. My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night."

Nov 13, 2019

Having fewer or no choices is simpler... for people who don't want to think or DO. But for people who are willing to use what God gave them, freedom is an open road of possibilities.

Nov 12, 2019

The deep state is basically people who have gotten used to the unconstitutional administrative state. Trump is side-lining them. Thus their hatred of him. They may see themselves as indispensable protectors of Democracy, but they are unelected by WE THE PEOPLE, and appointed and serve at the pleasure of the President of the United States of America, who is ELECTED by WE THE PEOPLE. And by usurping the president's authority, they become the enemies of democracy, and the enemy of WE THE PEOPLE.

Joe Biden said, "Government is the one thing we all belong to." NO, Mr. Biden! We do NOT belong to government. Government belongs to us -- WE THE PEOPLE!

Nov 10, 2019

People who have an opinion but present all the facts to show how they got that opinion, make much better journalists than people who pretend to be objective. It's called honesty.

Judge Judy (on Michael Bloomberg's announcement he is running for President):

"Bridges aren't getting built, roads aren't getting fixed, infrastructure isn't getting done," she continued, "because everybody's so busy hating each other."

WE don't hate anybody, Judy, including those who hate us. But the left hates us and Trump. And the real reason is because they hate themselves and others, because of their made-up guilt, and because of their REAL guilt which they always try to blame on others/society. And electing Bloomberg will just give their hatred free reign.

P.S. If anybody can get bridges built, roads fixed, infrastructure, it's Trump. But instead of passing legislation, the left is too busy hating Trump, obstructing his agenda, and pushing Impeach! Impeach! Impeach! And if Bloomberg were president, the only reason they'd pass something would be because of attached "pork" and so they could brag about how they "could get it done, but Trump couldn't." What a bunch of crooks.

Nov 9, 2019

Don't pee on your own leg and tell yourself it's raining. There is nothing inherently good about being united. Hitler and Germany were united. I'm NOT for uniting behind what Dems are doing, because it is hurting all Americans, including the people they pretend to help. But I am for uniting behind what President Trump is doing because it is helping ALL Americans, including the ones who hate him (and oppose themselves).

Liberalism is a religion -- an ideology of blind devotion. No matter how many times it fails; no matter how many people it hurts. People are expendable to the "cause." It will always work "next time," or if we just "progress" a little more.

Conservatism always works. Every single time it is applied. And that's what makes liberals furious. They are so devoted to their liberal religion that they refuse to try and apply conservatism, then blame conservatism and conservatives personally for why their lives are an infested wreck.

Nov 7, 2019

Anyone else feeling the free-speech vise close on Fox? Guess the Disney take over was the first step. People like Paul Ryan and others joining the board of Fox the 2nd.

Outside of the fact that liberals are naturally (unnaturally) prone to moral degradation, deterioration, and disintegration, liberals have also figured out how to make money by simply being the status quo. They find something that sane people think, then oppose it as being unjust, and form an NGO/NP to get government money to fund it (i.e. let those that you oppose fund your new found career). Washington D.C. is FULL of these career "opportunities" and it is truly despicable.

Nov 6, 2019

Dems have set an unbelievable precedent in refusing to accept the 2016 election results. If election results can't be trusted, then why should we trust them when a Democrat wins? If elections don't speak for themselves, then don't expect us to trust the results if a Democrat wins.

Media. Do your job. Let the election speak for itself.

After the death of 9 Americans caught in the crossfire between the drug cartels in Mexico, President Trump has offered to send troops to Mexico to help get rid of the cartels.

The American military could help achieve results that would actually benefit America for a change. It would help stop illegal immigration as well as the drug flow from Mexico.

Oh wait. Libs don't want either of those things stopped.

Transcripts of the opinions of others on the Ukrainian phone call? Just read the PHONE TRANSCRIPT. Do they really think we are too stupid to read it for ourselves without them chewing it up for us and feeding it back to us still dripping with their partisan saliva?

The elected President makes foreign policy, not unelected agencies.

Nov 5, 2019

It is interesting to me how many times bells are used as an analogy of freedom. A bell doesn't ring itself. Someone has to ring it. And KEEP ringing it.

Where there is no truth, there can be no freedom. The importance of freedom of speech is that truth might prevail. This is why liberals hate freedom of speech.

Joy Behar telling Democrats they should not "tell people you are going to take their guns away till after you are elected," is the epitome of how Democrats operate. You know, "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

Liberals hate the Bill of Rights because it specifies more aspects of freedom they have to chip away at. Conservatives "dislike" the Bill of Rights because it can be misconstrued to eliminate rights not listed. As in all documents, without the intention, truth is lost. Liberals will "play" with words to destroy the intention if they have to, but would prefer to get rid of the document altogether so that there is no reminder of truth.

Truth annoys them, because it disrupts their mission. Truth has to be crucified, imprisoned, persecuted... whatever it takes to shut it down. And this iniquity is at work openly, as well as insidiously in the background -- to shut down voices of truth, be they in the pulpit, on the radio, or on the street.

Liberals never stop. This is why we can never stop ringing the bell. "The British are coming. The British are coming."

Nov 4, 2019

For years Dems have said they were giving "voice to the voiceless." What a scam. Their real message to conservatives is: Lie down and play dead or we'll ruin your life.

They can oppose you, but don't you dare oppose them. Never-Trumpers have joined them thinking they'll pick up the pieces once things get back to "normal." Take a look at our culture and see what "normal" has become. America is saying, "No thank you." More like, "No frickin way!"

Maybe they can get rid of Trump. I doubt it. But they are not getting rid of this movement. And the more they persecute Trump, the more clear it becomes what their plans are for the rest of us.

Nov 2, 2019

One of my pet peeves is when people leave messes for others to clean up. It's the epitome of not taking personal responsibility and selfishness. Democrats love making messes so they can take your money to clean those messes up, while siphoning off a bit of the money as they do. Problem is: their messes never get cleaned up -- by design.

Individuals (maybe many) in our intelligence community have decided to act as the 4 UNELECTED branch of government. Very Gestapo-like, and very, very dangerous. If they are not stopped, WE THE PEOPLE will just be a cliché.

Nov 1, 2019

On the impeachment rules vote:

Yeas were 54%. Exactly the same percentage of 2016 popular votes for Hillary and the Independent candidates.

Nays were 46%. Exactly the same percentage of 2016 popular votes for Trump.

(Trump got 57% of the electoral college votes. Hillary 43%. Independents 0%)

What is making the Dems so sad and so mad is, they lost an election -- and there was no Russian collusion, no obstruction of justice, no weaponizing of government, no Quid pro Quo with Ukraine, no nothing, and Trump had 95% negative coverage from the media. The Dems actually did ALL of these things, had 95% positive coverage from the media, and STILL LOST THE ELECTION! And they know they're going to lose the next one too. So they are willing to tear up our country instead of just admitting it, getting their act together, and getting a candidate for 2024 that has some good enough ideas and the leadership skills to win.

It is really a sad, sad day for our country. For ALL Americans. Let's hope it doesn't get any sadder. For over 200 years we've honored the results of our elections. Our side doesn't mind losing elections. We've lost before. We'll lose again. But don't you DARE try to STEAL an election away from us. Because our freedom, our government OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE cannot continue if you do. And it won't be pretty if you do.

And you people in the media, and leaders in the Democrat party, and never-Trumpers, who have fed the false narrative that the Russians or the Republicans stole the election(s) away from Democrats -- SHAME ON YOU! You are the ones who are feeding the division and the hate frenzy on the left, and tearing up our country by accusing Trump of doing what you actually DID!

Obama said it was impossible to affect our election and change votes. Rosenstein said not one vote was changed. Hillary won the national popular vote, and all of the electors voted according to the popular vote of their individual states, except for 5 -- none of which changed their vote TO Trump.



ARTICLE 1, Under Donald Trump, the U.S. has added 6.4 million jobs, including 500,000 manufacturing jobs; poverty is at its lowest level in two decades and median family income has risen $5,000 in less than three years. By rolling back taxes and regulations, Trump engineered historically low unemployment with surging wages for all, including women and minorities. This is deeply embarrassing to Democrats, who promised their constituents these things for 50 years.

ARTICLE 2, Donald Trump has rebuilt the once-depleted U.S. military into the most powerful fighting force in history; he is removing the U.S. from ancient tribal conflicts in the Middle East while supporting Israel.

ARTICLE 3, Donald Trump has restructured unfair trade deals and global agreements; Trump has leveraged U.S. economic might to reset America's relationship with China, so that we win, they lose.

ARTICLE 4, Under Donald Trump, America has become the world's No. 1 oil and natural gas producer.

ARTICLE 5, Donald Trump withdrew from the pocket-picking Paris Accords and the Iran deal, daring to erase Obama's signature agreement allowing Iran to nuke up.

ARTICLE 6, Donald Trump has appointed over 150 conservative originalists to the judiciary.

ARTICLE 7, Donald Trump has doggedly increased control of the U.S. southern border.

ARTICLE 8, Donald Trump is guilty of winning, guilty of surviving Deep State schemes to take him out, guilty of producing peace and prosperity, and guilty of working hard to fix the nation's problems.

(THE DEMOCRATS ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT printed without permission from RushLimbaugh.com. Am I bad? I'm sure they'll let me know if I am.)

Oct 31, 2019

The real story is the identity of the so-called "whistle-blower" Eric Ciamorella -- 33 year old registered Dem, outspoken Trump critic and fired White House leaker, who worked for Biden, worked for John Brennan, and was part of the original "Russian Hoax" initiation!

"At the end of the day we’ll have the same president and same candidate and a failed impeachment process, and the only difference would be that the president will have been exonerated of charges," Van Drew (one of two Democrats that voted NO in this morning's vote) said in a statement to Fox News.

This is what Pelosi was trying to tell the left wing of her party all along. But they wouldn't listen. Now they get to see it play out. Pelosi's career and speaker-ship is finished. The left-wingers are finished. The Dem party will go the way of the Whigs.


We've seen how Dem predictions play out time and time again. Trump won't run, and if he does, he won't win the nomination, and if he does, he won't win the presidency, and if he does we'll impeach him.

No matter how many times you Dems are wrong, you are incapable of learning anything. No wonder you keep losing.

Oct 30, 2019

Michelle Obama says whites ‘still running’ away from minorities, immigrants.

“I want to remind white folks that y’all were running from us,” she continued, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. “And you’re still running.”

So let me make sure I got this right, Moochelle: People are moving out of Hyannis Port since you and Barack moved in? (And I'll bet you never used the words "y'all" until you became an activist!)

But seriously, let's identify the REAL problem: We aren't running from blacks, Michelle, we are running from Democrats. Even black Democrats are starting to run from Democrats. And you know it. And that, and all that money and the highlife you are enjoying, is the REAL reason there is "zero chance" of you running for president (as you put it) in 2020.

But as far as neighborhoods? I stood in line at Walmart not too long ago and listened to the conversation of two black women in front of me. One asked the other, "Did you get out of the hood yet?" The other responded, "Not yet. Still tryin. One of these days." So everyone wants out of these neighborhoods, regardless of their color.

And as far as immigrants? The difference in culture and lack of assimilation drives property values down; when they grow corn in the front yard, put reclining chairs on their front porch, hang their clothes there to dry, slaughter a live goat in their garage and let the blood run down their driveway (yes, REALLY!), flash/deep fry in their garage, etc. My wife is an immigrant, so we get the mentality. But it doesn't change the fact of what's happening. We will be moving too as soon as we can afford it, or if the bottom doesn't fall out of our equity because of the number of immigrants bringing their mentality/front yard corn fields to the neighborhood.

Oct 29, 2019

It's not Washington D.C. that's for WE THE PEOPLE. It's Washington D.C. versus WE THE PEOPLE.

Our government has become the enemy OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE because it is no longer a government OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE.

"Gov. Newsom’s Sanctuary California: Two Illegal Aliens Charged with Murder of Sheriff’s Deputy"

Law enforcement and their families in this country are absolutely sick of this crap from liberal politicians, tying their hands. But they can't say anything or they'll lose their jobs, so instead, they are losing their lives! That's why law enforcement officers were cheering Trump two days ago in Chicago. This issue alone could turn CA red again. Not many believe that could happen, but if anyone can make people feel like they can finally stand up for themselves and for their country and for sanity, it's Trump.

Keep an eye on the difference between the popular vote in 2016 and 2020 in Blue states. It will scare Dems to death!

Oct 28, 2019

Escape from New York (1981)

Escape from L.A. (1996)

Escape from D.C. (2020)

Lock THEM up!

Oct 27, 2019

Every day is a good day for ALL Americans since Trump has become president. But Dems and the media wake up every day thinking of ways to make it or paint it a bad day, just to keep their victimhood narrative going, and to keep their power and money. They don't give a dung about the American people. And they are willing to take their children (and ours) with them, just like al-Baghdadi.

Trump said Baghdadi "died like a dog." The media will spend the next week talking about his "despicable" language. And I have to say, I agree. Trump's comment was an insult to dogs, just like calling never-Trumpers "human scum." It's despicable that he called them human.

If you lived in one of the defenced cities of antiquity, and someone you trusted was willing to open the gates in the middle of the night for the enemy allowing them to destroy you and your children and all you'd worked years for, you'd call them more than scum. You'd call them despicable traitors. Or maybe worse names, like, Romney, Ryan, etc. And people wonder why penalties for treason are so severe.

Oct 26, 2019

New article up.

"Quid pro quo" are just words. After all these years, people still think Latin words are "magic" word. Quit playing dumb, Chris Wallace. Daddy isn't watching you from heaven. These "journalists" are activists and know exactly what they are doing and should be ashamed. Trump is draining the swamp. The swamp doesn't want to be drained. Thus, playing with words and feigning outrage over them.

Oct 25, 2019

Trump plays to liberals' obsession with form and words. He distracts them with his words while he focuses on actions they'd oppose if they only saw them coming. Actions they might see coming if they weren't so distracted by their hate and shallowness and their desire to "get" him.

Obama and Hillary sponsored chaos in the middle East (as previous administrations did to some extent), then demanded that we accept the refugees that were a result of that chaos. What a ploy!

Oct 23, 2019

As long as the "new" Republican party stays in charge, Dems won't be affected much, other than sharing in the success of the Donald Trump economy. As far social issues, they'll pretty much do just what they've been doing, especially in Blue states.

BUT if the Democrat party is in charge, they have made it perfectly clear in the recent debates exactly what they intend to do.

Think about it.

Oct 22, 2019

Geeeeezzzz, Mitt. Hope you didn't show that Delecto Pierre to anyone.

... and another one bites the dust.


Oct 21, 2019

I thought government belongs to WE THE PEOPLE. Donald Trump is doing things WE voted for him to do. He is doing the things we WANT! But the Democrats, the media, and RINOs like Mitt Romney, fight him at every point, even the tiniest points.

I thought Trump having the G7 at Doral was a great idea. Great representation to world leaders of the American dream. Perfect location for a summit. Trump said he would have paid for it, but that was against government regulations. So he was going to do it at cost, but the Dems and the media said his brand would profit. His brand is already built, and they know it.

It doesn't matter what he does, the media (even Fox News), the Dems, and Romney oppose it. Everything. THINGS WE THE PEOPLE THINK ARE REALLY GOOD IDEAS. THINGS WE WANT DONE.

Do you pieces of dung think we don't see this? Do you elites think this government is your personal property? Do you think we don't know that you can't beat us in the 2020 election, so you keep trying to find "other ways" to get rid of the man we ELECTED president? Do you think we don't know you despise us smelly Walmart deplorables (aka: WE THE PEOPLE).

This is being done openly. We see it. Quit playing King George. We elected you to REPRESENT US. You aren't. Trump is.

Oct 20, 2019

As SNL trashed their own Dem candidates in the skit, CNN Impeachment Town Hall, you could hear the call go out, "Please send us someone we can support." Especially with the despondent closing line of the skit, "And those are our choices, America. Good luck."

But there isn't going to be a rescue. Michelle can't afford to lose. It would destroy the Obama "legacy." Hillary has lost her mind. Oprah hasn't got enough "free cars" to give to everyone. George Clooney is busy (doing what, I'm not sure).

Trump is going to win. Even some Democrat pollsters say in a landslide. I don't doubt that. He will win states he never won before. He will most likely win the popular vote as well, destroying the Dem narrative of abolishing the Electoral College.

There won't be an impeachment, because that would mean acquittal. And the ideal of dragging the inquiry out till the election as a means to drive Trump's approval down will probably not be effective either. It might even help him.

If I were a Dem strategist, I would stop throwing my money down the drain on presidential candidates, and put all my money into House and Senate races. Because the presidency is a lost cause for Dems.

Oct 19, 2019

Hillary has finally gone off the deep end. Well, maybe it is just finally obvious.

Ahh, but the strawberries that's that's where I had them. They laughed at me and made jokes but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with geometric logic that... Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian "asset." And she is going to do a third party run. And Jill Stein too. Al Franken and her are going to do a fourth party run!

Franken/Stein 2020. Now that IS a monster ticket.

Oct 18, 2019

Up until Reagan, my parents voted Democrat. My dad was a blue-collar worker and voted Democrat because he said they were for the working man. Most of my liberal buddies from my younger days only voted Democrat for two reasons: they were anti-war and they wanted marijuana legalized. Apparently the only things the Dem party are now for are get high and GET TRUMP!

Trump isn't posturing. He promised to get us out of wars. He doesn't believe in them. But there are a ton of people connected to Washington and IN Washington who make big money on war.

Dem leaders are posturing. They are suddenly hawks simply to oppose Trump. And if it would help them in their quest to get him, they'd go right back to being "against war" in a heartbeat. And everyone, including those in their own party (except for maybe them), can clearly see his.

My guess is, for every one Republican Trump lost over pulling out of Syria, he got two Democrats who approve. And now that a cease-fire has been reached, Trump probably got that 1 lost Republican back.

Dems are damaging their brand for years to come. Thank you Pelosi. Thank you Schumer. Thank you Shit-ft. And thank you Jihad-Squad. (But we will "pray for your mental health.")

Hypothetical situation:
ABC: Mr. President, what is the difference between you using Mar-a-lago for the G7 summit, and Joe Biden's son profiting from his affairs in Ukraine and China?

TRUMP: The difference is that you'd investigate me in a heartbeat, but you won't investigate Biden's son.

Just sayin'

So Mitt Romney says, "Abandoning Kurds will stand as bloodstain in U.S. History!"

Maybe the rest of the sentence should read, "... and will diminish considerably my donations from the industrial military complex. But it's ok to bloodstain history with American blood!"

Don't even want to mention what kind of stain you'll be in U.S. history... Mitt.

Oct 17, 2019

Geeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzz, G.W. Can we just let these monsters in the middle-East that have been killing each other for centuries finish the job. Why do we have to keep putting our men and women between them. Our goal should be to make sure they don't get nukes. Obama brought them closer to getting nukes and you never said a word. Not a peep. Guess as long as there was no slowdown in the industrial-military money involved you didn't mind. Trump's approach makes sense. Spend the money to build up the military as a deterrent. Just don't dump the stuff along with our children's bodies and blood in the desert to keep feeding the machine.

Oct 16, 2019

Bernie just got the kiss (or "hiss") of death endorsement from the Jihad-Squad.

Oct 15, 2019

Hollywood: People playing make-believe for a living, worshiped by fans who play make-believe for a life.

Media: Press-titutes.

I believe the Dems chose Otterbein U. in Westerville OH for the debates for the following reason: Westerville is a small town. Close to the university is a small bakery that has been there for many years. Recently there were 2 young black men busted for shoplifting there. One of the head administrators and Otterbein U. put out a memo that the bakery was racist, and for the students to boycott. It hurt their biz considerably, and the bakery filed suit against the university, and last I heard, it was settled in the bakery's favor. But the libby administrator and her followers haven't let it go.

Oct 14, 2019

Lots of people criticizing Trump's Syria move. But as with all of Trump's moves, the move is not "the resolution" and there is always more to come. Trump isn't perfect, but what makes him so damned good is he is a great improviser. And in jazz improvisation, there are no incorrect notes, only incorrect resolutions. I've played with musicians so good at this, that every time you think they've painted themselves in a corner, they just blow you away with where they take it, and you are left wondering if they planned it that way all along.

Yeah, I think Trump is this good.

Oct 12, 2019

Dems call us smelly Walmart Trump supporters, DEPLORABLE, and they call President Trump anything they want. But when the president we elected to represent us calls them out for their genuinely deplorable, corrupt behavior, it is "uncivilized" and "un-presidential."

We are "deplorable" for simply wanting to protect our own family's lives, and hearts, and futures. They are "woke" because their spoiled, rich asses want to protect the 1/10th of 1% that don't even need protecting. And they build a whole campaign on that premise. And they fill their pockets with cash, while filling their constituents with hate for people that do not even hate them.

Oct 11, 2019

Hey Dems. Why not just get yourself a decent candidate with some decent ideas? Nah. Hate Trump and "get" Trump is all you got, and you know it.

Trump stole the election with the help of Russian interference, you say? Obama said it couldn't happen. Rosenstein said it didn't happen and that not a single vote was changed. Hillary won the overall popular vote. The electoral college voted according to the popular vote in their individual states, with the exception of 5 individual electors, none of which voted for Trump.

Oh wait? Another hoax? Ukraine is helping Trump steal the 2020 election by going after Biden? Donuts to dollars Dems and the media weren't/aren't going to let Biden be the nominee anyway, since THEY are the ones who broke the Biden & Son corruption story several months ago. Ah, but we learned that the "whistleblower" got his info second-hand, and now we learn the "first-hand" whistleblower worked with Biden!!! This is all getting SO interesting.

Oct 10, 2019

People are going to do what they want, but it doesn't mean I have to pat them on the back as they jump off a cliff. But hey, if that's what you want to do...

But don't you dare try to FORCE me into thinking it is normal to jump off of a cliff, or try to take me or my family over with you. Then I'll do more than just "pat back."

Oct 9, 2019

If Dems and the media would have just conceded their loss in 2016, and would have just acted normal, they would have a chance in 2020. But they have destroyed their future with their obsessive lunatic "get Trump" mission.

Oct 8, 2019

(Update to the below: Apparently Dems have decided to ignore all precedent in their pursuit.)

Complain all you want, Lil' Shitft. Until there is a formal floor VOTE to allow the Judiciary Committee to launch an impeachment inquiry, there can't be any enforceable subpoenas issued, just "request" letter. WHY AREN'T YOU REPORTING THIS, FOX? (And remember: This vote is NOT an impeachment support vote. It is only a vote of support for an inquiry.)

A VOTE is not going to happen because the vote to begin the impeachment inquiry of Nixon was passed by a 410–4 vote, and this House will not even be able to get all 235 Dems to vote "yeah." (Of course if they do decide to vote, they'll make sure FIRST that they have 2 or 3 Republican votes -- Romney, Collins, etc.-- so they/media can claim it was "bipartisan.") But even if they could get the votes, the Senate will acquit! And Dems know it and this is the last thing they want.

This is just a media show to give the press more "orange man bad" to drag out until the elections. Take the vote, you frickin cowards. I double dog dare you!

Oct 7, 2019

From Breitbart: ‘Whistleblower’ Attorney Actively Sought Anti-Trump informants. Far-Left ties, Democrat Links Revealed.

Glad someone is doing their homework out there! Guess Fox is getting to busy playing to Never-Trumper to report this.

Oct 6, 2019

Another "whistle blower" with "firsthand" knowledge? Trump released the phone call. We HAVE firsthand knowledge. The Ukrainian President has firsthand knowledge.

Brennan is going to have to "out" all his deep-state buddies at a last ditch effort of this coup before it is all uncovered. And then all these little UNELECTED PoS can all go to jail for spying and trying to overthrow the highest ELECTED office in the land.

WE THE PEOPLE don't take kindly to this kind of BS.

If you've read my early articles, then you know that one of the reasons I started this website was to support Mitt Romney in the 2012 election. He was my first campaign rally. He was my first donation to a political campaign.

Just goes to show how wrong one can be.

pompous - affectedly and irritatingly grand, solemn, or self-important. "a pompous ass who pretends he knows everything"

ass(****) - a stupid, irritating, or contemptible person.

Trump summed Romney up perfectly and honestly. I would say Paul Ryan is all that, plus weasel.

Better Applicant. Bitter Ex-applicant.

Oct 5, 2019

Ever notice how most of these politicians go to Washington D.C. without a dime to their name, yet somehow (on their fairly meager government salary) end up with millions of dollars to their name. (And most of them are Democrats.) They (or their families) start a "non-profit" and end up rich. Even if bartender AOC ends up being a one-term-wonder, she'll still end up a millionaire. Just watch.

I want them all gone, from all sides of the aisle. Drain the fricken swamp.

The media cannot go on ignoring things that are blatant (like Joe Biden publicly having the Ukrainian prosecutor fired and bragging about it), while making partisan leaps-of-logic about Trump, and still be trusted. While personally, publicly picking on pieces, and intentionally ignoring an empire of evidence, they are committing public suicide.

Oct 4, 2019

"White House Prepares Letter Daring Nancy Pelosi to Hold Impeachment Inquiry Vote"

Hell ya! This is all showboating by Dems and Trump knows it and is calling their bluff:

1) There can't be any enforceable subpoenas issued until there is a formal VOTE on the floor of the House to allow the Judiciary Committee to launch an impeachment inquiry. (Remember: This vote is NOT an impeachment support vote. It is only a vote of support for an inquiry.)

2) This is not going to happen because the vote to begin the impeachment inquiry of Nixon was passed by a 410–4 vote. This House will be lucky to get 235 out of the 435 (Democrat (235) Republican (197) Other (1) Independent (1) Vacant (2) Vacant (2))

3) Even if they could get the votes, the Senate will acquit, which is the last thing Dems want.

Oct 3, 2019

Born under a bad sign
Been down since 2016
If it wasn't for fake news
they wouldn't have no news at all

Dems are singing the blues... 'er, news

Oct 2, 2019

I was thinking today about when Trump was on Saturday Night Live on November 8th, 2015. They let him do his little dance, because they never took him seriously -- thought he'd just make a fool of himself. And I'll bet he knew just what they were thinking. But for some reason that got me thinking about the deep state, the media, and Peter Strzok.

Peter Strzok is the absolute epitome of the deep state. Like most of the media, he laughed at Trump and the idea of him even running, let alone winning. But then he saw all those "smelly Wal-Mart" deplorables and thought, "Oh crap! What if it DOES happen?" He realized he needed an insurance policy.

It wasn't Trump that scared him. It was US. And it is still us that scares these people. They need to teach us a lesson -- that we are NOT allowed to pick our candidate, unless it is one they select for us.

Trump will win again, so they must get rid of him before the election, because no one is going to buy a third "collusion" hoax. What this time? Lithuania?

This is who they are afraid of, and I love it!

Oct 1, 2019

My bet is that Disney bought out Fox to beginning absorbing it into the rest of the liberal media. Paul Ryan on the board at Fox? WTH?

Mr. Ryan. Mr. Romney. This is just the beginning. Trump is not the end. This is a new party who is tired of politics as usually. Yes, we are on the right. And you have choosen the left over us. So much for your so-called conservatism. You were never conservatives. Just establishment types. Just Dems in Republican clothing. Appease Dems all you want. If they ever get the power they want, they will throw you to the dogs, appeasement or no appeasement.

Sep 30, 2019

I like Fox News' Chris Wallace, but I think he is living in his father's (Mike Wallace) shadow. I don't think he dislikes Trump, but he seems to get a little gleam in his eye when he can report something negative about Trump. I think it's because he thinks those in the main-stream media will view him as "objective" and finally respect him the way they did his father.

Dream on, Mike. They aren't interested in objectivity. They aren't interested in you. They aren't interested in Journalism. They aren't JOURNALISTS! They are ACTIVISTS! They are interested in one thing: "Get Trump." By hook or by crook. Find dirt. Make up dirt. They don't care one way or the other.

Sep 29, 2019

Socialism is forced, shared poverty, while capitalism is participatory, shared prosperity. The only ones who don't participate in this prosperity are those who don't want to, or those who are still trapped in Democrat strongholds.

Sep 28, 2019

This should be the Democrat slogan: THE LONG ROAD TO NOWHERE

The line is from a Fox news headline regarding impeachment. I've never heard liberalism described better.

CNN's Jake Trapper declared “President Trump has... an army of trolls... that will defend anything he says or does..."

Yeah, Jake. Go ahead and REALLY piss us off, as if "deplorables" didn't already cost you an election.

FYI: We are called VOTERS.

The voters in the 2016 election fell into four general categories:

1) those who voted for Trump because they really believed he could do a great job

2) those who voted for Trump because they realized this was the country's last chance and they had nothing to lose by voting for him

3) those who didn't vote for Trump because they didn't believe he would do what he promised

4) those who didn't vote for Trump because they were die-hard Dems/lefties

Not many from category 4 are going to change in 2020, except a few who have realized just how hateful the left has become. But I suspect quite a few are moving from category 2 and 3 to category 1 in 2020. I believe Trump will win the popular vote, and the electoral college by a landslide. This is why the Dems must stop him before the election. Because once he wins a landslide, Dems and their media will be at the bottom of that landslide.

Still, I don't think Trump is stoppable. This doesn't mean the liberal media is going to leave him alone after he leaves office, especially if a Demo-rat or RINO-rat (like Romney or Ryan) is ever in office again. They can't afford to. They have been shamed and disgraced and lost their credibility. They will continue to harass him through every avenue possible. But what Trump was able to do in the private sector, and now in government, he is able to do again in the private sector as well. And whatever that is, my guess is, it won't be pretty for the lame stream media.

Sep 26, 2019

When you stop peacefully coexisting with the devil, all hell breaks loose. Get used to it.

Record breaking fund raising by Trump and RNC since Mr. Shit-ft produced his "parody."

Sep 20, 2019

Peaceful coexistence with Demon-rats means you are probably doing something wrong, because unless they are outwardly screaming at the sky, they are secretly plotting.

After Russia invaded Crimea, Obama refused to enforce the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, the one which the USA, Great Britain, Ukraine, and Russia signed. The one that guaranteed Ukraine’s territorial integrity would be respected if they gave up their nukes. This was the first Nuclear Abandonment Agreement in History! Ukraine gave up over 1,200 nukes for that promise!

I'd say we owe Ukraine some promises. Ones that will actually be kept.

Sep 19, 2019

Bill Clinton had five chances to kill Osama Bin Laden BEFORE 9/11 but didn't because of possible risk to women and children/collateral damage. Women and children didn't stop the 9/11 hijackers, however, they might have, had they been their OWN women and children. But since our adopting this policy, terrorists have used the human shield strategy as a defensive ploy on a regular basis. So we save a few of THEIR women and children so they can kill MANY... men, women, and children. My, my, aren't we noble people?

To me it is interesting that everyone at NBC knew about Trump's "grab em" tape. Like in politics, people in these circles seem to collect things like this as bargaining chips, should they ever need to use them on each other. I have no doubt Hillary had dirt on Obama, and vice versa. MAD -- Mutually assured destruction.

The fact that the tape had no effect on voters, possibly even motivating them to vote for Trump because of the Dems' underhanded strategy, reminds me of the human shield strategy. People are sick of it. Terrorists and Democrats (no difference) should beware.

It has always been ok for Democrats to slime and lie (even a resume enhancer), while Republicans were expected to assume the noble role of defense. Making up stuff on people will eventually backfire on DEMS (or anyone) IF it is exposed and IF there are consequences for doing it.

I think good people are tired of Dems using the human shield strategy. The Republican strategy should be to EXPOSE AND TO HOLD ACCOUNTABLE, rather than being intimidated into retirement.

What we see going on with the NYT and Brett Kavanaugh is about one thing -- MAKE GOOD MEN AND WOMEN THINK THAT IT IS NOT EVEN WORTH IT TO RUN FOR OFFICE AND BE PUT THROUGH THE RINGER. Let's hope there are a few good patriots left who are willing to risk their Lives, Fortunes, and sacred Honor.

Trump was well aware of his own dirt and knew it would all be exposed to family and friends when he decided to run. But he ran in order to save America. He was/is also well aware of what Democrats and the establishment (and scaredy cat Republicans) will do to him once his term(s) are over, should he fail. He is one of a kind.

Sep 11, 2019

New York Times 9/11 tweet: "Airplanes took aim and brought down the World Trade Center"

Yeah, we had the same problem with airplanes at Pearl Harbor. Those pesky airplanes.

2019 (to date) there were 1229 Islamic attacks in 45 countries, in which 6984 people were killed, and 7801 injured.

Apparently, we HAVE forgotten, because since 2004, more have been killed each year than in 2001.

2001 - 176 attacks, 12 countries, 3508 killed, 1561 injured.
2002 - 667 attacks, 23 countries, 3149 killed, 6055 injured.
2003 - 870 attacks, 33 countries, 3279 killed, 6706 injured.
2004 - 1115 attacks, 37 countries, 7109 killed, 14558 injured.
2005 - 1863 attacks, 38 countries, 7648 killed, 12864 injured.
2006 - 2778 attacks, 42 countries, 15225 killed, 19484 injured.
2007 - 3096 attacks, 45 countries, 20495 killed, 27317 injured.
2008 - 2207 attacks, 42 countries, 10717 killed, 17803 injured.
2009 - 2131 attacks, 40 countries, 9172 killed, 18612 injured.
2010 - 2034 attacks, 48 countries, 9258 killed, 17462 injured.
2011 - 1997 attacks, 57 countries, 9097 killed, 16926 injured.
2012 - 2484 attacks, 58 countries, 11557 killed, 20272 injured.
2013 - 2833 attacks, 48 countries, 16797 killed, 29596 injured.
2014 - 3007 attacks, 55 countries, 32844 killed, 27530 injured.
2015 - 2890 attacks, 53 countries, 27641 killed, 26169 injured.
2016 - 2498 attacks, 59 countries, 21413 killed, 26730 injured.
2017 - 2045 attacks, 61 countries, 16387 killed, 14362 injured.
2018 - 1976 attacks, 56 countries, 11769 killed, 11483 injured.

Sep 10, 2019

As I stood in the grocery checkout line this morning, I saw the cover headline of People Magazine: "Adele Happy After Heartbreak."

Why should I care about Adele being happy more than someone in a small town in Ohio? In fact, since Adele has a stash of cash and opportunity to travel the world to meet new, exciting people, why shouldn't I be MORE concerned with that person in a small town in Ohio?

Vicariously living through celebrities is almost as insane as celebrities living vicariously through characters of everyday people like you or myself, living lavish lifestyles as a result of it, and then thinking this qualifies them as political pundits.

Think of it: Mentally unstable people who live lavish lifestyles as a reward for pretending to be an everyday person. The irony is astonishing.

Second only to this are celeb musicians who think because they can hum a song about how they have the same problems as you and I qualifies them on political matters.

Sep 9, 2019

"Making good people helpless, does not make bad people harmless."

"We have those among us who would make you helpless. And they will eagerly make you and your children subject to the tender mercies of those who mean you harm."

Ban cars, crossing streets, distracted driving, knives, bikes, hammers, and guns!

1. Daily Drunk Driving Deaths: 29
2. Daily Deaths from Crossing the Street: 16
3. Daily Distracted Driving Deaths: 9
4. Daily Deaths by Knives and Other Sharp Instruments: 4
5. Daily Deaths from Bicycles: 2.7
6. Daily Deaths by Hammers and Other Blunt Objects: 1.27
7. Daily Deaths from all types of rifles combined is 1.1

Of course, other types of deaths eclipse all of the above:

1. Daily Heart Disease Deaths: 1,773
2. Daily Cancer Deaths: 1,641
3. Daily Medical Malpractice Deaths: 685
4. Daily Accident Deaths: 465
5. Daily Lower Respiratory Disease Deaths: 439
6. Daily Stroke Deaths: 401
7. Daily Alzheimer Deaths: 332
8. Daily Diabetes Deaths: 229
9. Daily Drug Deaths: 192
10. Flu: 152

Sep 6, 2019

It is insane to think that one could, or should, pay reparations to someone because of something one's ancestors might (or might not) have done to someone else's ancestors. And in what kangaroo court would this be tried?

If reparations are in order, then ALL of America should get reparations for 100 years of Democratic stupidity.

If you want to help African Americans -- if you want to help any person -- give them a job! If you really care about the disadvantages of minorities, give them a job. And Trump HAS DONE THIS to a greater degree than any previous president.

The reparations pander is simply more Democrat give-away money for something that someone didn't do. It doesn't help anyone. It hurts them. The only thing you can actually give to someone that helps them and doesn't hurt them is an opportunity to help themselves, namely, a job. But even a job is an opportunity -- not an end in itself. You can still lose a job. Most everyone has lost a job. The more you perform, the less likely you are to lose a job, but even that is no guarantee. That's life.

The economy is primary in producing jobs, which produces opportunity. This Trump has done.

What is a job? It's an opportunity for exchange which is economy. You give something, you receive something. It's how life works. Outside of that system, it doesn't work.

There are those in society who CAN help themselves, those who CAN'T help themselves, and those who don't WANT to help themselves. People are starting to wise up to the Democrat system -- a system that has gained political power by convincing other people that people shouldn't HAVE to take care of themselves, no matter what their situation.

Any American (including African-Americans who were formerly the voting "property" of Democrats) who has escaped this Democrat system because they now have a job (thanks to Trump), will vote for Trump, because they don't want to go back to being dependant on the system, nor do they want others living off of them.

Sep 5, 2019

A person very familiar with the early days of the recording industry said, that back in the days when AM radio was king (50s and 60s), record companies made sure the records they wanted pushed got pushed by hiring private investigators to surveil station owner, d.j.s, etc., and then would basically blackmail them: You play this record, or your wife finds out who you've been sleeping with.

I've thought for months that this could be the explanation for the many "retirements" of Republican Congress people. Yesterday Rush said the same on his show.

Everyone has dirt. Dems don't care who knows theirs. In fact, it is probably a plus for their election. If you Republicans don't have dirt, Dems will make it up. So you Republicans had better get some balls and fight back, or this country is gone.

Sep 3, 2019

So does this mean all the atheist liberals who were suddenly praying to God for Dorian-Gray to strike Mar-a-Lago aren't going to get their prayers answered? (Search on Google for Mar-a-lago and all the top searches that come up are 3-day old lame-stream media stories about how Mar-a-Lago is in Dorian's path.)

Liberal-land. Where all the bored and unfulfilled go to scorch themselves.

Liberalism, false religion, pseudoscience. They all have so much in common.

Aug 31, 2019

Trump wins the Electoral College, Dems complain the Electoral College is unfair. If Trump wins both the popular vote and the Electoral College, Dems will complain voting is unfair.

Aug 29, 2019

Dear AOC. You idiots don't protest government. You LOVE government. The first real protest against government since the 60s was in November of 2016. And we are gonna keep on protesting. And you and your ilk are the reason why.

CARE INSTRUCTIONS FOR 2016 LIBERAL GARMENTS: Lose, whine, repeat... in 2020.

I think Dems KNOW they are going to lose in 2020. I think their focus will be on Congress and to not lose the nationwide popular vote in the presidential election. Because if they lose the popular vote, they can't complain about the Electoral College. But I still think they are going to lose the popular vote in 2020.

Aug 28, 2019

People who voted for Hillary in 2016 who thought Trump was a racist, sexist homophobe are still going to think that in 2020 (even though no one thought that about him before he ran for president). However, many who thought he was just an incapable buffoon have changed their minds, considering his handling of the economy, unemployment, and world affairs.

Which leads me to this conclusion: It is VERY possible, even probable, that Trump will win the popular vote in 2020.

138,220,547 voted in the 2016 election.
66,361,435 voted for Hillary
63,721,300 voted for Trump
8,137,812 voted for Johnson, Stein, McMullin, Other.

This means there was only a 2,640,135 difference between Hillary and Trump in the popular vote WHICH MEANS -- Trump only needs to flip 1,320,068 votes to win the popular vote. And with 8,137,812 "other" votes plus and the various people who have changed their minds about Trump, it is highly likely that TRUMP WILL WIN THE POPULAR VOTE IN 2020.

So what say you, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? Still want to get rid of the Electoral College? Better impeach him NOW before 2020. It's your only chance.

Aug 27, 2019

New article up.

Aug 26, 2019

Republican Joe Walsh has announced he will primary President Trump. So how does this work, Mr. Walsh. Trump has a 90% approval rating among Republicans. Democrats will still hate you even if they temporarily embrace you for the purpose of creating a little chaos. Even if you did win the primary (fat chance), ninety percent of Republicans wouldn't vote for you in the election, and most/all Dems would still vote for the Dem candidate. So it seems like your only purpose is to get a Democrat elected.

We are sick and tired of Republicans (like Kasich and others) trying to hurt the people that voted them into office, just because they think they are smarter and know better than us. This will not hurt Trump, and it is not going to help you in the long run. It might get you a job at CNN, but how much longer is CNN going to be around?

Sounds like a "Funk 49" situation. If I were you I'd just "Walk Away." You can't handle "Life in the Fast Lane."

P.S. Fox news had this headline: "Tea Party favorite Joe Walsh says he will challenge President Trump for the 2020 Republican presidential nomination."

Tea Party favorite? Maybe a long, long time ago. Not anymore. Try doing some research, Fox.

Aug 23, 2019

It's funny how people view themselves. Rashida Tlaib says Trump is ‘scared’ of her and the ‘Squad’. And was reminded of the following incident:

The other day I saw an article heading with the name "Megan Rapinoe" in it, and I thought "that name sounds familiar." So I clicked on the article and saw her picture and realized it was the loud-mouth soccer player. I laughed at how ironic it was just how quickly these egotists are forgotten.

A few years from no one will even recognize the name of Raw-shi**y Too-Lib. (Unless she hi-jacks an aircraft or straps on a suicide vest. )

P.S. AOC will be remembered because her name will be in the dictionary next to the word "stupid."

P.P.S. Donald Trump will be remembered because his name will be in the history books next to the words "45th President of the United States of America." And for a bunch of other very good reasons.

Aug 23, 2019

To understand why Trump won in 2016 and will again in 2020, you must understand the real reasons Obama won - twice! And you must be honest about both.

A prominent liberal professor is saying Trump is trying to reverse the outcome of the civil war. I guess he is correct if he is referring to the millions of Blacks that became "unemployed" after the war, seeing that Black unemployment is at an all time low.

If I can change the climate, can I keep San Fran from falling into the ocean with the big one?


Aug 22, 2019

If you're going to San-Fran-cisco. Be sure and wear some flowers in your hair...

They went.
They wore.
And look where they are now.

Aug 21, 2019

Is there such thing as "pretty people privilege?" How about "victim privilege?"

NYT says that everything GREAT about this country grew out of slavery. So are they saying slavery is good? and are they advocating bringing it back to make America great again? and what about the good things in other countries? Did they grow out of slavery also? How about Egypt and the Israelites?

Isn't slavery really about forcing others to do things you don't want to do? or maybe things you are too lazy to do, or too stupid to figure out a more efficient way of doing? (While the North was going through the industrial revolution making machines do the work, the South was dragging its feet making slaves to do the work. Libs still doing same thing today.)

Life is about the exchange of energy. Anything that takes more energy to produce than it returns is a losing proposition.

Aug 20, 2019

Yesterday I was at the zoo. I was standing with my 3 year old at a glass viewing area for the bears. One of the bears was lying next to the glass. A woman walked up next to me and said, "I'll bet he is bored out of his gourd."

Now, I'm not one to shoot my mouth off in public (outside of this website), but for some reason her statement just hit me wrong, and I responded. "Why do you think he's bored. I'll bet he is in ecstasy. Loving life and being alive." And then I added, "Bears aren't political."

I'm not sure why I added that last comment about "political." Maybe it was because the woman had a lesbian style haircut and my assumption was she was thinking, "How horrible that these wild animals are being held in captivity." Maybe it was because I had just seen a whole sequence of pictures at the polar bear area, depicting the melting of glacial ice over the years, heralding the dangers of "global climate change," but they had just conveniently left out a current picture that shows the ice overwhelmingly returning.

But she responded, "If you saw the movie The Revenant, you might think otherwise," referring to the 2015 film starring Leonardo DiCaprio. Then she walked away.

As she walked off I responded, "Right, a movie. Fantasy." Because that is pretty much where liberals get their values. From fiction and fantasy and Hollywood make-believe.

As I thought about it a day later, it hit me: This person probably wanted this bear (being protected and taken care from the womb to the tomb) to be FREE to fend for itself (not that I disagree with that) while wanting people to be taken care of by government from the womb to the tomb, rather than being FREE!

I made assumptions about what this woman intended, but there is no question about how liberals would have things if they had their way. And the current crop of Dem candidates have made this clear.

Aug 19, 2019

Liberals aren't afraid of guns. They are afraid of words. Their long term plan is to get rid of words and ideas. Guns is just one more thing in their way.

They are not afraid of people who can throw them off of rooftops. They are afraid of people that can tell them they are wrong. Because they already know they are wrong, and words just reinforce the nagging inside them that won't go away. They are certifiably insane.

Aug 18, 2019

It doesn't take any guts to be a liberal politician. You can spew anything you want and you know conservatives won't throw you out of restaurants, show up on your doorstep, or commit violence against you or your family.

It's conservative moms and dads that are stepping forward to Make America Great Again that have real guts.

Liberals are losing and they know it and they are showing their true colors.

Donald Trump will win in 2020. But that is not the real story. The real story is that thanks to Trump and the people he represents, it may be decades before a liberal is elected to office again, if EVER!

And you media pukes? You have committed suicide by way of your blatant dishonesty. I know you will try and reinvent yourselves. But I really have no idea how you are going to do it. The smart commie strategy is "one step back, two steps forward," but in your desperation, you tried to rush the stage.

R.I.P (Rest In [your own] Puke)

Aug 10, 2019

I'm starting to realize that progressives aren't really progressive at all. They want to go Amish, and retreat in fear from real progress, rather than pursue innovation for real solutions to life's problems.

Aug 9, 2019

New article up.

Twitter allowed the far-Left to send Mitch McConnell death threats, but censored him for calling them out.

State of California is hiding reports during Kamala Harris' time as prosecutor.

The left keeps talking about "white supremacists," but like the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus, I've never met either and I don't know anyone who has. I doubt ANY Americans have. But Dems keep saying they're out there... somewhere.

Libs: the people who brought us drugs, STDs, promiscuity, perversions, broken families, abortions, poverty, mental illness, homelessness, and every other problem they pretend to want to fix. Libs, start acting like decent human beings, and THEN you'll get respect. Until then, I'm sick of your demanding R-E-S-P-E-C-T and doing nothing to earn it.

Aug 8, 2019

The main groups having children in America now are American-born Christians and immigrants (both Christian and Muslim), while liberals (like AOC) are discouraging their side from having children and encouraging abortion.

Maybe this explains why Libs are so pro illegal immigration. But do they realize if Muslims win the race, Libs will be exterminated along with Christians? Guess they think they deserve it.

Aug 7, 2019

Trump (we) has forced Dems to reveal their true colors. Not sure if it is desperation or if they are happy to finally come out of the closet. But either way, I don't think this will be good for the future of the Dem party, and even Dem strategists agree.

Aug 6, 2019

The left has absolutely no desire to help the mentally ill. They only want to use their heinous acts to politicize and further the liberal agenda (and to fundraise).

Ever notice when you strap a 3 year old in their car seat they suddenly calm down. Ever notice when you strap a violent mentally ill person in a straight-jacket, they suddenly calm down. Containment first. Then treatment.

Aug 5, 2019

Resentment motivates today's liberal youth. They are frustrated and angry that they don't know how to make ANYTHING work.

Aug 4, 2019

Dems 2020 -- More Rats, Robberies, Homelessness...

And so the pattern develops -- millennial boys, 20-24, raised on violent video games, violent liberal movie trash, and porn; schooled in identity and gender confusion, and VERY angry why they don't have any answers, cause the only answers liberals offer are: you are whoever you identify as, and every problem you have and the world has is white-people's fault, America's fault, Trumps fault...

... what could possibly go wrong.

Aug 3, 2019

How bout them Dems?

(Sorry. It's all I got to say.)

July 30, 2019

I would love it if every single person in congress, the president, and the supreme court were people of color, as long as they were Republican (not RINOs). But the left would call them racists too, and the left would still hide behind their phony protective "mantle of color."

July 25, 2019

If I yell the sky is blue, and you yell no it's light blue, bluish still wins. But if you keep pounding away that it is red, eventually you produce polarity. At this point, you can just say, "oh, we have a difference in opinion," or you can persuade people to your side.

This is what the media does. And in the case of the media and liberals, the sky is red because Donald Trump says it is blue.

This is the only strategy they have left.

Sure looks like Mueller wasn't involved in the report at all. He was just used as a figurehead -- a willing "Republican" that would legitimize the Dem donor team. But I found myself feeling sorry for him, praying for him that he didn't go home and put a bullet in his head as he heard about the "dossier" and the DNC/Hillary involvement in it. I don't think he had a single thing to do with this report, nor had he ever read it. I could be wrong.

July 24, 2019

Have you ever just thought about all the disgusting things Libs defend and embrace, including drugs, STDs, promiscuity, perversions, broken families, abortions, poverty, mental illness, homelessness, and every other problem they pretend to want to fix. Stuff that destroys people's lives. And then they act so outraged and offended by stuff that doesn't hurt anyone. Just a big hateful manipulative ploy.

Start acting like decent human beings, and THEN you'll get respect. Until then, I'm sick of your demanding R-E-S-P-E-C-T and doing nothing to earn it.

July 23, 2019

Omar, polls show Trump's support among people of color has DOUBLED since 2016. So why would Trump want "to rid America of Brown and Black" people?

Oh, right, he's racist.

Keep steppin in it, "ladies."

July 22, 2019

So going to the moon was "racist?" It was a waste of time and money? and nothing good came from it?

Consider just a few of the things that were developed by the space program:

Adjustable Smoke Detectors
Artificial Limbs
Athletic Shoes (think about that, Nike)
Baby Formula
Camera Phones
CAT Scans
Computer Mouse
Dust Busters
Ear Thermometers
Foil Blankets
Freeze Dried Foods
Home Insulation
Land Mine Removal
Memory Foam
Portable Computers
Scratch-Resistant Lenses
The Jaws of Life
Water Purification Systems
Wireless Headsets

Think of all the things that are yet to be discovered for the good of ALL humankind.


July 19, 2019

There is a mental and emotional clarity that comes with peace that will never be found in hatred.

"Omar introduces Israel boycott resolution and likens Jewish state to Nazi Germany, Soviet Union"

The “Jihad Squad” just can't shut up. Keep stepping in it, "ladies."

Someone who used a fake name to claim asylum (a deportable offence) and married their brother to cheat on their taxes? I would definitely say SEND HER BACK.

I would say to ANY person of ANY color or country of origin - love it or leave it. As a matter of fact I would say that about ANY situation including your job, neighborhood, etc.

July 18, 2019

All four members of the “Jihad Squad” have a history of racist statements.

This is the new HEAD of the Dem party, so OWN IT, Nancy, because there are NO moderates left in your party! They are all racists, and according to them, you are a racist and Joe Biden is a racist.

You are the ones who decided to call a paperclip racist if it helped you move your agenda, so enjoy the monster you created.

July 17, 2019

Is it possible that Trump is indeed playing 3-D chess on immigration by getting to the root of illegal immigration -- which is LIBERALISM!

Why not just cut the problem off at the head!!! Cutting off the flow of illegal immigrants is a great move UNTIL another Democrat is elected. But what if you could destroy the Democrat party first, then permanently stop the flow of illegal immigrants?

Sometimes we can't see the forest for the trees! But as Trump has proven time and time again, there's more than one way to skin a cat, and I think Trump has proven it yet again.

I think Trump's branding of the Dem party as a 4-headed monster (AOC, Tlaib, Omar, Pressley) is brilliant, and I'm sitting here wondering if Trump hasn't dealt a deathblow to the Dem party and Liberalism for years to come. This is profound.

July 16, 2019

FOX Headlines: "Trump broadsides unite warring Dems – but for how long?"

Long enough for THE SQUAD to become the brand of the whole damned party, and to eliminate the idea that there is a moderate wing of the party v. the far-left wing of the party.

It's not a Trump trick. It is a reveal.

P.S. You only hate Trump because he is standing in the way of your destroying what you really hate -- America.

Trump is really good at branding. And he has just successfully branded the entire Dem party with a 4 headed monster. And Dems are not going to be able to unbrand themselves. Nancy is damned if she defends them. Damned if she doesn't.

Maybe Trump IS playing 3-D Chess.

July 15, 2019

I get it. I get it completely. You leave your sh*thole country to come to the land of opportunity, but you don't take advantage of the opportunity afforded you here, but instead, live off of the welfare system. Then you run for congress to change America into the sh*thole you came from. I get it.

No thank you. Go "fix" the country you escaped from... whatever color you are. I don't care about your color. Stop trying to destroy the one country that even has a chance of being an example to the rest of the world as to what works!

Your political ideology does not work. Your religion does it work, nor is it peaceful. These things have been proven time and time again.

In the last 30 days there were 101 Islamic attacks in 22 countries, in which 872 people were killed and 854 injured. HOW MANY DID YOU HEAR ABOUT ON THE NEWS!

July 14, 2019

Trying to argue with someone who is unreasonable or insane is in itself unreasonable or insane.

July 13, 2019


Don't you worry but Donald Trump
Cause he will never run
And if he does then he won't win
the nomination
Are you ready, are you ready for this, the first woman president
Hillary will be the one, for an 8 year stint... whoops

Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone, and another one gone
Another one bites the dust

Comey, Clapper, Brennan too, they're all gonna take him down
But when the dust has settled you don't see those crooks around
Are you happy, are you satisfied?
How long can you stand the heat?
Out the door Paul Ryan rips
To the sound of the media beat

Another one bites the dust...

July 12, 2019

I can't even begin to express how disappointed I am in Ryan and Romney. My very first campaign rallies and campaign contributions were to this 2012 duo. As a businessman, I thought Romney would finish what Ross Perot had started, and that he and Ryan would end the insanity of the Obama era. Was I ever wrong. They are the epitome of the D.C. faux tug-of-war and the "we must protect our phony-baloney jobs" politicians.

I am sickened how Eddie Munster Ryan and Maroni Romney can live in their high and holy "principle" bubble; such a "this is how Washington works" bubble, and not see and/or care about how our country and its people are being affected by THEIR gross neglect and dereliction of duty.

July 10, 2019

I'd rather have someone disagree with the way I live my life, than to be jealous of it. Because when they are jealous they are unhappy. And when they are unhappy, they will most likely try to make me unhappy too.

July 9, 2019

I am saddened to hear of the death of Ross Perot. He was a truly great man. He is the reason I continued to hope against hope for America's comeback. He is the main reason I voted for Mitt Romney in 2012 (what a disappointment), and why I voted for Donald Trump in 2016. Thank you Ross, for starting the fire.

Trump has shown himself the adult in the room by being willing to work with people who have shown themselves unwilling to work with him. The more they "resist" the more obvious this becomes to the American people.

Cry on, lefties.

July 8, 2019

Liberal ideology has never been about equality. It's about feeling superior by treating others cheaply.

July 6, 2019

My mother-in-law frequently leaves our back doors unlocked when visiting. Several times I've gotten up in the morning to find the back doors unlocked. When I reminded her to please remember to lock the doors whenever she comes back in, she said, "Why do you worry? You have a gun." I responded to her, "Yes, but I don't want to use it."

Why is it so difficult for people to understand self-defense, the 2nd amendment, and borders?

Actually, it isn't hard for liberals to understand. It is part of their agenda to pretend not to understand. But it is possible that they've been lying to themselves for so long that they believe their own lies.

July 5, 2019

The faux tug-of-war has been going on in D.C. for years. They get rich while pretending to fight for their constituents. Same on both sides of the aisle. Trump is draining the swamp, flushing out the creatures. Not hard to see which side hates America and wants to tear it down, and which side wants to build on what we have.

July 4, 2019

Happy 243rd (3^5: 3 X 3 X 3 X 3 X 3) Birthday, to WE THE PEOPLE OF THESE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!

America, America, God shed His grace on thee...

July 3, 2019

Dem Rep. Torres: "I hope international courts will file humanitarian crimes over border conditions."

Against who? Obama?

July 1, 2019

Joe. Obama is half-black. Kamala is half-black. Who do you think he will endorse. Obama is a racist. Welcome to the Dem-eat-Dem party.

It seems to me that most Dems are doing pretty well in this economy. Their pretence is championing the have-nots. But I'm not buying that these creatures really exist without importing them from other countries.

If Dems are victims, it is self-inflicted. Freedom allows you to do that. But if we lose that freedom, Dems will get to see just how much pain and suffering government can inflict. And there won't be any way out. Cause who ya gonna call? The government?

Ladies and Gentlemen. Comedy is making a comeback! Goodbye to hate, Colbert, and Kimmel. Welcome back, an honest evaluation of the absurd -- liberal idiocy.

June 30, 2019

Democrats are going to need more than their base to win the presidency, and at this point, they do not have it. And from what we saw at the Democrat debates the other night, they aren't interested in anyone BUT their base. Looks like Trump 2020.

Pelosi wanted it to look like she was forced to accept the border funding bill. But the media optics of those kids on the border were too bad for her to pander to the AOC crowd by NOT passing the bill. Truth is, she took AOC aside in that meeting and said, "You listen to me you useless little sh*t, you aren't taking this party down with your adolescent, idiotic ego. You are gonna get onboard and vote the way I tell you to, or I'll see to it that you never get elected to any office ever again."

I'll bet ya $50.

Can you imagine going to the hospital mildly ill, and then getting sicker. And the more sick you became, the better the doctors told you that you were doing?

Welcome to the New Improved Democrat Party.

I want the best for my children and don't want government in my way preventing me from doing my best for them. If you really do consider yourself a victim, and if you don't want your children to go to the same things you've gone through, then why in the hell would you enlist government for its "help?"

June 29, 2019

If Trump goes to CA and says he'll fix the homelessness problem there, he could win back CA, because CA Dems own this problem, and the Dem candidates are refusing to talk about it or even offer solutions.

John Voight is the winner of one Academy Award, having been nominated for four. He has also won four Golden Globe Awards and has so far been nominated for eleven.

And the award for STUPID goes to... Alyssa Milano!!!

Climate change makes the perfect complement to other Dems complaints, because it requires a perpetual situation for government to fix that government never CAN fix.

June 28, 2019

Kamala Harris' had a supposedly unscripted comment in last night's debate: "America does not want a food fight, they want to know how we put food on their table."

Are you kidding, Kamala? Dems are the party of "don't know how." Don't know how to put food on their table or how to do anything else. (How in the hell can you NOT know how to put food on your table in this economy?)

Sorry Kam, but those of us who DO "know how" tuned in last night for the food fight.

So you were that little girl, Kamala? Your dad was a Stanford University economics professor. Your mom a cancer scientist. I doubt you were that little girl. You were a "win at any cost" prosecutor. Some "civil rights" champ.


So if you are experiencing so much income inequality, why don't you just become a Republican? We don't seem to have that problem.

What? You'd rather be a victim than a "dirty" Republican?

Ok. Enjoy your victimhood.

What? You're not poor? You are just a champion for the great unwashed masses?

Ok champ, but could you at least be caring enough to let them know they can be successful Republicans instead of victims if they want?

Hum. Now that I think about it, you'd better not. You would be ostracized from the Dem party, and you wouldn't want that, would you.


You want help to Dems. You try and warn them.

They don't listen.

They die.

You mourn.

You move on.




Pure Democrat.

Wow! 25% of America's homeless are in California.

People who come to this country legally don't die crossing the border.

Dear Democrats,
Please stop hindering enforcement of the immigration laws that YOU passed during your 31 year control of congress.
Most Sincerely,
Those who respect the rule of law.

June 27, 2019

Dems' message and vision for America last night was clear: "We hate Trump as much or more than you, and we like free stuff too." Tonight will be just as boring.

I didn't see Mitt Romney on stage last night? Oh well. Maybe he's with tonight's group.

June 25, 2019

Big Dem circular firing squad... 'er, debates start tomorrow night. Besides being willing to destroy each other, Libs have nothing to offer WE THE PEOPLE but to give away money... other people's money. Bernie offering student loan forgiveness and free college. Warren offering LGBTQ reparations.

Their message is clear and strong: "I am further left and hate Donald Trump more than my opponents."

Dear I-a-told-ya,
It's simple. Dump your nuke program. Let the inspectors verify and continue to verify. Get your life back.
Play "nice" with the other kids.

Dear Great Satan Trump,
What do you mean? We don't have any nuke program, and no you cannot inspect to verify that. Send more cash so we can continue to build... 'er, not have any nukes.
Death to USA and Israel.

June 24, 2019

The leaders of Iran don't care about their people, and the people in Iran are never gonna overthrow their virtual theocracy for Democracy. Killing people in Iran is never going to solve the problem there.

Best chance? Sanction the crap out of them. Break down their military/technological defenses. Destroy their ability to make nukes.

Those of us who voted for Trump don't want any more endless wars. And those who didn't vote for Trump (most of which hated Bush) don't want any more endless wars either... 'er, suddenly they DO want endless wars. Hate (Trump) makes Dems irrational.

As Trump said: The "request for Iran is very simple - No Nuclear Weapons and No Further Sponsoring of Terror!"

Two things. Just two things. Simple, Iran. Just do those two things and you can live without sanctions, and live at peace with the world.

June 23, 2019

"Stolen waters are sweet..." is the basis of liberalism. The "taboo" and bizarre.

Why, if it wasn't for religion, liberals wouldn't have any "fun" at all.

Just think: If idiots like AOC and Ilhan Omar ever succeed in their white genocide, they'll go after each other because they are a slightly different color of brown from each other. Hum? Light brown privilege? It can only happen when someone is "judged by the color of their skin rather than by the content of their character."

Reinstitute the military draft, and watch how quick the Dems will become pacifists and conscientious objectors again.

Because Liberals have no real hate to accuse you of, then you must be guilty of micro-hate.

June 22, 2019

So explain this one to me. We have know about Joe Biden's son's dealings in Ukraine for several years, but now the media is just now getting around to covering it? (And only because it fits their agenda to take him out or to cover for him and get the stuff out of the way before the election.)

We have know about Joe Biden's "racist" comments for years, but now the media is just now getting around to covering it? (Again, only because it fits their agenda.)

So when will you get around to covering the stuff we've know about for several years about how a phony dossier (paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton) was used to obtain a FISA warrant? When it fits your agenda?

Yeah, and monkeys might fly out of my butt.

June 21, 2019

As I look around me here at the airport I think: Most people don't want to blow others up; don't want to hurt or kill others. So where do this evil come from. And you have to be honest when you ask that questions. Mental illness? Yes. But religion? Do Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, and Buddhists want to kill others?

I realize the Left doesn't want anyone to make this simple observation and connection, that is: Most of this hate comes from one source; one religion. And the religion of liberalism is quickly coming in a close second.

The question is not, "Why do they hate us?" But, "Why do they hate?"

In the last 30 days there were 111 Islamic attacks in 27 countries, in which 680 people were killed and 618 injured. How many did you hear about on the news?

June 20, 2019

Love that Dems are spending all their money (most of it from BIG donors), time, and energy fighting each other in the primaries. Meanwhile, Trump has a HUUGGGHHH war chest, and it's getting bigger every day. And over 90% from small donors (i.e. VOTERS!). This election is not going to go well for you Dems.

Media makes a big deal out of Buttgig raising $6 million in one day, but not a mention of Trump raising $24.8 million in one day.

Dems to Trump: "We know you didn't steal the horse, but you obstructed us trying to hang you for it."

Trump says hypothetically he'd listen to dirt from foreign source. Dems want to indict him for it.

Hillary PAID for dirt from a foreign source (including Russians). Dems say, that's different. It was PAID for. (Hum, I thought Dems liked free stuff)

NYT offers $10k for dirt on Trump during 2016 election. Dems say, That's freedom of the press.

While working for Hillary during the 2008 primaries, John Podesta was the one who leaked the pic of Obama in Muslim garb. He also leaked story about Obama being born in Kenya. Dems say, that OK, Dems are a family, and families squabble.

June 19, 2019

I may be crazy for saying this, but I think Trump can do the impossible -- WIN CALIFORNIA. The reason is, when CA had a statewide initiative vote on giving healthcare to illegals, California voted NO. A federal judge struck down the vote. When California had a statewide vote on gay marriage, California voted NO. Again, a federal judge struck it down. I think a LOT OF Californians have just given up and don't even bother voting anymore (except for lib-nuts). If anybody could do it, Trump could. Man, would that ever put a hole in the Dem boat.

The "by any means necessary" m.o. of the left should scare EVERYONE. And if Dems lose in 2020 (which they probably will), there is no telling what to expect. But I don't think they'll be satisfied with a Russian/China collusion hoax this time.

June 18, 2019

Interesting how every time something catastrophic happens in a Democrat stronghold (i.e. California, Detroit, FLINT!!!) Dems blame Republicans. But if you want shit to happen in your city/state/country, just let Dems run it.

Saw on PBS last night, people in Flint carrying signs, "Flint is still broken."

Yep. Dems broke it. Dems will keep it broken.

Joke-a-haunt-us says, "If it wasn't for roads you wouldn't have any factories." Got news for you. If it wasn't for those factories, you wouldn't have the money to build those road -- or a reason to build them.

June 17, 2019

Joke-a-haunt-us Warren is supposedly "rising in the polls." No wonder. Joe Biden looks like he's headed for the old-folks home.

Now all the angry libs
Just leave us alone
And they all live together
In a half-way home
Thanks to
Sleepy Joe, sleep, Sleepy Joe
Sleepy Joe, sleep, Sleepy Joe
Sleepy Joe, sleep, Sleepy Joe
Sleepy Joe, sleep, Sleepy Joe

Well AOC & Sleepy Joe got married
Got their Abortion on Demand and they're doing' just fine
Down in Green New Deal Land

June 16, 2019

Interesting how when Hillary ran in 2016 only a handful of democrats primaried, and all but Bernie was gone very early on. Now with Hillary gone everyone and their uncle is running. Who's afraid of the big bad wolf... er, Hillary. I wonder if she is still involved somehow, putting together dossier on those to be eliminated? Apparently the 24 candidates don't think so.

June 15, 2019

The media has their finger on what they WISH were happening out there, not what is really happening.

My first responsibility is to protect my children, my family, and my country from nut cases, before I try to help those nut cases. Democrats do just the opposite. (Not that they really care about others, but rather use them as political pawns.)

My wife and I are doing our part for climate change: Heating and air conditioning. Hope there aren't too many Dems in that business, because they'd f' that up too.

June 14, 2019

The media and others don't understand why Trump was elected. But then, they didn't understand why Obama was elected, either. We voted for an African-American president (on that merit alone) thinking it would prove we weren't racists and that it would help to fix race relations. Race relations got worse. We got accused of even more racism.

This may be a factor in why Hillary lost. We'd learned our lesson with Barack -- that voting for a woman just because she is a woman won't change a thing. This is exactly why Peter Buttgig won't be elected. We've seen for years that the more "progress" the left makes, the more they complain no progress has been made, and the more names and labels they put on their political enemies. It's standard operating procedure.

All the left has to do to discriminate against someone is to say that THEY are discriminatory. So the left has set the example. They are saying that the only thing that works is discrimination. Hum? So maybe we need to do the same?

June 12, 2019

Every time Democrats and their media try to accuse Trump of something, or set him up for something, they are exposing more and more of the methods they have been using for years, and more and more of the things they have been doing for years.

In short: They are making themselves more and more vulnerable.

June 11, 2019

Democrats look at "being on top" as being on top of other people. Conservatives look at "being on top" as being on top of ones circumstances

Democrat leaders have always been Masters and Owners.

June 10, 2019

Blessed is the biggest trigger word for liberals. But it doesn't seem to bother them when Muslims use it. Go figure.

Ever notice how most hospitals are Catholic? Jewish? Methodist? But no Islamic Hospitals. Hum? And though many in Islam try to negate this fact by discussing Islam's history in medicine and the number of Muslim Doctors, this skirts the hospital question. Fact is, they don't build hospitals that benefit those outside their group like the afore mentioned groups. This is not Islamophobia (what a phony word), just an interesting fact.

Speaking of interesting facts: In the last 30 days there were 119 Islamic attacks in 25 countries, in which 622 people were killed and 540 injured. How many did you hear about on the main stream media? or any media for that matter?

June 7, 2019

If you don't find a way of keeping people from invading your personal space, eventually you will have problems that you can't solve, and you won't be able to help them solve their problems either. Think immigration.

Selfish Libs hate it when you invade their space, but have no problems invading yours, or even trying to eliminate yours.

June 6, 2019

Global warming is a distraction from real environmental issues.

Dems should be responsible for cleaning up the environment... like they did for Detroit and San Francisco and...

Hum? Maybe not such a good idea.

June 5, 2019

Hillary Clinton will not run again because she will lose again and that would undermine the Dems' Russian Collusion narrative.

Michelle Obama won't run unless she is absolutely sure she can win or that it will be close enough for her to cry foul.

Trump WILL win, so Dems will most likely pick a flawed candidate, or maybe even torpedo their own candidate at the last minute so they can explain away the inevitable loss to Trump and continue the Russian Collusion narrative.

Who knows? Maybe the deep state is already putting together Russian Collusion 2.0 for the 2020 election. I'm sure the Mueller/Weissmann team is holding back lots of "dirt" to be leaked in 2020. Probably what their "investigation" was about all along.

June 2, 2019

If AG Barr finds evidence that Obama was involved in the spying on the Trump campaign, but not enough evidence to indict, do you think he'll hold a press conference like Mueller and say that? Or like Comey said about Hillary -- she did it, but there was no intent?

Not a chance! If he has the evidence to indict, he'll indict. If he doesn't, he won't sully reputations for political purposes.

See the difference in JUSTICE and POLITICS?

May 16, 2019

Georgia Heartbeat Bill: Ahhhhhh. Poor whittle wiberals will have to THINK about their actions BEFORE they take them... like the rest of us.

As I've stated in my articles, I'm against the "not under any circumstance/always under every circumstance" mentality. But this pushback in Georgia will get the ball rolling to get this issue in people's faces, and get it back to the states where it belongs. And HOPEFULLY bring some sanity back to society.

One thing for sure. Far less people believe in "abortion on demand" than the media wants you to believe. FAR less. Especially among young women!

May 15, 2019

Alyssa Milano calls for "sex strike" to oppose Georgia heartbeat bill.

Less liberal sex = less Liberals = less abortions = less $ for Planned anti-Parenthood.

Works for me.

Meanwhile, conservatives will be gettin' busy. Works for me too.

May 13, 2019

President Trump is not a warmonger. He pretty much thinks that we can NEGOTIATE anything. But not based on giveaways, and not on empty talk, but on fair trade.

I'm surprised (though I shouldn't be) just how war-like Liberals are. They are either willing to give the farm away, or start and maintain wars (both domestic and foreign) just to get and keep power. Very contrary (like all Liberal policies are) to what they claim.

May 12, 2019

There's so much that is unnatural about Liberals that their increasing insanity is no surprise.

It is not natural/normal to care so much about what other people think of you. Yes, it is natural to want to be loved and appreciated. But liberals, especially millennials, do not want to be evaluated. They're far too insecure to handle criticism. This is why they are so quick to defend things that are unnatural.

Hollywood Liberals like "Ragging Bullshit" Robert De Niro seem to be confident and not care about what people think of them. But the only reason is, is that they've already amassed their "approving/bolstering" audience. This is why they come off as confident. But inwardly they are very insecure and they manifest hate towards anyone who disagrees with them.

Oh yeah, and Liberals especially hate the word "unnatural"... except when referring to food.

May 10, 2019

All those involved in the Russian Hoax are starting to cover their asses! Fun watching them scatter, trying to re-write their stories as they see the truth being revealed.

Can't wait till the documents are declassified.

P.S. Ukrainian Embassy confirms DNC contractor solicited Trump dirt in 2016!!!

May 7, 2019

Liberal victimhood is just a cover for aggression and thievery.

May 6, 2019

These so-called MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE tech-lords are VERY dangerous because they know "things" about people via collection technology. And they WILL use these things and ARE using these things against their political enemies. Big brother is watching, and his name is Google, Facebook, etc.

We don't need government to "pull the plug." WE need to pull it. NOW!

May 5, 2019

I remember during the 2016 election when Trump was out doing 3 rallies a day, and Hillary was doing one rally a month, and could barely stand up or get a word out without coughing, and the media kept saying that this wasn't important. :-))))

I think this is going to be a factor in 2020. Bernie looks like he is going to have a stroke any minute. I think Biden will drop out if he thinks he'll have to work that hard. Of course, the media will keep on saying this doesn't matter. But I think most Americans think differently about this.

May 3, 2019

It's so nice to have a non-ideological, smart, common sense, productive president, who knows how to get things done that will benefit ALL Americans.

I think President Trump thought that once he started to wave his "magic wand" (as Obama put it) even Democrats would get onboard knowing that what he was doing was good for ALL Americans. But Dem/Rino leaders haven't, because if they do they'll lose their phony baloney jobs, and if they lose their phony baloney jobs, they won't know how to make a living in the real world.

But Trump is succeeding in spite of the crap. Those who perpetuated the Russian Hoax will most likely be brought to justice, and without the hoax hanging over his head, my bet is that Trump's administration will be good for world relations as well.

May 2, 2019

The desperation we see in the Dem party and Washington D.C. establishment is no longer about "get Trump." It's about keeping their own asses out of jail. It's about the survival of their ilk.

Apr 28, 2019

People in our workplaces and factories know experientially how the economy is doing. They feel it every day at their jobs. Busier. Increased work load. Busting their asses(ts) to keep up. Getting more overtime. Bringing home more money.

When you have an economy that has more jobs than workers, it creates the demand for workers, thereby raising wages, benefits, and training. Wanna kill that? Flood the market with cheap labor (i.e. illegal immigrants). This is what the wealthy donors on both sides of the aisle want.

Apr 27, 2019

"Protester Glues Breasts to Ground Outside Goldman Sachs."

I seriously hope this person gets psychiatric help. I'm dead serious. Poor girl.

A whole bunch of liberals need psychiatric help! and no, I'm not being factious. And, yes, I really do care. This is SAD!

Apr 26, 2019

One of the biggest obstacles to problem solving is the misassessment of problems. Democrats leaders do this deliberately, to make it look like they "care" about solving problems, while in fact, perpetuating them in order to protect their phony-baloney jobs. Rank-in-file Dems do it for different reasons, the most popular being 1) Millennial guilt, and 2) to milk the system. And the causes behind those 2 reasons are many, but detectable and classifiable.

Apr 22, 2019

We have a legal system. We have laws. The Trump-hating Mueller team realized there was no legal way they could go after the president, because he did nothing illegal. So their Trump-hating team packed their report full of "look how horrible this president is" to set the stage for the other Trump haters (Media, Dems, and RINOs) to try to impeach the president. (Numerous people in the legal field and conservative media predicted 2 years ago that this was EXACTLY how this was going to be played.)

Ok, Trump haters. Go for it. Clinton's numbers went up after they tried to impeach him.

But seriously? Tear our country up more to promote your agenda? If I didn't know better, I'd say you are colluding with the Russians... and the Chinese.

We get it. You don't like Trump, and that you are willing to run the risk of destroying our country, even yourselves, if there is even a chance you can get rid of him. We understand. You don't know any other way. It's your nature.

Apr 21, 2019

When we are children, we learn we can do more and more complex tasks. We start with a simple puzzle, and when we are no longer challenged by that one, we move on to a more difficult one.

When someone is no longer interested in learning, they tend to become fixated with single tasks that they have accomplished in the past (i.e. the comfort of putting the same puzzle together over and over).

In the case of the media, I'm amazed at the things they could easily put together, but willingly ignore, while they set about on the singular task of proving something that didn't happen. Devoid of curiosity and a desire to learn, and motivated by ideological (egotistical) hatred, they are fixated on a single task they've always been able to accomplish in the past -- taking out a political opponent.

If you are still watching the travesty called CNN, MSNBC, PBS, and even ABC/NBC/CBS, you are as singularly motivated as they are, or you are just tuning in occasionally to see if any real curiosity has developed.

Apr 20, 2019

In spite of the fact that Dems aren't going to let go of their Russian Hoax, the most exciting thing about the Mueller Report finally being released is that we can now bring to justice those that were the source and purveyors of this hoax.

Jerry Nadler: God didn't make you stupid. YOU DID. And from the sound of it, you are still a work in progress.

Apr 19, 2019

The Mueller report. So many words. So much underlying folly.

The Millennial crowd not wanting to have children has nothing to do with caring. It has to do with them being scared-poopless, gutless wonders. You want a real "global" challenge? Get married. Have children. Support your family. You couldn't ask for a better economy to do it in (thanks to that guy you hate).

Apr 18, 2019

They don't care if "Mueller found no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion." They just want something... ANYTHING!... to get Trump!

“As partisan Democrats and the liberal media hyperventilate over Attorney General William Barr’s release of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report Thursday, they’re willfully ignoring the fact that they already know what the report concludes: Two years and $35 million was spent investigating a lie,” David Bossie writes in Fox News.

Not exactly, David. Two years and $35 million was spent covering-up Hillary's+DNC's+Establishment's failed insurance policy/coup, while hoping to find something... ANYTHING!... to get Trump!

Apr 17, 2019

Rush gold:

The media's demand? Keep your head in the sand.

Now is not the time for politics... unless conservatives can be blamed for it.

Apr 15, 2019

Trump's reelection campaign raised $30 million in the first quarter of 2019. (The RNC raised an additional $46 Million) Ninety-nine percent of Trump's donations were $200 or less, with an average donation of $34.26.

Those small dollar amounts are the ones to watch because they are not about big donors, but voters -- ones who not only put their money where their mouth is (or isn't), but whose feet actually take them to the polls at election time.

Apr 13, 2019

Why would Democrats want to help those "in need" since those people will be of no value to them if they were helped and whole.

Apr 12, 2019

The media has gone from "no crisis" on the border, to "breaking point." Of course, they only do this because they can't ignore/lie anymore. So they shift the narrative to "Trump can't stop it. Trump isn't keeping his promises to his supporters."

They say whatever they think will hurt him the most. Resist!

Apr 7, 2019

When I hear people like AOC talk, I wonder, "Was I that stupid when I was her age?" And as I think back on it, I realize, "Yes, I was!" (Only maybe at a slightly younger age.) But I didn't think I was. And she doesn't think she is.

The voting age, presidential age, congress age, all should be raise to accommodate the lack of maturity in today's youth. My dad was working in the fields by the time he was 12. My parent's generation was helping raise their siblings by a very early age. When you compare their generation with the current generation, even my generation, the differences are striking.

The lack of common sense and knowledge of this current generation is only exceeded by its lack of wisdom.

Apr 6, 2019

Liberalism doesn't subsidize people who are failing, but rather, it subsidizes failure itself.

There is something so incredibly unloving about this mentality. The loving thing to do is to confront what is wrong; to try and help people when what they are doing is not working or workable.

Maybe this mentality is why so many millennial parents are so desperate for their children to like them, instead of being genuine nurturers.

I don't know if this is accurate, but someone once described HIV as a virus that goes to the immune centers of the body and tells them to shut down; tells the body to stop defending itself. But it doesn't stop there, but it forms new recruits that will in turn go to other immune centers of the body, and replicate the same process. Pretty much describes liberalism.

I can think of only one thing more horrific than having someone invade my home, and that would be for me not to have the necessary tools to defend my family if that situation were to ever occur.

Apr 5, 2019

I don't believe Hillary Clinton is a leftists. Her father was a Republican. I believe she is a kleptocrat; a crook who figured out how to capitalize on government by gaming the system and pandering to the left.

I'm starting to wonder if this is not the case with a great many Democrats. Perhaps the whole Democrat apparatus. The whole criminal machine has become one of covetousness, greed, and easy money. Those who are truly ideological seem to be either those filled with destructive, lustful insanity, OR spoiled brats filled with white "privilege" guilt. Please send these kids to a socialist/communist country so they can become truly educated to the "wonders" of what they are wishing for.

For the most part Trump's agenda is non-political, and political people (on the left AND on the right) hate that. But facades are crumbling. Hearts are being revealed.

I've said many very critical things about politicians and media people on this site. I don't regret saying them. But some of those I've criticized have changed. And I have a great deal of respect for humility.

Apr 2, 2019

One of the greatest blessings about being in a family -- mom, dad, children -- is learning how to get along with others; how to be considerate of others. Not only does the AOC generation think it's not a good idea to have children, but they want government to force everyone to get along by imposing their ideological standards on all. It's called socialism/communism. It's also called religion, and it is what government has become to these snowflakes.

"Now where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty."

Apr 1, 2019

Buy a shotgun, Mrs. Biden.

Mar 31, 2019

Seventy-five percent of New Yorkers back an abortion ban after 20 weeks. Just think of how high that percentage has to be in the rest of the country.

Mar 30, 2019

Dems kept talking about what an honorable, respectable, above reproach, man Mueller and his angry Democrat team were; and that we'd know for sure once he/they completed their investigation. Now it's completed and Dems don't want to accept the results of the investigation anymore than they wanted to accept the results of the 2016 election. If they'd stop watching fake news and listening to fake news elections polls, maybe they wouldn't be so misled and surprised all the time.

Mar 29, 2019

Liberalism is a disease rooted in self-loathing. Deep within, they recognize themselves as un-whole. One attempt to alleviate this self-loathing is by "caring" about others; the victims, the downtrodden -- classes they themselves have created. And this "care" not only seems to cure their self loathing, but it also gives them a sense of moral superiority. But in all their so-called caring, all they manage to do is to make things worse for themselves and others.

P.S. Political correctness isn't about caring. It is about "gotcha." (i.e. I'm morally superior. You are deplorable.)

Mar 28, 2019

Proverbs 28:1: "The wicked flee when no man pursueth..."

... because they believe fake news...

... most of it paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC.

Now that the Russia thing is over, will we get back to normal, with Dems thinking we are prudes, and us thinking the Dems are perverts?

But then again, that thinking cost you Dems the 2016 presidency. But you were just thinking what the media told you to think, right? No doubt, the same with the Russian collusion hoax. Are you tired of believing fake news yet?

Mar 27, 2019

Now that the Russian Hoax is over (for most of us), can we get back to easing the conflicts with Russia, Ukraine, and other countries we have similar interest with... OR we can keep playing this Democrat game of "Let's cause WWIII cause we hate Trump," and drive Russia further into the arms of China. But Russia (with an economy the size of Italy) is far less of a threat to us than China. And we need to recognize that NOW! (More like yesterday!)

The most insightful thing I've heard so far regarding the Russian Hoax is this: "Think of all that President Trump could have accomplished over these last two years without this hoax and media opposition!"

And YES -- the people who perpetrated this hoax, to the very top level, need to be brought to justice to help insure it never happens again. AND those who continue to perpetrate it need to be called out.

Mar 26, 2019

Mueller Time!

Ok Dems. Guess you'll have to find a decent candidate with some decent ideas for 2020. Or not.

Mar 24, 2019

By betting on the youth and what they believe is the future, Democrats are imploding. If they send a moderate like Joe Lieberman into 2020, the radicals won't vote for him (because he is moderate, a Jew, and he thanked Donald Trump). If they send in an AOC type, the moderate, blue-collar Dems won't vote for them. The only hope the Dem party has in its current state is to get as many illegals into our country as possible -- preferably those who want to live off the system and/or those who hate America but come here for the money.

My guess is it's too late for the Democrats to get back their former voting bloc. Blue-collar Dems have already seen what Donald Trump has done for our economy, and African-Americans and Hispanics are experiencing the lowest unemployment rate in history.

If the laws are enforced, and those who have weaponized our government and justice system with their witch-hunts are prosecuted (especially Hillary Clinton), there is little the Dems can do to recover.

Mar 23, 2019

The media has made AOC the Dem party; and AOC will make the Dem party the Whigs. When this happens, will the media go the way of the Whigs as well?

The Mueller Report. Wheeeeew. Doesn't matter what it says. Nothing will change with Dems.

Now, LOCK HER UP! Hell, Lock THEM up!

Mar 22, 2019

From 2001 to March of 2019 there have been 37,043 Islamic attacks in which 239,161 people were killed and 317,556 injured. These numbers are staggering, yet we don't hear about them.

Most of these incidents were terror attacks. A handful were honor killings or Sharia executions. Most of these attacks were against Christians, and other Muslims who didn't toe the radical ideological line.

So who needs to apologize? Let's start with the media, since their silence has shielded these massacres. And I can think of a few others who refuse to speak up.

2001 - there were 176 Islamic attacks in 12 countries, in which 3508 people were killed and 1561 injured.
2002 - there were 667 Islamic attacks in 23 countries, in which 3149 people were killed and 6055 injured.
2003 - there were 870 Islamic attacks in 33 countries, in which 3279 people were killed and 6706 injured.
2004 - there were 1115 Islamic attacks in 37 countries, in which 7109 people were killed and 14558 injured.
2005 - there were 1863 Islamic attacks in 38 countries, in which 7648 people were killed and 12864 injured.
2006 - there were 2778 Islamic attacks in 42 countries, in which 15225 people were killed and 19484 injured.
2007 - there were 3096 Islamic attacks in 45 countries, in which 20495 people were killed and 27317 injured.
2008 - there were 2207 Islamic attacks in 42 countries, in which 10717 people were killed and 17803 injured.
2009 - there were 2131 Islamic attacks in 40 countries, in which 9172 people were killed and 18612 injured.
2010 - there were 2034 Islamic attacks in 48 countries, in which 9258 people were killed and 17462 injured.
2011 - there were 1997 Islamic attacks in 57 countries, in which 9097 people were killed and 16926 injured.
2012 - there were 2484 Islamic attacks in 58 countries, in which 11557 people were killed and 20272 injured.
2013 - there were 2833 Islamic attacks in 48 countries, in which 16797 people were killed and 29596 injured.
2014 - there were 3007 Islamic attacks in 55 countries, in which 32844 people were killed and 27530 injured.
2015 - there were 2890 Islamic attacks in 53 countries, in which 27641 people were killed and 26169 injured.
2016 - there were 2498 Islamic attacks in 59 countries, in which 21413 people were killed and 26730 injured.
2017 - there were 2045 Islamic attacks in 61 countries, in which 16387 people were killed and 14362 injured.
2018 - there were 1976 Islamic attacks in 56 countries, in which 11769 people were killed and 11483 injured.
2019 - there were 376 Islamic attacks in 33 countries, in which 2096 people were killed and 2066 injured.

Specific Incident/Date/Country/City/No. Killed/No. Injured/Description can be found at www.TheReligionOfPeace.com

Mar 16, 2019

To date in 2019, there have been 359 Islamic attacks in 32 countries, in which 2013 people were killed (2019 injured). To date in 2019, there has been 1 attack (by a person the media is tagging as a "white-nationalist") in which 47 people were killed.

So the Left and their Media's tolerance point for Islamic violence seems to be somewhere above 97.66% (as long as they can blame it on Trump), while their tolerance for "white nationalist" violence is somewhere below 2.33%.

The Left is so blinded by their hateful ideology, that they are willing to overlook mass murder by those who are also blinded by hateful ideology, just as long as it helps them promote their agenda.

I'm shooting (maybe I shouldn't use that word) for 0% tolerance for hateful ideology, and 0% tolerance for people killed and injured as a result of it FROM ANY SOURCE! But hey, that's just me.

More is coming out now about the New Zeeland shooter, which will, of course, be ignored by the media. According to the (anti-Trump) shooter's own manifesto, his intention was to spark a U.S. civil war. “Create conflict between the two ideologies within the United States on the ownership of firearms in order to further the social, cultural, political, and racial divide within the United States.”

“This conflict over the 2nd amendment and the attempted removal of firearms rights will eventually result in a civil war that will Balkanize the U.S. along political, cultural, and most importantly racial lines...”

“... the effect it would have on social discourse, the extra media coverage they would provide and the effect it would have on the politics of the United States and thereby the political situation of the world.”

“With enough pressure the left wing within the United States will seek to abolish the second amendment, and the right wing within the U.S. will see this as an attack on their very freedom and liberty. The attempted abolishment of rights by the left will result in a dramatic polarization of the people in the United States and eventually a fracturing of the U.S. along cultural and racial lines.”



(Afterthought. I wonder if a cost analysis has ever been done on which is cheaper: slave labor or illegal immigrant labor. Because current day "slave owners" don't have to pay for food, clothing, and housing for their slaves. Probably comes out pretty close.)

Mar 15, 2019

"Pelosi Backs 16-year-olds Voting: ‘Capture Kids When They’re in High School"

See how low these people are willing to go for power? Things that are absolutely INSANE to get and keep power.

The argument for lowering the voting age from 21 to 18 was, "If you are willing to fight and die for your country, you should be able to vote." I doubt there is a Millennial that would even fight for their country, let alone to die for it. Maybe THAT should be the criteria for voting.

Yeah, that's it. If you want to make America great, you can vote. If you want to destroy America, you can't. Works for me.

Mar 14, 2019

A polite thank you would at least be an acknowledgement that I'm not your servant and you are not my master. But, SOCIALISM is government welfare -- a new form of slavery for both the giver and the receiver -- where no one asks before they take, and no one says thank you when they receive.

Slavery probably could have been ended without a civil war, because public opinion regarding slavery was changing. I think the South realized this, and that's why they tried to secede from the union, in order to keep slavery. Their secession was the real cause of the war. I wonder if California will try and secede to protect their illegal labor sources?

Could the United States have come into being without the American Revolution? Probably not. The tyranny, arrogance, and indifference of King George was only becoming worse. This tyranny was a major factor in the colonists coming to America to begin with. But the tyranny followed them here. Our forefathers acted none too late. If they'd waited any longer...

Mar 13, 2019

Old. White. Male. Hetero. Rich.


Guess this slogan failed the Dem diversity test.

Maybe this one:

White. Male. Hetero. Rich. But young and with the luck of the Irish-Hispanic.

Robert Francis (Beto) O'Rourke. 2020!

I kind of like this one:

Trump v. Grump 2020

New "article" up.

Mar 12, 2019

The "white privilege" label is nothing more than sanitized racial hatred.

Unfortunately, for every job Amazon creates, it probably destroys a hundred small businesses, and centralizes more and more wealth in the pockets of liberal donors.

Liberals don't like Christians because commited Christians refuse to accept the left's destructive/self-destructive crap.

The essence of socialism and liberalism is, Government is my shepherd, caretaker, and deliverer from fear. Oh, how wrong they are.

Fruitfulness and abundance is God's aim. Meeting all your need is the minimum, the starting point, else you have nothing to give. Communism mistakes the minimum for the maximum. It lacks the limitless resources of God, instead looking to the collective for supply.

Mar 11, 2019

Liberal Hollywood actors live their life in a posh fantasy, trying to create problems to artificially live through. They have no idea how real those problems will be if they actually end up succeeding in establishing socialism.

Hollywood spends millions of dollars depicting death and destruction and symptoms, while having no desire whatsoever to treat the causes of the problems they depict.

Mar 10, 2019

Sarah Connor: Yeah, right. How are you supposed to know? F-ing men like you built the hydrogen bomb. Men like you thought it up. You think you're so creative. You don't know what it's like to really create something; to create a life; to feel it growing inside you. All you know how to create is death and destruction...

John Connor : Mom! We need to be a little more constructive here, okay? We still have to stop this from happening, don't we?

Admit it. Sarah does sound a little bit like a wacky nut job. At least, she has temporarily lost focus because of her frustration with the situation. She'll come back around if Trump succeeds. And she'll probably be sorry for the time she wasted. And if Trump doesn't succeed? This country is screwed! And Sarah will still have plenty to complain about, and will probably still be paid pretty good for it.

Mar 8, 2019

The most frightening problem with Millenials and America's future (should they come into power) is that if we are attacked by another country, they will surrender. This is no joke. (Contrast this with how America and Americans helped save the world from Nazi Germany. The greatest generation v. the weakest generation.)

They have no idea the horrors they will unlock for this country and for the world in doing this.

Mar 7, 2019

It does not take a village. It takes two! Male and female. This is the basis for the entire human race and its continuance.

AOC. You are right. Don't have kids. We will have the kids, raise them right, and have a successful country. You'll still get the benefit but you won't be able to ruin our country by running it. Win-win for everyone

At least old school socialists believed everyone should WORK for the good of the collective. AOC thinks people should sit on their ass and let rich people pay for everything, while at the same time, wanting to get rid of rich people. This person needs to be forced to debate.

One of the worst misconceptions that youth have about socialism is that everyone will be friendly in the "new order." Was it that way in the USSR? Ha! People were too miserable and too afraid to talk to each other, because if they said anything negative about the government... kaput!

Speaking of having children... Can we talk about defunding Planned Parenthood? Why should Americans have to pay for something they don't agree with; for services they don't use? We should include PBS in this also, since it is nothing but LBS (Liberal Broadcasting System and Liberal B.S.), and I don't watch it anymore!

Maybe people should be able to indicate on their tax returns just where they want their money to go; what programs they want their money to go to. Just watch how fast the left would crumble if that were to happen.

Just watch how fast the left will crumble if America is made great again.

Mar 6, 2019

From a legal point of view, WE THE PEOPLE have standing in a malicious prosecution case against the DOJ and Mueller. Maybe even a case for treason.

Mar 3, 2019

In Socialism, All Slaves are Equal (under their Government Masters)

Socialism: Everyone gets a C (more like a D), no matter how hard they work.

Capitalism: Everyone CAN get an A if they want, but they probably won't. (Sounds realistic, right?) But me getting an A doesn't mean that you CAN'T get one.

Mar 2, 2019

A question for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Will earth become 1/12th less livable each year for the next 12 years, or will it just happen 12/12ths all at once in 12 years? If you say 1/12th per year, then each year would make the premise more provably false.

Christine Blasey Cohen.

Feb 25, 2019

According to a new Gallup poll, Liberals now only outnumber Conservatives in 6 states, DOWN FROM 9 STATES!!!

No wonder Dems want to do away with the Electoral College.

The number of states where liberals outnumber conservatives has dropped more than 30 percent, with just six now in that category: Massachusetts, Hawaii, Vermont, Washington, New York, and New Hampshire.

In every other state conservatives lead, except for California, where conservatives and liberals split 29 percent to 29 percent. But there used to be more libs than conservatives in California. So perhaps the libs have left California to escape crime and taxes. Will they take their crime and their tax policies with them?

Nationally those who call themselves conservative lead by 9 points.

Feb 24, 2019

Dear Mr. Mueller,

I'm just a little piece of WE THE PEOPLE
I know you and Weismann look at us as sheeple
You couldn't figure out how to bring Trump down
And now that it's "over" we should let it go, and just enjoy the show
Just enjoy the show, Mr. Mueller, HELL NO!

I want my money back, I want my money back
I want my money back, I didn't enjoy the show
WE want our money back, We want our money back
We want our money back, Such a low, low blow.

Feb 23, 2019

Pure Green policies would eventually force us back into an agrarian society. The irony of this is that those who push these policies the most are those who live in (and love) the biggest cities; those that are the worst polluters. (Think NYC. Think LA.)

Feb 22, 2019

Seldom is a liberal "attack" NOT orchestrated. We've seen them in the past. We'll see them in the future. Only in the future, they'll be better planned... more like Mueller's Hoax, and less like Jussie Smollett's hoax.

Oh, speaking of Smollett: Should people like his good buddy Kamala Harris, or Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Corey Booker, (the list goes on and on), hate their half-white privilege? Guess they'll only get 50% reparation.

Truth is, blacks have been neglected by the Democrat Party, who have gone all-in on Hispanics and illegal immigration. But now that black unemployment is at an all time low under Trump, I guess Dems are starting to realize they'll need to do something to hang onto the black vote.

The global warming hoax is all about creating a crisis so austere that it dwarfs every other need and consideration, thereby allowing government/Dems to gain power over everyone and everything for the sake of "saving the planet."

Jobs? Jobs don't matter if the planet is uninhabitable?

Prosperity? What good is prosperity if you are dead?

You name the issue. The "apocalypse" trumps all else.

Dems always have to create crisis' to gain power. And they have no problem lying and creating fake scenarios, because their causes are ALL IMPORTANT. It's their standard operating procedure.

(Sometimes I think that the reason millenials buy-in so easily to the global warming thing is because it gives their boring lives some excitement and meaning. I mean, they were raised on Star Wars. What could be more exciting than being a Jedi in the rebellion to save the universe?)

Feb 21, 2019

Socialists are always trying to give something away that they don't have (or that's not theirs to give). They claim they want peace for the world. But if you don't HAVE peace, you can't GIVE peace. You can't give anything you don't have. And you can't steal peace. It's a gift from the Prince of Peace, should you decide to accept HIM.

Feb 20, 2019

Liz Warren: "I think I'll go grab me a beer (and my token hubby)."

Kamala: "I think I'll go grab me a spliff and listen to some rap (from artists that haven't recorded yet).

Bernie: "I think I'll go grab me a non-male-gender, non-geriatric VP (and a heap of "socialist" cash)."

Biden: "I think I'll go grab me some more a**."

and the beat goes on... and the beat goes on...

Feb 18, 2019

Seven of our last seven presidents have declared national emergencies. List by number of emergencies declared:

Bill Clinton = 17

George W. Bush = 13

Barack Obama = 12

Ronald Reagan = 6

George H. W. Bush = 5

Donald Trump = 4

Jimmy Carter = 2

Nuf' said.

Feb 17, 2019

We have a few little rules around our house:

1) You have to come to the door (not window, break hole in walls, tunnel into our basement, etc.)

2) You must request to be let in AND/OR be invited in.

3) We have to give you permission to come in.

4) We will set the limitations on how long you can stay, what you can do while in our home, and IF you meet the conditions of becoming a permanent member of our household.





Almost all of our current immigration laws were made during Democrats' 31 year control of Congress. It's not Congress' job to enforce the laws they made. Nor does the President need Congress' permission to ENFORCE them.

So stop whining, Congress. Stop whining, Dems. Stop whining, media.

Feb 14, 2019

As I examine our media, political, and social process, I see one thing emerging: SENSATIONALISM. Big slams, like in wrestling. Same in the media. Gotcha. Bam. Defame.

Trump is so aware of this. He fakes participating in it, yet he does it just to keep the kids busy. And busy it keeps them. Just read some of the libby comments on Fox. All about slams, and optics, and "oh boy, we got ya now."

In the mean time, Trump inches along, accomplishing his objectives, acquiring the property. And while everyone is busy watching the show, and trying to out gotcha each other? Supreme Court Justices, Federal Justices, jobs, economy, a WALL, and CHANGED MINDS.

And that's the real thing that makes libbys so mad: THAT FOR TRUMP TO GET ELECTED, SOME OF THEIR "TEAM" HAD TO CHANGE SIDES. (i.e. Trump got the same number of Republican votes as Romney and McCain, who both lost.) And in order for his approval numbers to continue to rise (even in main-stream polls), even MORE from their "side" have to be coming over.

Guess they remembered they are AMERICANS. Guess Trump reminded them.


Feb 10, 2019

In a society seeking socialism, hunger is purported to be the number one reason for it. In a society that IS socialist, hunger is the number one tool used to control its citizens. (The Ukrainian Holodomor is only one of many examples.)

Feb 7, 2019

Americans are beginning to understand that the only time the media tells the truth is when it benefits their agenda. And they wonder why they can't destroy Trump.

Feb 6, 2019

One of the most delightful parts of child raising is when a kid learns how much fun it is being able to do things for themselves.

Think about it, Alexandria.

Feb 4, 2019

When is a football game not a football game?

When liberals touch it. They turn EVERYTHING into a political weapon.

Finally we can enjoy a football game for what it is: A FOOTBALL GAME.

Feb 3, 2019

Why is it no one points out the fact that illegal immigration is taking what you want BY FORCE? It is STEALING. When honest people want something, they pay for it, work for it, trade for it, negotiate for it, OR DO WITHOUT. But the Dem party always has been the party of thieves.

Feb 2, 2019

So WHAT if Russia found Hillary's emails?

Under the "How Stupid Do You Think We Are" category:

Hillary Clinton committed a crime by having a private server. She also committed a crime by deleting 35,000 emails after those emails were requested. The FBI confirmed she had classified documents on that server.

The United States engages International agencies (such as Interpol) to help catch criminals on a regular basis. So what was out of line about President Trump suggesting that Russia help find the evidence of a crime and a criminal?

But then again, Trump said the media would love to get their hands on them. And why wouldn't they? They were/are dying to get their hands on Trump's tax returns or anything else they think could sink him. But when it comes to Dems, I guess the media were/are just suffering from a deplorable lack of curiosity.

I believe Russia has been in the process of trying to form a relationship with the United States for years. I believe Barack Obama destroyed that. And the Russian collusion story/sanctions has probably completely destroyed it. So much for Democrats' wanting World Peace.

Few understand (less will acknowledge) how much the radical gay agenda and radical Barack Obama had to do with shaping the conflict in Ukraine and Crimea. To this day one of the reasons Ukraine is not part of the European Union yet is because of their refusal to include so-called gay "protections" into their constitution. The refusal of the West to recognize the traditional values of Ukrainians, and even Russians, has caused intense conflict. Ukraine doesn't want be absorbed by Western "values," nor does it want to be absorbed by Russia either. Ukraine belongs to Ukraine.

Now that the USA has suspended our participation in the nuke agreement, giving Russia 6 months to come into compliance, Russia is threatening to withdraw. But this is all for show, because maybe we can't drink Russia under the table, but we can certainly spend them under the table. And by the way, where is Russia getting money to build arms. considering it is nearly bankrupt because of its economy?

To repeat something I've said before: Putin may have good approval numbers in his country (though they have fallen drastically recently) but the one thing Russian mothers do not want to see is their sons coming home in body bags. Keep this in mind when thinking about Venezuela.

Robert Mueller may surprise us. Maybe this whole time he's been doing an investigation of Hillary Clinton, James Comey, James Clapper, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, Peter Smirk, and others who have committed KNOWN crimes, and is ready to put them all in prison. If he's the honest man Democrats say he is, this will be the result. But don't hold your breath.

If you go back and forth on whether or not Liberals really believe this Russian Collusion crap, here's my opinion: I believe that the vast majority know that it's BS, but just don't care. This would be consistent with their "values."

But whatever the case, insanity has taken over the ideological. We now live in a country where it's normal to be sick, and sick to be normal.

Feb 1, 2019

Dems cannot afford to be socialists. They have to pay for all these expensive past and upcoming campaigns for the states they are trying to flip.

Right now it seems like they are spending themselves into the ground trying to do this. They are having to spend FAR more money trying to flip them than Republicans have spent keeping states Red, or even getting close to flipping Blue states Red in the last midterm. And I'm getting more and more mail from these Republicans who are coming back and ready to do it again in 2020 and beyond.

If these Republicans (like John James in Michigan) keep it up, and if Trump keeps painting the contrast between who we are as problem solvers and who the Dems are as ideological problem creators, it is only a matter of time before the Dem party does for their party what the Hindenburg did for dirigibles.

Jan 31, 2019


1910 Climate Change Predicted

1970 Warning of Global Cooling and an "Impending Ice Age"

1975 Global Warming Label Employed

2005 Climate Change Label Employed

2006 Al Gore Predicts End of World

2016 Earth Doesn't End per Al Gore's 2006 Prediction

2019 Media Says Cooling IS Warming

2019 Alexandria A-Case-a Chávez Predicts End of World

2031 Earth Doesn't End per Alexandria A-case-a Chávez's 2019 Prediction

2035 Climate Change Label Used Again

2040 Global Cooling Label Employed

2050 Hell Freezes Over. Hillary Becomes President

Jan 30, 2019

There is a vast difference between believing IN God and BELIEVING God. God respects no one's person, not their color, not their statue, gender, or net worth. Believing is the bottom-line condition for receiving. And God is a fountain of resource and favor to those who understand and practice this.

This irks and stirs resentment in those of unbelief something fierce. They want to end this "inequality" and the most powerful, comprehensive tool they know of to try and stop it is government. It's been this way since the beginning of mankind. Understanding this is necessary to understanding globalism and communism and their godless state.

But let's make something clear: If I need my sink fixed, I will hire a good plumber, not a good Christian. That's what Mitt Romney was concerned about when he was running for president and he sought Donald Trump's endorsement, and praised his business acumen and success. But when Trump ran for president, apparently Mitt preferred a nice, incompetent to fix our country (though NO ONE, not even Democrats and Liberals, had a bad word to say about Donald Trump until he ran for president). Shame on you Mitt. We won't forget it unless you recognize this and apologize. No more Mr. Nice guy.

And in terms of what Americans (including a great many Democrats) want fixed...

Democrats and a majority of Republicans are ruling against the will of the majority, and are ruling according to the will of people that are not even citizens -- illegal aliens. The mainstream media's job is to make it look like the majority of Americans ARE in favor of illegal immigration. In fact, the media's job has always been to influence, not to report; to keep up the narrative until Americans resign themselves to the "truth," and till the myth becomes "fact."

The most positive thing happening in our (seemingly) divided country right now is that people are finally seeing this. Lines are being drawn. Tyrannical people and groups are being exposed. Liberals and never-Trumpers could care less about the tactics being employed by these tyrants (i.e. Robert Mueller and Andrew Weisman). But I still believe the majority of Americans DO care. Let's hope they do. For the future of our children.

Jan 26, 2019

New article up.

Jan 24, 2019

"The smallest thing could give you away. A nervous tic, an unconscious look of anxiety, a habit of muttering to yourself. To wear an improper expression on your face was itself a punishable offense. There was even a word for it: facecrime."
-- George Orwell, "1984."

When I was a kid, libs used to quote Orwell. That was back when government was "the man." You know, back when they hated the government.

Jan 24, 2019

It has always been amazing to me that young techies like those at Google can be so Boolean in their approach to tech, and so illogical in their approach to life and living.

The sad thing is, most Millennials don't go into science because of a love of truth, objectivity, and science, but because of their predisposed political motive to "create social justice" and to "save the world."

The result is: NO TRUTH. NO SCIENCE. NO OBJECTIVITY. And a whole lot of hatred for people who don't think like they do.

Jan 23, 2019

Nancy Pelosi feeding federal workers at a soup kitchen while illegals take American jobs? Ain't gonna cut it, Nanc. Trump has already won this battle.

Jan 21, 2019

Today is Martin Luther King day -- another day for Dems to politically posture, judging people by the color of their skin, rather than the content of their character. Of course, it would actually take some character to recognize character.

Jan 19, 2019

If there were such thing as man-created global warming, American innovators would find a way to stop it. But liberals wouldn't want it stopped. They'd drag it out as long as they could, with as much Apocalyptic drama as they could, for political purposes.

Donald Trump is a doer. One of the most useful things he is accomplishing is exposing the media and their Washington system for what it is -- a deliberate bottleneck at best; a roadblock at worst, where politicians fill their pockets with the tolls they collect from the WE THE PEOPLE.

Jan 18, 2019

The left is so obviously self-destructive, that they need something to blame the right for that will outdo it. Wa'la... Apocalyptic climate change.

Jan 17, 2019

The (very) few thoughts I had about politics while laying on a beach in the Florida Keys this past week:

When I think of helping people who can't help themselves, I think of children who will learn to, and old people who can't.

The media just doesn't realize how much pleasure we get in watching them being miserable.

"Rush Limbaugh: a man in a golf shirt running the country from Palm Beach." I LOVE it!

Hey Proctor-Gamble: Can't you wait until your current customers die before you insult them pandering to the next generation of customers? But again, you know we will keep buying your products, while the little snowflakes will boycott and protest if you "offend" them.

The "elite" in America are doing the same thing here as they are doing in England with Brexit. The right tries to stop the destructive/self-destructive behavior of left by voting, and the left just ignores the results of the elections. Get it, Mitt? You may be a nice guy, but I wouldn't hire you to fix my kitchen sink. It's not your forte. Run for nice guy, or teach a class on nice-guy-isim at BYU.

Jan 8, 2019

Donald Trump will win at least as many elector votes in 2020 as he did in 2016. The Dems and never-Trumpers know this. That's why their only hope is the Mueller fishing expedition and impeachment. But the impeachment of Trump will most likely have the same effect as the Kavanaugh charade, or even the Bill Clinton impeachment, which caused Clinton's numbers to go up.

What goes around comes around.

Jan 7, 2019

I haven't been commenting much. What's to comment on? A president who wants to get things done. People like Mitt, Nancy, and Chucky who want to play politics.

My house has walls. If I could afford it, it would have a fence too, because it protects that which is most precious to me -- my family. I also have a security system with cameras, and enough firepower to match anything an intruder might bring with them. I also have a wife whom they have nicknamed "Annie Oakley" at the local shooting range.

Anyone coming into my house must be invited, and trust me, they will be thoroughly vetted before they are.

Sorry if you think this is immoral, Nancy.

Truth is, you, Chucky, and Mitt, and even Obama, are all on (video) record a few years ago saying we had to have a wall. So it is pretty obvious that all this is just about "stop Trump." You are saying, "Don't you people dare send us a president. We will pick your candidates for you. We will pick your presidents for you. We will pick people who will do what WE say. We will protect our phony baloney jobs/system"

Jan 1, 2019

Happy New Year!

2018-12-31 - COMMENTS FROM 2018
What A Year!

2017-12-31 - COMMENTS FROM 2017
The Fake News Cruise.

Pop Goes the Media.

The Media Horse Race.


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